Bruleigh Graveyard


Lebrith Amth of Nantdon

232 AC - 798 AC

He was survived by his committed wife Arwehel and children Ina and Thienil.

Until We Meet Again.

Regildlot Stalkern-Fenkenthuhik of Eveley

240 AC - 798 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Daerar and six children.

In everloving memory.

Hardinasco Ulonhi

229 AC - 797 AC

He was survived by his committed wife Eilien and children Belegornor, Legotan and Finduilasis.

Tears water our growth.

Thrráin Ordstaryn

225 AC - 796 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Eledhwdir and four children.

A free spirit.

Beleglor Kevarn

Symbol of Marlon

625 AC - 795 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Tinueth and four children.

An unfortunate but good elf.

Shrierit Rasuldgil

431 AC - 792 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Amariil and five children.

The acts of this life are the destiny of the next.

Morwnde Stars

Symbol of Caspio

215 AC - 790 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Chookol and four children.

In Loving Memory.

Elebrer Clatheme of Eveley

219 AC - 786 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Inuvir and was survived by his children Eledari and Ingolfir.

In Loving Memory.

Aneldina Kelpo

226 AC - 786 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Wherup and was survived by her daughter Elberdandis.

In beloved and abiding memory.

Thráadur Loceaar

225 AC - 785 AC

She has rejoined her faithful husband Durbur and was survived by her children Jacob, Serindaal and Nerdanril.

A elf of repute.

Eledhwnde Nacnaelir

Symbol of Caspio

212 AC - 784 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Borluin and was survived by her children Finduilasen and Elberen.

She walked in beauty.

Nigond Nasla

Symbol of Caspio

268 AC - 781 AC

He was survived by his wife Morwedal and children Edainth, Mutfan and Arweas.

Loved by all.

Kinorn Hadeosk

202 AC - 780 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Amellva and daughter May.

He lies in the valley he loved.

Rianari Tessineir

379 AC - 780 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Jacob and son Ingwio.

A Champion Always.

Galionan Kevanseun

Symbol of Marlon

203 AC - 779 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Eledhwdir and children Edhweari, Idrildel and Threlorn.

We live to love you more each day.

Eldidis Kelpo

Symbol of Caspio

192 AC - 771 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Belceh and was survived by her four children.

Forever in our hearts.

Pamphna Nacnaelir

189 AC - 763 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Fingofin and was survived by her children Galdlas and Penlodtan.

Truth to your own spirit.

Bellissaira Silverbsar

193 AC - 763 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Fain and was survived by her children Heyelo, Arwenan and Veronica.

Truth to your own spirit.

Edainuviril Nacnaelir

188 AC - 759 AC

She has rejoined her husband Galadhogon and was survived by her children Iriman and Maglorforn.

In everloving memory.

Rianlas Erasor

669 AC - 754 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Beleglor and son Voronan.

Forever in our hearts.

Althock Hadeosk

Symbol of Caspio

196 AC - 752 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Morwennel and five children.

Rest in Peace.

Indi Iliathouth

178 AC - 750 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Borbur and was survived by her children Eledhwin and Gwiodir.

Rest in Peace.

Felagleg Phent

Symbol of Caspio

170 AC - 748 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Elebriniel and children Caranir, Induias and Emeldi.

We live to love you more each day.

Rielien Nelnutar of Eveley

Symbol of Xor

392 AC - 748 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Oron and son Ingloil.

Rest in Peace.

Maglorhir Kevarn

Symbol of Caspio

215 AC - 747 AC

He has rejoined his doting wife Menegna and was survived by his children Indelis, Nimrodelda and Indaladrna.

Always in our thoughts, forever in our hearts.

Galadhoin Ironpush of Nantdon

418 AC - 744 AC

He was survived by his beloved husband Mithrod.

Life is not forever. Love is.

Belceh Kevanseun

174 AC - 741 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Eldidis and four children.

A valiant elf.

Inglor Vikynell

168 AC - 733 AC

He has rejoined his wife Náiarkûn and was survived by his children Amrandiny and Eledhwdir.

A free spirit.

Celebna Shivleaur of Nantdon

168 AC - 730 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Felagleg and children Caranir, Induias and Emeldi.

Rest in Peace.

Orlasth Meirithyarr

148 AC - 724 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Elwingiel and was survived by his son Turgolason.

In Loving Memory.

Primsca Siilren of Eveley

166 AC - 722 AC

She was survived by her husband Thrráin and children Eleghil, Galaas and Nigond.

Until We Meet Again.

Indisas Loceaar

341 AC - 722 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Orfiant and children Dáibur and Rwennel.

Loved by all.

Iminyan Talessprn of Eveley

352 AC - 722 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Amaredhnel and daughter Rindaiel.

Good and faithful servants.

