Sev Beritar Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Nellaim of Tinuviir - Veteran Ranger - Adult (493) ♂ Elf
- Daerdhiis - Veteran Ranger - Adult (313) ♂ Elf
- Daeror the First - Junior Butcher - Adult (521) ♂ Elf
Group #2
- Angrodredel of Bel-Nellaod - Forester - Adult (148) ♂ Elf
- Anelel the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (181) ♀ Elf
- Induihel the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (186) ♀ Elf
- Pengoth the Second - Potato Farmer - Adult (259) ♂ Elf
- Amrason the First - Farmer - Adult (323) ♂ Elf
Group #3
- Amrogon the First - Potato Farmer - Adult (531) ♂ Elf
- Orodeg the First - Potato Farmer - Adult (504) ♂ Elf
- Induilwen the First - Junior Butcher - Adult (530) ♀ Elf
- Eledhwedir the First of Duilindor - Farmer - Adult (165) ♀ Elf
- Elrodrgon the First of Bel-Nellaod - Potato Farmer - Adult (175) ♂ Elf
- Legormrim the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (501) ♂ Elf
- Faithful Belerim of Bel-Nellaod - Cleric - Adult (322) ♂ Elf
- Nerdain - Farmer - Adult (221) ♀ Elf
Group #4
- Denetion - Farmer - Adult (133) ♂ Elf
- Emeldil the Second - Farmer - Adult (515) ♀ Elf
- Belein - Butcher's Apprentice - Adolescent (49) ♂ Elf
Group #5
- Haldgon the First of Bel-Nellaod - Dairy Farmer - Adult (525) ♂ Elf
- Maglorfir the First - Dairy Farmer - Adult (263) ♂ Elf
- Deneas the First of Bel-Nellaod - Potato Farmer - Adult (505) ♂ Elf
- Anthor the Second - Vegetable Farmer - Elder (580) ♂ Elf
- Emeldial the First - Potato Farmer - Adult (319) ♀ Elf
- Fingdel the Second - Potato Farmer - Adult (273) ♂ Elf
Group #6
- Findiswen the Second - Potato Farmer - Adult (431) ♀ Elf
- Elegoer the First - Potato Farmer - Adult (171) ♂ Elf
- Amarril the Third - Potato Farmer - Adult (369) ♀ Elf
- Egalmin the First - Vegetable Farmer - Elder (563) ♂ Elf
- Eldamo - Farmer - Adult (199) ♂ Elf
- Tinuval the Second - Potato Farmer - Adult (121) ♀ Elf
- Aredhwel the Second - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (417) ♀ Elf
Group #7
- Galadrieldal the First - Potato Farmer - Adult (298) ♀ Elf
- Pengolodhas - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (393) ♂ Elf
- Finduth the First - Dairy Farmer - Adult (478) ♀ Elf
- Enerdod the Second - Potato Farmer - Adult (461) ♂ Elf
- Eleboir the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (240) ♂ Elf
- Yavawen of Bel-Nellaod - Dairy Farmer - Adult (432) ♀ Elf
- Nimlri the First - Potato Farmer - Adult (435) ♀ Elf
- Indisari the First - Potato Farmer - Adult (287) ♀ Elf
- Faithful Lionon of Nellasal - Cleric - Adult (499) ♂ Elf
Group #8
- Urwendir the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (386) ♀ Elf
- Indudel the First - Farmer - Adult (297) ♀ Elf
- Amarien the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (535) ♀ Elf
- Fingonor the Second - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (394) ♂ Elf
- Ellaguir the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (188) ♂ Elf
- Ardaien the Second - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (504) ♀ Elf
- Halddir the First - Tavern Keeper - Adult (314) ♂ Elf
- Findude - Potato Farmer - Adult (544) ♀ Elf
Group #9
- Deneil - Farmer - Adult (169) ♂ Elf
- Ganthiion the First - Vegetable Farmer - Elder (565) ♂ Elf
- Nimrodedis the Second - Potato Farmer - Adult (153) ♀ Elf
- Finarfion the First - Potato Farmer - Adult (483) ♂ Elf
- Oronth the Second of Bel-Nellaod - Potato Farmer - Adult (548) ♂ Elf
- Mahton the Second - Butcher - Adult (369) ♂ Elf
- Patron Iminyhil - Cleric - Adult (297) ♂ Elf
- Vardainwen the Third - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (22) ♀ Elf
- Nellarod the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (234) ♂ Elf
- Turgoorn the Third - Junior Butcher - Adult (179) ♂ Elf
- Edrair - Potato Farmer - Adult (117) ♂ Elf
- Vardainwen the Second of Bel-Nellaod - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (416) ♀ Elf
- Elrondor - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (175) ♂ Elf
- Ecthranron - Dairy Farmer - Adult (201) ♂ Elf
- Elebnel the Second - Farmer - Adult (222) ♀ Elf
Group #10
- Mithrellaron the First of Bel-Nellaod - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (393) ♂ Elf
- Novice Thilas the Second - Cleric - Adult (164) ♂ Elf
- Yavannis the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (202) ♀ Elf
- Celeari the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (528) ♀ Elf
- Galadris - Dairy Farmer - Adult (201) ♀ Elf
- Inuvieloth the First of Bel-Nellaod - Dairy Farmer - Adult (262) ♀ Elf
- Eldirdel the Second - Potato Farmer - Adult (476) ♀ Elf
- Anduung - Potato Farmer - Elder (560) ♂ Elf
- Nimrodelan - Potato Farmer - Adult (371) ♀ Elf
- Quenon the First - Farmer - Adult (167) ♂ Elf
- Enlorfin the Second - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (520) ♂ Elf
- Minyoth the Second - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (421) ♂ Elf
- Minyrn - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (87) ♂ Elf
- Eresto the Second of Bel-Nellaod - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (389) ♂ Elf
- Turgoorn the Second - Potato Farmer - Adult (401) ♂ Elf
Group #11
- Salgain - Potato Farmer - Adult (426) ♂ Elf
- Edhwewen the First of Bel-Nellaod - Potato Farmer - Adult (307) ♀ Elf
- Tinuval the First - Potato Farmer - Adult (506) ♀ Elf