Hugo Shultz the 2nd

Male Human Butcher's Apprentice

He is an adolescent human with amber eyes, short curly black hair, and dark brown skin.

Personality Traits: Oblivious, Serious, Honest.

Alignment: chaotic neutral.

Born: 788 AC (Age 12)

Orientation: Hetrosexual

Home: Wiseman's Fresh Butchers

Settlement: Grassingsey

Mother: Lucretia Shultz

Father: Percival Shultz



11 9 10 9 8 9

10 6 10 30 ft.

Alignment: chaotic neutral

Size: Medium


  • Sickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4 slashing damage.
  • Meat Cleaver. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 slashing damage.
  • Meat Cleaver. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range 20 / 60 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 slashing damage.
  • Unarmed Strike. Melee Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.

Skills: Persuasion +2

Spoken Languages: Common


Quantity Value Item Description Weight
1 25 gp "Poisons and Antidotes" (Mint) By Galionan Auglaraan

A exhaustive guide to the symptoms of various poisons, and the creation of antitoxin. When making a medicine check to identify a poison, you can consult this book to gain +1 to the check. You can only consult one book per check.

The book is in mint condition.
5 lbs.
1 25 gp Book A book might contain poetry, historical accounts, information pertaining to a particular field of lore, diagrams and notes on gnomish contraptions, or just about anything else that can be represented using text or pictures. A book of spells is a spellbook (described later in this section). 5 lbs.
1 3 gp Gilded copper gorget A heavy gorget made of gilded copper.
1 4 cp Large pewter ear hoop A large pewter hoop earring.
1 5 gp Meat Cleaver A Simple Melee weapon. 1d6 slashing damage. Range: 5. (Thrown: 20/60.) Properties: Light, Thrown, Monk 2 lbs.
1 2 gp 8 sp 5 cp Money Pouch Hugo's money pouch. It has 2 gp, 7 sp and 15 cp in it. ½ lb.
1 Shopping list An old shopping list with most of the items crossed off.
1 1 gp Sickle A Simple Melee weapon. 1d4 slashing damage. Range: 5. Properties: Light, Monk 2 lbs.

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