Ningdalhalh Graveyard
Davies Biritzys Ortdor Annis Galathiros
664 AC - 800 AC
He has rejoined his wife Didder Luttdunk Oldshoulder Corkilt and was survived by his four children.
Till death do us part.
Nightstayn Melillda Oldleg Yarkim Fitts
659 AC - 797 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Náori Pithant Paul Asphosa and children Agathorter and Rallyit.
A true gnome is never forgotten.
Derton Myimrincar Rhandarla Chubbhanger Hector
688 AC - 795 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Ravofadeh Bosclly Quilann Corkilt and four children.
Until We Meet Again.
Aluvispayr Johanna Polatuuid Corkilt Green
673 AC - 794 AC
She was survived by her husband Galadrnel Ogglevol Yavanhel and children Akashkyal, Rath and Sturdyeyes.
Loved by all.
Manuel Philips Gunnora the 2nd of Port Rugegate
723 AC - 794 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Mirighnae Kevanong Underhead Haraniri.
Dearly beloved.
Dáni Oggletut Platinumeyes Corkilt Goteb
672 AC - 791 AC
She was survived by her husband Dinthualik Roggloor Prikuun Elberindna Gearthejak.
A valiant gnome.
Hagwessa Tolph Náinili Yitferg Fangráin
653 AC - 789 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Uuduar Kernrall Nehemiah Zorhaul and was survived by her four children.
Dearly loved.
Mcdowell Camelilotula Thardin Estelluby Nemmonisol
714 AC - 788 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Rarisiinn Yastxel Trevor Garner and five children.
Truth to your own spirit.
Caraily Audraow Hugh Liloyainn Tindid
585 AC - 788 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Clalxris Nixon Hobson Primila and was survived by her daughter Chubbgardner Finduilrda Norayst.
Whither thou goest I will go.
Iccear Boffhand Narini Beangardner Dwóni
643 AC - 784 AC
He has rejoined his wife Vevereen Meyer Olmacar Aredhnel Flluin and was survived by his children Korrurt and Eyriendohae.
In everloving memory.
Narorn Rumbody Forgkor Karrpit
695 AC - 784 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Oretunnel Largkilt Savalia Celrunpor Mîbur and daughter Dwhal Qicysmeann Angelsa Karrpit.
Until We Meet Again.
Narnfarg Berylne Garner
664 AC - 783 AC
He has rejoined his wife Serort Orophe Asphosa and was survived by his daughter Rarisiinn Yastxel Trevor Garner.
Until We Meet Again.
Vevereen Meyer Olmacar Aredhnel Flluin Dwóni
660 AC - 783 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Iccear Boffhand Narini Beangardner and six children.
Rest in Peace.
Serort Orophe Asphosa Garner
663 AC - 775 AC
She was survived by her faithful husband Narnfarg Berylne and daughter Rarisiinn Yastxel Trevor Garner.
Until We Meet Again.
Drakuler Early Rootrogers Fitts Killcam Jergturn
694 AC - 774 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Draerern Lornbat Sackworthy Galathiros Jergturn and children Dwaliwin and Anelebril.
Loved beyond the stars.
Deldrajol Bowman Ninttut Blannd Estelluby
651 AC - 774 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Harris Gorham Oldcarter Óiis and was survived by his six children.
A true gnome is never forgotten.
Ironchest Faero Orbrhor Beangardner Forgkor
661 AC - 773 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Derhun Lighthouse Pekkaak Chromebottom and four children.
A valiant gnome.
Nasla Iorzirth Maxwell Soraava Crixekmerian
632 AC - 769 AC
She has rejoined her doting husband Nickelquench Chamberlain Newheaver Óiis and was survived by her son Yarjeritcul Bluntarm Crixekmerian.
In Loving Memory.
Chromeaxe Idrilinir Mangyit Newcomb Chromebottom
631 AC - 769 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Rallugg Lutthak Maendellyove Primila and was survived by his children Derhun and Wiseman.
Till death do us part.
Harris Gorham Oldcarter Óiis Estelluby
659 AC - 768 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Deldrajol Bowman Ninttut Blannd and six children.
In beloved and abiding memory.
Everardus Rieleth Littleanvil Primila Celrunpor
617 AC - 767 AC
He has rejoined his faithful wife Toryvhahyn Findiny Lóbur Roberson and was survived by his children Ryan and Oretunnel.
In Loving Memory.
Felagundlin Rittill Sharphammer Forgkor Krivll
701 AC - 764 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Zofthibrabra Naelgratyr Steeleyes Fangráin Krivll and four children.
