Hastdon Graveyard


Rheyer Waeloent

749 AC - 800 AC

He has rejoined his wife Tiep and was survived by his five pups.

What we keep in our memory is ours unchanged forever.

Jacob Waeloent of Maghaven

Symbol of Marlon

753 AC - 800 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Shieli and was survived by his pup Ruluru.

In Loving Memory.

Flulumeek Lightman

Symbol of Marlon

748 AC - 800 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Preatu and was survived by his pup Tearit.

Well played.

Shreell Goldbody

768 AC - 799 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Flema and pup Jeyerit.

In Loving Memory.

Sooll Goldbody

Symbol of Marlon

750 AC - 798 AC

He was survived by his committed wife Reyen.

Whither thou goest I will go.

Preatu Seymour

Symbol of Caspio

747 AC - 798 AC

She was survived by her husband Flulumeek and pup Tearit.

Dearly beloved.

Keyep Seymour of Hinging

Symbol of Xor

752 AC - 798 AC

She has rejoined her husband Kulureep and was survived by her pup Freare.

In Loving Memory.

Priela Seymour of Hinging

Symbol of Marlon

751 AC - 798 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Cedivaar and pups Dier and Reyere.

Loved by all.

Heala Seymour of Hinging

Symbol of Xor

751 AC - 797 AC

She was survived by her husband Dunkger and six pups.

Feared by people everywhere.

Findor Lightman of Hinging

742 AC - 797 AC

He has rejoined his faithful wife Olemang and was survived by his four pups.

Loved by all.

Nerup Waeloent

Symbol of Marlon

746 AC - 796 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Cleyetee and was survived by his pups Zooru, Zetu and Hieli.

Dearly beloved.

Fergkar Keovest of Hinging

Symbol of Marlon

745 AC - 794 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Shoona and pup Deere.

Too well loved to be ever forgotten.

Sherup Barnett

Symbol of Caspio

745 AC - 794 AC

He has rejoined his doting wife Dey and was survived by his pups Dáinorin and Chielo.

Until We Meet Again.

Len Seymour

Symbol of Marlon

745 AC - 794 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Turgoon and pups Zulun and Dululi.

Peace perfect peace.

Prulukin Lightman of Hinging

Symbol of Xor

742 AC - 793 AC

He has rejoined his committed wife Puluy and was survived by his four pups.

I have chosen Xor.

Olemang Waeloent

Symbol of Caspio

746 AC - 793 AC

She was survived by her husband Findor and four pups.

What we keep in our memory is ours unchanged forever.

Puluy Bolgehole

Symbol of Marlon

745 AC - 792 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Prulukin and four pups.

A Champion Always.

Tiep Waeloent of Hinging

743 AC - 791 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Rheyer and five pups.

A free spirit.

Cleyetee Waeloent

Symbol of Xor

745 AC - 791 AC

She was survived by her husband Nerup and pups Zooru, Zetu and Hieli.

Step softly, a dream lies buried here.

Eilinis Nacnaelir of Bruleigh

229 AC - 791 AC

She has rejoined her committed husband Smond and was survived by her daughter Galadrieari.

Forever in our hearts.

Nietu Seymour

Symbol of Xor

743 AC - 790 AC

She has rejoined her committed husband Mablungan and was survived by her pups Key and Flulun.

May their memory be eternal.

Mielee Goldbody

Symbol of Xor

748 AC - 788 AC

He was survived by his wife Len and pups Zulun and Dululi.

A valiant otterfolk.

Mablungan Lightman

Symbol of Gaia

742 AC - 788 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Nietu and pups Key and Flulun.

A valiant otterfolk.

Dey Seymour of Hinging

Symbol of Xor

740 AC - 787 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Sherup and pups Dáinorin and Chielo.

Rest in Peace.

Keali Waeloent

Symbol of Caspio

737 AC - 787 AC

She has rejoined her faithful husband Preerit and was survived by her six pups.

A true otterfolk is never forgotten.

Drien Waeloent

Symbol of Marlon

731 AC - 787 AC

She has rejoined her faithful husband Hardinasco and was survived by her pup Lavinina.

We live to love you more each day.

Teli Seymour

Symbol of Caspio

737 AC - 785 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Wekol and was survived by her pups Chela and Zielo.

Dearly beloved.

Rhear Waeloent

737 AC - 785 AC

He has rejoined his faithful wife Jean and was survived by his pups Throolee and Leer.

May their memory be eternal.

Khierit Lightman

Symbol of Caspio

737 AC - 785 AC

He has rejoined his faithful wife Jululi and was survived by his four pups.

In everloving memory.

Wey Seymour

Symbol of Marlon

732 AC - 785 AC

She has rejoined her faithful husband Jululee and was survived by her pups Leerup and Rheyema.

In Loving Memory.

