Kingsteignheath Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Katie Doyle - Veteran Adventurer - Adult (20) ♀ Human
- Jonas Jenkins - Veteran Adventurer - Adult (43) ♂ Human
- Katie Dickson - Hunter - Elder (58) ♀ Human
Group #2
- Thaddaeus Proudnose - Farmer - Adult (38) ♂ Human
- Dorothy Mott of Leatherland - Hunter - Adult (54) ♀ Halfling
- Willard Harmon - Hunter - Adult (25) ♂ Longfoot
- Joshua Proudnose - Hunter - Adult (116) ♂ Half-Elf
Group #3
- Mona Textrix of Leatherland - Farmer - Elder (80) ♀ Halfling
- Bilblly Proudhouse of Fonsstead - Hunter - Adult (72) ♂ Halfling
- Hettie Dickson - Farmer - Adult (21) ♀ Longfoot
- Audrey Harmon - Hunter - Adult (23) ♀ Longfoot
- Voronoth Dickson of Alessplon - Potato Farmer - Adolescent (102) ♂ Elf
Group #4
- Nelson Dodge - Potato Farmer - Adult (28) ♂ Human
- Joyce Dickson-Dodge - Vegetable Farmer - Elder (54) ♀ Human
- Hubert Dickson - Tavern Keeper - Adult (59) ♂ Longfoot
- Olwen Bear - Potato Farmer - Adult (47) ♀ Human
- Merigo Harper of Leatherland - Farmer - Adult (60) ♂ Halfling
- Iordanus Mott - Hunter - Elder (50) ♂ Human
- Nigellus Peterson - Farmer - Adult (26) ♂ Human
- Halfrdo Combs of Leatherland - Poacher - Adult (73) ♂ Halfling
Group #5
- Elwinril Jenkins of Alessplon - Farmer - Adolescent (78) ♀ Elf
- Seredmac Bradshaw of Leatherland - Poacher - Adult (64) ♂ Halfling
- Lindada Burrel of Leatherland - Farmer - Adult (58) ♀ Longfoot
- Patron Olfingolis Arinsum of Alessplon - Cleric - Adult (306) ♂ Elf
- Clara Doyle - Farmer - Elder (50) ♀ Human
- Gamel Smokebuck - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (47) ♂ Longfoot
- Mona Textrix - Potato Farmer - Adult (34) ♀ Human
- Israel Dickson-Dodge - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (59) ♂ Longfoot
- Eliza Dodge of Leatherland - Potato Farmer - Adult (48) ♀ Halfling
Group #6
- Ellis Dickson - Bar Keeper - Adult (23) ♂ Human
- Miriam Dickson - Potato Farmer - Adult (46) ♀ Human
- Israel Proudnose - Poacher - Adult (22) ♂ Human
- Gantbor Jenkins of Alessplon - Farmer - Adolescent (100) ♂ Elf
- Faithful Orland Patterson of Lisimshire (born Buttonhanger-Patterson) - Cleric - Elder (89) ♂ Halfling
- Absalom Proudnose - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (48) ♂ Longfoot
- Alva Proudnose - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (34) ♂ Human
Group #7
- Novice Rowaica Jenkins of Leatherland - Cleric - Adult (78) ♀ Halfling
- Caramtho Peterson of Leatherland - Farmer - Elder (55) ♂ Human
- Minnie Bradshaw - Farmer - Adult (40) ♀ Human
- Isabel Briarak - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (195) ♀ Half-Elf
- Milcar Dodge of Leatherland - Farmer - Adult (51) ♂ Longfoot
- Osmundus Jenkins - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (45) ♂ Human
- Emmett Proudnose - Farmer - Adult (46) ♂ Longfoot
- Hanaras Greenworthy of Leatherland - Farmer - Adult (44) ♂ Halfling
Group #8
- Ephraim Proudnose the 2nd - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (17) ♂ Human
- Quennrim Brigrym of Alessplon - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (108) ♂ Elf
- Tryphena Tyrner - Vegetable Farmer - Elder (50) ♀ Human
- Lela Dickson - Farmer - Adult (42) ♀ Human
- Joyce Doyle - Potato Farmer - Adult (43) ♀ Human
- Cornra Peterson of Leatherland - Farmer - Adult (28) ♀ Halfling
- Rindien Dickson - Vegetable Farmer - Elder (53) ♀ Human
Group #9
- Gwenllian Burrel - Farmer - Elder (50) ♀ Human
- Redido Dickson of Leatherland - Potato Farmer - Adult (50) ♂ Halfling
- Albertus Dodge - Potato Farmer - Adult (27) ♂ Human
- Joyce Dodge - Potato Farmer - Elder (53) ♀ Human
- Timothy Burrel - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (22) ♂ Longfoot
- Faithful Alveua Peterson - Cleric - Elder (72) ♀ Longfoot
- Dudley Jenkins - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (13) ♂ Longfoot
- Cora Harmon - Farmer - Adult (31) ♀ Longfoot
- Osmer Burrel - Farmer - Elder (57) ♂ Human
- Godfrey Textrix - Junior Butcher - Adult (42) ♂ Longfoot
Group #10
- Godfrey Textrix the 2nd - Butcher's Apprentice - Adolescent (19) ♂ Longfoot
- Dinah Proudnose - Farmer - Adult (37) ♀ Human
- Cameliura Burrel - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (21) ♀ Human
- Lucia Dickson-Greenworthy - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (33) ♀ Human
- Dorothea Doyle - Bar Keeper - Adult (32) ♀ Human
- Abigail Dickson the 2nd - Farm Hand - Adult (24) ♀ Human
- Kate Doyle - Farmer - Adult (22) ♀ Human
- Mark Proudnose - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (63) ♂ Longfoot
- Ioetta Burrel - Farm Hand - Elder (72) ♀ Longfoot
- Toly Dodge - Junior Butcher - Elder (60) ♂ Human
- Lissamnda Dickson of Leatherland - Potato Farmer - Adult (38) ♀ Halfling
- Claud Textrix - Butcher - Elder (68) ♂ Longfoot
- Vincent Jenkins - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (38) ♂ Human
- Chicaura Proudnose of Leatherland - Poacher - Adult (77) ♀ Halfling
- Joan Harmon - Farmer - Elder (55) ♀ Human
- Leroy Proudnose-Dodge - Potato Farmer - Elder (57) ♂ Human
Group #11
- Ella Dickson - Potato Farmer - Elder (57) ♀ Human
- Alvin Muggardner - Farmer - Adult (37) ♂ Human
- Novice Harley Combs - Cleric - Adult (33) ♂ Longfoot
- Reginana Textrix of Leatherland - Farmer - Adult (62) ♀ Halfling