Mulukol Irithvar

165 AC - 722 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Tinuvan.

Truth to your own spirit.

Morwedal Zorvrothith

244 AC - 720 AC

She has rejoined her husband Cotman and was survived by her children Urwenin and Paen.

Cover lightly, gentle earth.

Galadhogon Kevanseun

Symbol of Caspio

157 AC - 720 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Edainuviril and children Iriman and Maglorforn.

A very special elf.

Margarett Maccalos

153 AC - 719 AC

She has rejoined her faithful husband Fain and was survived by her children Thieis, Indeer and Tinuviis.

Good and faithful servants.

Pengolodhas Whimhill

159 AC - 719 AC

He was survived by his wife Vardadir and five children.

In everloving memory.

Menegna Fenmarathel

164 AC - 715 AC

She was survived by her husband Maglorhir and children Indelis, Nimrodelda and Indaladrna.

Until We Meet Again.

Minylmo Whimhill

543 AC - 715 AC

He was survived by his husband Dáibur.

Until We Meet Again.

Náiarkûn Nacnaelir

Symbol of Caspio

142 AC - 712 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Inglor and children Amrandiny and Eledhwdir.

May Caspio guide her spirit.

Killhak Ulonhi

134 AC - 709 AC

He has rejoined his wife Elberil and was survived by his children Morwde, Elwin and Galadri.

A free spirit.

Elberil Nasla

Symbol of Caspio

120 AC - 708 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Killhak and children Morwde, Elwin and Galadri.

Whither thou goest I will go.

Maglorfdor Erlshadbow

501 AC - 706 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Arwehel and daughter Freyey.

He lies in the valley he loved.

Foruith Nacnaelir

127 AC - 705 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Maegdel.

In Loving Memory.

Tavmar Nasla

105 AC - 703 AC

She was survived by her husband Galionan and children Edhweari and Idrildel.

Whither thou goest I will go.

Frerili Giesdak

128 AC - 701 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Glorfindeos and children Amaredhnel and Iminnor.

When you are sorrowful, look again.

Fingofin Whimhill

209 AC - 701 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Pamphna and children Galdlas and Penlodtan.

A Life Measured in Memories.

Dáundin Raclaaer

122 AC - 700 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Audrey and was survived by his daughter Idrianen.

A free spirit.

Fain Shaanten

Symbol of Caspio

127 AC - 698 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Margarett and children Thieis, Indeer and Tinuviis.


Findelmil Irithvar

Symbol of Marlon

132 AC - 695 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Tinuvan and daughter Eilindiil.

Love will tear us apart.

Estellada Amaralur

114 AC - 682 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Rhekol and was survived by her son Daerothnor.

Truth to your own spirit.

Serinin Amaralur

95 AC - 676 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Ectheliotan and was survived by her children Imin, Emelna and Edhelir.

Love will tear us apart.

Inuvir Ildelar

Symbol of Caspio

323 AC - 667 AC

She was survived by her husband Elebrer and four children.

With Caspio.

Tinuvdel Nacnaelir

102 AC - 661 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Roland and was survived by her daughter Dáibur.

In Loving Memory.

Rhekol Shaanten

Symbol of Caspio

92 AC - 656 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Estellada and son Daerothnor.

Your love will light my way.

Khoorit Ordstaryn

89 AC - 656 AC

He has rejoined his wife Nerdanen and was survived by his daughter Morwennel.

A Life Measured in Memories.

Dáibur Ironmine

88 AC - 653 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Pleakol and was survived by her son Penlodlas.

Well played.

Borluin Shothian

75 AC - 653 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Eledhwnde and children Finduilasen and Elberen.

A very special elf.

Bitoggle Amaralur

69 AC - 652 AC

She has rejoined her faithful husband Julurit and was survived by her children Mithrod, Galdorn and Eldamo.

She followed dreams, stars and ships.

Fain Aunglmir

82 AC - 651 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Bellissaira and five children.

For all we know this might only be a dream, we come and go like ripples in a stream.

Nerdanen Williams

89 AC - 650 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Khoorit and daughter Morwennel.

In Loving Memory.

Edrahihil Phent

Symbol of Gaia

286 AC - 649 AC

He was survived by his doting husband Indi.

Once met, never forgotten.

Eilinal Latebrow of Hoddesforth

Symbol of Caspio

594 AC - 649 AC

She has rejoined her committed husband Daerod and was survived by her daughter Denise.

Loved by all.

Della Williams

97 AC - 648 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Sylvester and was survived by her children Daerar, Serindalwen and Idrinden.

Good and faithful servants.

Audrey Sialadus

81 AC - 647 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Dáundin and daughter Idrianen.

Loved by all.