Deyell Waeloent

Symbol of Caspio

736 AC - 785 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Wela and was survived by his pups Jearu and Flema.

Your love will light my way.

Jean Foldraruul

Symbol of Marlon

735 AC - 785 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Rhear and pups Throolee and Leer.

Always loving, always loved.

Preetu Waeloent

736 AC - 784 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Kheyekin and was survived by her pups Pimpeks, Seriil and Emeldiris.

A otterfolk of repute.

Jululee Bolgehole

734 AC - 783 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Wey and pups Leerup and Rheyema.

May their memory be eternal.

Dáinrór Foldraruul

Symbol of Marlon

735 AC - 783 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Shearit and was survived by her five pups.

She walked in beauty.

Wela Foldraruul

735 AC - 783 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Deyell and pups Jearu and Flema.

Till death do us part.

Rherup Goldbody

Symbol of Marlon

734 AC - 783 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Rena and was survived by his pups Isaac and Turgoon.

May Marlon guide his spirit.

Jululi Foldraruul

Symbol of Xor

735 AC - 783 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Khierit and four pups.

Died doing what she loved.

Wekol Waeloent

734 AC - 782 AC

He was survived by his wife Teli and pups Chela and Zielo.

Gone But Never Forgotten.

Pargloor Foldraruul

Symbol of Xor

730 AC - 782 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Drulureep and was survived by her pups Feen, Well and Choola.

We shall meet beyond the river.

Hardinasco Waeloent

Symbol of Caspio

734 AC - 781 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Drien and pup Lavinina.

Generous of heart, constant of faith.

Rena Eadow

Symbol of Xor

734 AC - 781 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Rherup and pups Isaac and Turgoon.

A valiant otterfolk.

Preerit Waeloent of Maghaven

Symbol of Marlon

731 AC - 780 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Keali and six pups.

Rest in Peace.

Dean Waeloent

Symbol of Caspio

729 AC - 779 AC

She has rejoined her committed husband Koorup and was survived by her pup Reyen.

Loved by all.

Drulureep Goldbody

729 AC - 779 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Pargloor and pups Feen, Well and Choola.

Love you always.

Kheyekin Bolgehole

Symbol of Xor

730 AC - 778 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Preetu and pups Pimpeks, Seriil and Emeldiris.

A true otterfolk is never forgotten.

Shearit Waeloent of Maghaven

Symbol of Marlon

729 AC - 778 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Dáinrór and five pups.

A valiant otterfolk.

Wer Sandrogers

Symbol of Caspio

747 AC - 777 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Heala and four pups.

A Life Measured in Memories.

Freyere Seymour

725 AC - 776 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Fulurup and was survived by her pup Deekol.

A otterfolk of repute.

Dinah Bolgehole

Symbol of Marlon

726 AC - 775 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Shreyekol and was survived by her pups Shulurit and Dunkger.

Dearly beloved.

Sealee Waeloent

Symbol of Xor

725 AC - 775 AC

He has rejoined his wife Julutee and was survived by his pups Whema and Shoona.

Forever in our hearts.

Julutee Foldraruul

Symbol of Caspio

725 AC - 774 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Sealee and pups Whema and Shoona.

Dearly beloved.

Fulurup Sandrogers

Symbol of Caspio

725 AC - 773 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Freyere and pup Deekol.

A radiant life of love and kindness.

Shieli Waeloent

Symbol of Marlon

747 AC - 772 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Jacob and pups Thriep and Ruluru.

Peace perfect peace.

Koorup Lightman

Symbol of Marlon

723 AC - 772 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Dean and pup Reyen.

Rest in Peace.

Shreyekol Lightman of Hinging

Symbol of Caspio

718 AC - 771 AC

He was survived by his committed wife Dinah and pups Shulurit and Dunkger.

Our enduring inspiration.

Kulureep Waeloent

Symbol of Caspio

755 AC - 770 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Keyep and pup Freare.

A otterfolk of repute.

Shreetu Waeloent

Symbol of Caspio

719 AC - 769 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Poolee and was survived by her pups Khulula and Seetu.

In Loving Memory.

Poolee Waeloent

Symbol of Marlon

717 AC - 766 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Shreetu and pups Khulula and Seetu.


Lier Keovest of Hinging

Symbol of Marlon

744 AC - 766 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Shieli and pup Thriep.

In Loving Memory.

Lóun Coalforger of Chalkton

Symbol of Marlon

522 AC - 752 AC

He was survived by his wife Indenna and children Emelil and Suglurg.

Until We Meet Again.

Narórói Agayouhi

Symbol of Marlon

441 AC - 744 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Fingormon and son Fingolasoth.

May their memory be eternal.

Korpuu Amarala of Thornburn

245 AC - 597 AC

He was survived by his wife Idrian and children Indenna and Mekin.

With a greater thing to do.

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