Loved by all.
Rallugg Lutthak Maendellyove Primila Chromebottom
628 AC - 763 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Chromeaxe Idrilinir Mangyit Newcomb and children Derhun and Wiseman.
A valiant gnome.
Kinóni Erondalanae Kiltderg Nauglalin Annis
602 AC - 763 AC
She has rejoined her doting husband Cox Roberts Lilturnuuad Underworthy and was survived by her son Volgot Raldor Pimpernna Annis.
Gardfield Steelmark Kinerin Primila Asphosa
605 AC - 762 AC
He has rejoined his faithful wife Conrad Valwow Kinórói Suldual and was survived by his daughter Náori Pithant Paul Asphosa.
Gone But Never Forgotten.
Kunkilt Ravanare Kunnint Oldbairn Berylne
608 AC - 761 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Corkilt Camjerg Legorm Tindid and was survived by his children Idrilna and Wrathibra.
In Loving Memory.
Didder Luttdunk Oldshoulder Corkilt Galathiros
659 AC - 756 AC
She was survived by her faithful husband Davies Biritzys Ortdor Annis and four children.
Loved by all.
Nickelquench Chamberlain Newheaver Óiis Crixekmerian
647 AC - 756 AC
He was survived by his wife Nasla Iorzirth Maxwell Soraava and son Yarjeritcul Bluntarm Crixekmerian.
A valiant gnome.
Twoiffer Didmut Nemmiashcuk Óiis Elberindna
646 AC - 756 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Idrilna Haines Nerdaril Berylne and children Dinthualik and Polatuuid.
Cover lightly, gentle earth.
Celeos Runemasthyr Laretor Nimrodis Aredhnel
608 AC - 756 AC
He has rejoined his doting wife Rudost Brightsoawk Kimbatak Oldbairn and was survived by his son Oakstmir Morrison Pernela.
Whither thou goest I will go.
Nauglráin Corhurk Littlemine Tindid Blannd
617 AC - 756 AC
She has rejoined her husband Geralt Latecarter Nauglalin and was survived by her daughter Oletav Yavanan Puubat Blannd.
Wise, wonderful, devoted.
Uuduar Kernrall Nehemiah Zorhaul Fangráin
646 AC - 754 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Hagwessa Tolph Náinili Yitferg and four children.
A very special gnome.
Griffen Kilun Lorqiroen Tindid Caperun
621 AC - 752 AC
He was survived by his loving husband Anthon Boyd Myrthada Undertook.
A valiant gnome.
Durarvi Fizzort Stoneanvil Hornman Latetongs
708 AC - 748 AC
He was survived by his wife Aredhal Silvarhi Corkilt and daughter Eagercandle Robinson Alauglnd Latetongs.
He lies in the valley he loved.
Toryvhahyn Findiny Lóbur Roberson Celrunpor
626 AC - 747 AC
She was survived by her husband Everardus Rieleth Littleanvil Primila and children Ryan and Oretunnel.
Dearly beloved.
Deborah Smallgardner Marrovar Beangardner Corkilt
632 AC - 746 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Creasmac Indena Meneginia Yarkim and four children.
A radiant life of love and kindness.
Drashrr Eagerdeep Rianas Forgkor Indena
689 AC - 746 AC
She was survived by her husband Polatuuid Vior Rithun Elberindna and children Durskath, Amphiia and Chromehand.
So sad, so fresh, the days that are no more.
Targlanarr Plummer Gwladys Oldbairn Suldual Undertook
578 AC - 744 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Markill Galdoor Idriiel Nauglalin and was survived by her son Anthon Boyd Myrthada Undertook.
In Loving Memory.
Kimban Nimesyl Lilorinn Naugorn Branuc
615 AC - 743 AC
She has rejoined her committed husband Twoiffer Didmut Mablunglin Yitferg and was survived by her daughter Dendriahon Urina Regdunk Branuc Hurkmut.
Dearly loved.
Daardir Gloorpar Medmoarn Zorhaul Littlebeard Dáinuith
633 AC - 741 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Digglepen Cristora Narntill Beangardner and children Digglefoot and Xywophire.
He walked in beauty.
Rudost Brightsoawk Kimbatak Oldbairn Aredhnel
603 AC - 738 AC
She was survived by her husband Celeos Runemasthyr Laretor Nimrodis and son Oakstmir Morrison Pernela.
Dearly loved.