Daerod Shaanten

587 AC - 644 AC

He was survived by his wife Eilinal and daughter Denise.

A free spirit.

Pien Nacnaelir

77 AC - 638 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Nellasin and daughter Volgeet.

A free spirit.

Borbur Kevarn

Symbol of Caspio

63 AC - 636 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Indi and children Eledhwin and Gwiodir.

Gone But Never Forgotten.

Pleakol Ulonhi

57 AC - 636 AC

He was survived by his wife Dáibur and son Penlodlas.

A Champion Always.

Julurit Kevanong

Symbol of Caspio

66 AC - 635 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Bitoggle and children Mithrod, Galdorn and Eldamo.

Your love will light my way.

Wherup Kevanseun

Symbol of Caspio

42 AC - 634 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Aneldina and four children.

Until We Meet Again.

Meyela Sunwearr

66 AC - 633 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Findelmil and daughter Eilindiil.

Rest in Peace.

Tookin Whimhill

Symbol of Caspio

68 AC - 630 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Tinuvan and children Maeglmin and Elebral.

Until We Meet Again.

Narin Nasla

66 AC - 627 AC

She has rejoined her committed husband Driereep and was survived by her daughter Flulun.

Well played.

Elwingiel Sunwearr

43 AC - 626 AC

She was survived by her husband Orlasth and son Turgolason.

Until We Meet Again.

Fangorin Fenmarathel

Symbol of Caspio

60 AC - 624 AC

She was survived by her husband Tookin and children Maeglmin and Elebral.

Our lives are poorer without you.

Leereep Ildrard

54 AC - 624 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Rema and was survived by his children Vardadir and Argonod.

A very special elf.

Durbur Chromestrut of Westhoughworth

253 AC - 621 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Thráadur and children Jacob, Serindaal and Nerdanril.

Rest in Peace.

Rema Kelpo

Symbol of Caspio

50 AC - 616 AC

She was survived by her husband Leereep and children Vardadir and Argonod.

Always loving, always loved.

Ectheliotan Kevanong

Symbol of Caspio

49 AC - 616 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Serinin and children Imin, Emelna and Edhelir.

The acts of this life are the destiny of the next.

Celeel Nimeshothor

Symbol of Caspio

27 AC - 616 AC

She has rejoined her faithful husband Saerondlin and was survived by her children Eilien and Dáiar.


Cotman Rasuldgil

226 AC - 616 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Morwedal and children Urwenin and Paen.

A free spirit.

Tema Ironmine

55 AC - 608 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Rheerit and was survived by her son Minyos.

Rest in Peace.

Fingolasoth Phent

21 AC - 600 AC

He has rejoined his doting wife Chulutee and was survived by his children Tinuvan and Elwiin.

A valiant elf.

Rheerit Eyrienin

27 AC - 588 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Tema and son Minyos.

He lies in the valley he loved.

Sylvester Vikynell

23 AC - 588 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Della and children Daerar, Serindalwen and Idrinden.

In Loving Memory.

Finduilasen Fenmarathel

Symbol of Caspio

279 AC - 573 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Daerothnor and children Ganttor and Ingonhil.

In everloving memory.

Driereep Phent

16 AC - 568 AC

He was survived by his wife Narin and daughter Flulun.

Loved by all.

Angrod Esterde of Nantdon

463 AC - 547 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Finduan and daughter Celeas.

Died doing what he loved.

Emelden Nacnaelir

452 AC - 533 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Ganttor and children Celegny and Thieda.

Until We Meet Again.

Mimolina Tessineir

187 AC - 476 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Pengolodhas and four children.

I told you I was ill.

Serinwen Tessineir of Theyruse

94 BC - 465 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband inur and was survived by her daughter Nimlooth Aerdryhae.

Rest in Peace.

Celebdor Siilra of Nantdon

367 AC - 463 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Inuvir and children Vardaneas and Galiil.

Rest in Peace.

Galaari Fenmarathel of Theyruse

100 BC - 459 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Odorise and was survived by her son Chookol.

Truth to your own spirit.

Urwedir Shgroveaer of Theyruse

119 BC - 442 AC

She has rejoined her husband Gwioniny and was survived by her daughter Amellva.

Lost at Sea.

Gwioniny Erlshadbow of Theyruse

121 BC - 436 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Urwedir and daughter Amellva.

Truth to your own spirit.

Bothock Ildelar

139 AC - 424 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Althock and children Clarice, Indiir and Orodrahher.

She did it the hard way.

Amroir Haeremlas of Theyruse

162 BC - 422 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Batrall.

A free spirit.

Saerondlin Nidan of Theyruse

155 BC - 420 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Celeel and children Eilien and Dáiar.

A true elf is never forgotten.

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