
Female Koboldian Housekeeper

She is an adult kobold with yellow eyes and grey scales.

Personality Traits: Daring, Mean.

Alignment: neutral.

Born: 774 AC (Age 26)

Orientation: Hetrosexual

Home: Hilltop Orchard

Settlement: Ortort's Rest (immigrated from Camp Geethak)

Spouse: Jergforg

Mother: Serder

Father: Tinreg




8 13 9 9 10 12
-1 +1 +1

11 4 10 30 ft.

Alignment: neutral

Size: Small

Senses: Darkvision


  • Unarmed Strike. Melee Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.

Skills: Persuasion +3


  • Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Martill has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
  • Pack Tactics. Martill has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of their allies is within 5 feet of them and the ally isn't incapacitated.

Spoken Languages: Common, Kobold


Quantity Value Item Rarity Description Weight
1 2 cp Broom common A well used broom.
1 Comb common A comb.
1 1 gp 1 sp 4 cp Money Pouch common Martill's money pouch. It has 9 sp and 24 cp in it. ⅝ lb.
1 1 sp Oil (flask) common Oil usually comes in a clay flask that holds 1 pint. As an action, you can splash the oil in this flask onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged attack against a target creature or object, treating the oil as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target is covered in oil. If the target takes any fire damage before the oil dries (after 1 minute), the target takes an additional 5 fire damage from the burning oil. You can also pour a flask of oil on the ground to cover a 5-foot-square area, provided that the surface is level. If lit, the oil burns for 2 rounds and deals 5 fire damage to any creature that enters the area or ends its turn in the area. A creature can take this damage only once per turn. 1 lb.
1 500 gp Potion of giant strength (hill giant) uncommon When you drink this potion, your Strength score changes to 21 for 1 hour. The type of giant determines the score. The potion has no effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that score. This potion's transparent liquid has floating in it a sliver of fingernail from a giant of the appropriate type. The potion of frost giant strength and the potion of stone giant strength have the same effect.
1 5 sp Rations (1 day) common Rations consist of dry foods suitable for extended travel, including jerky, dried fruit, hardtack, and nuts. 2 lbs.
1 10 gp Rope, silk (50 feet) common Rope, whether made of hemp or silk, has 2 hit points and can be burst with a DC 17 Strength check. 5 lbs.

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