Stolen Black Powder

A shipment of two kegs of Black Powder, destined for Wizard University, has been stolen. The couriers were held up just outside of the City of Meltford, and exchanged the cargo for their lives.

The black powder was due to be used to craft fireworks for next Treaty Day. The wizards are worried at the potential destructive mischief someone could make with the kegs. The matter has been reported to the local watch, but they lack the training or manpower to mount a search of the wilderness. The wizards are willing to pay an adventuring team to deal with this matter, and even offer one of their wizards as accompaniment if the party wishes. The wizards would prefer the kegs returned; however, failing that, having them destroyed safely is an acceptable outcome.

Local Highwaywoman Marjorie Mounteney is responsible for the theft. She is currently hiding out at a Bandit Camp, slowly coming to the realization of what a bad idea it was to steal barrels of Black Powder. She is hoping to fence them, keeping a small amount for herself, but so far has failed to find any buyers.

Marjorie could be tracked down in the following ways:

  • Find the site of the robbery and attempt to follow tracks back to Marjorie's hideout.
  • Using local thieves connections, a character could discover Marjorie has been attempting to fence the loot, and her favoured hiding spots.
  • The party could pose as couriers in an attempt to lure Marjorie out.
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