Eagerlamp James Naugorn Yavanhel
593 AC - 737 AC
He has rejoined his faithful wife Hayhair Jessamnca Kleash and was survived by his son Galadrnel Ogglevol Yavanhel.
Strarresar Sadie Indurda Mehern Soraava
588 AC - 736 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Ferritequench Greengirdle Nighwer and was survived by his son Chiiak Mithod Nickelminer.
May Caspio guide his spirit.
Cox Roberts Lilturnuuad Underworthy Annis
616 AC - 734 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Kinóni Erondalanae Kiltderg Nauglalin and son Volgot Raldor Pimpernna Annis.
A valiant gnome.
Mahini Forgenoggin Leadcarter Pearlra Beangardner
611 AC - 732 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Alfrimallia Forgebottom Korlarg Rumiffer and was survived by her son Drialrir Caernd Pandoarl Beangardner.
Rest in Peace.
Abtill Rhogaath Regstup Flluin Hurkmut
687 AC - 731 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Dendriahon Urina Regdunk Branuc Hurkmut and four children.
Peace perfect peace.
Fletcher Ritgeet Jheriynn Nauglalin Yitferg
595 AC - 731 AC
He has rejoined his wife Campuu Dáni Ilskull Lerance and was survived by his son Tunglerm Bronzeanvil Nauglin.
Coppernoggin Haldti Kimstarn Tharili Zorhaul
604 AC - 725 AC
She has rejoined her committed husband Fingor Cortav Jovygil Naugorn and was survived by her daughter Novice Hockdunk Miller Owens Purdy.
A valiant gnome.
Challener Derton Isengrimnto Ortaurow Yarkim
592 AC - 725 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Belnoramm Narurin Nighwer and was survived by her daughter Creasmac Indena Meneginia Yarkim.
Until We Meet Again.
Alfrimallia Forgebottom Korlarg Rumiffer Beangardner
606 AC - 724 AC
He was survived by his wife Mahini Forgenoggin Leadcarter Pearlra and son Drialrir Caernd Pandoarl Beangardner.
Clalxris Nixon Hobson Primila Tindid
584 AC - 721 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Caraily Audraow Hugh Liloyainn and daughter Chubbgardner Finduilrda Norayst.
The memory of the just is blessed.
Geralt Latecarter Nauglalin Blannd
610 AC - 721 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Nauglráin Corhurk Littlemine Tindid and daughter Oletav Yavanan Puubat Blannd.
A true gnome is never forgotten.
Oletav Yavanan Olepit Blannd Flluin
660 AC - 720 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Vevereen Meyer Olmacar Aredhnel Flluin and four children.
Until We Meet Again.
Corkilt Camjerg Legorm Tindid Berylne
613 AC - 719 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Kunkilt Ravanare Kunnint Oldbairn and children Idrilna and Wrathibra.
A valiant gnome.
Campuu Dáni Ilskull Lerance Yitferg
588 AC - 718 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Fletcher Ritgeet Jheriynn Nauglalin and son Tunglerm Bronzeanvil Nauglin.
In beloved and abiding memory.
Hayhair Jessamnca Kleash Yavanhel
594 AC - 713 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Eagerlamp James Naugorn and son Galadrnel Ogglevol Yavanhel.
Rest in Peace.
Markill Galdoor Idriiel Nauglalin Undertook
587 AC - 713 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Targlanarr Plummer Gwladys Oldbairn Suldual and son Anthon Boyd Myrthada Undertook.
A Life Measured in Memories.
Twoiffer Didmut Mablunglin Yitferg Branuc
627 AC - 705 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Kimban Nimesyl Lilorinn Naugorn and daughter Dendriahon Urina Regdunk Branuc Hurkmut.
A gnome of repute.
Conrad Valwow Kinórói Suldual Asphosa
605 AC - 701 AC
She was survived by her husband Gardfield Steelmark Kinerin Primila and daughter Náori Pithant Paul Asphosa.
I told you I was ill.
Fingor Cortav Jovygil Naugorn Zorhaul
596 AC - 694 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Coppernoggin Haldti Kimstarn Tharili and daughter Novice Hockdunk Miller Owens Purdy.
A valiant gnome.
Belnoramm Narurin Nighwer Yarkim
594 AC - 681 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Challener Derton Isengrimnto Ortaurow and daughter Creasmac Indena Meneginia Yarkim.
Till death do us part.
Ferritequench Greengirdle Nighwer Soraava
576 AC - 680 AC
She was survived by her husband Strarresar Sadie Indurda Mehern and son Chiiak Mithod Nickelminer.
Until We Meet Again.