Amarashire Beacon Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Herurt Longfoot of Berthshire - Adventurer - Adult (67) ♂ Halfling
- Robinsa Brewer of Erdicville - Bandit - Adult (79) ♀ Halfling
Group #2
- Josie Smokehanger - Farmer - Adult (22) ♀ Halfling
- Cotmafo Burrowbody - Potato Farmer - Adult (78) ♂ Halfling
- Daiscast Burrowbody-Avery - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (48) ♀ Halfling
Group #3
- Rosaell Nelson (born Nelson-Noyes) - Farmer - Elder (65) ♀ Longfoot
- Noranthosa Sefar of Erdicville - Bar Keeper - Adult (43) ♀ Halfling
- Fastoal Sefar - Tavern Keeper - Adult (55) ♂ Longfoot
- Buccar Nelson-Coburn of Berthshire - Farmer - Adult (28) ♂ Longfoot
- Jacob Sefar of Buckfastley - Bar Keeper - Adult (29) ♂ Human
Group #4
- Samlauc Burrowbody - Vegetable Farmer - Elder (80) ♂ Halfling
- Tomain Dye (born Avery-Dye) - Farmer - Elder (88) ♂ Halfling
- Jessamell Nelson-Coburn - Farmer - Adult (22) ♀ Halfling
- Holman Daniel - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (17) ♂ Halfling
- Estellaima Sefar - Farm Hand - Adult (40) ♀ Halfling
- Meriadmac Avery-Nelson - Farmer - Elder (72) ♂ Longfoot
- Samwisemaard Bagbody of Erdicville (born Gibbs-Bagbody) - Farmer - Elder (96) ♂ Halfling
- Bellilona Noyes - Farmer - Adult (29) ♀ Halfling
- Robinks Noyes - Farmer - Elder (73) ♀ Longfoot
Group #5
- Meranna Sefar of Berthshire - Bar Keeper - Adult (73) ♀ Halfling
- Rodocar Avery-Nelson - Farmer - Adult (33) ♂ Halfling
- Merimacho Burrowbody-Avery - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (26) ♂ Halfling
- Poppy Sefar of Erdicville - Bar Keeper - Elder (88) ♀ Halfling
- Pervinlda Bulgeville-Nelson - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (57) ♀ Halfling
- Pervincanth Sefar - Farmer - Adult (76) ♀ Halfling
- Caramelia Daniel - Farmer - Adult (38) ♀ Longfoot
- Gormadoclo Nelson (born Avery-Nelson) - Farmer - Adult (47) ♂ Halfling
- Folcabo Nelson (born Chapman-Nelson) - Farmer - Adult (60) ♂ Halfling
- Landald Avery of Berthshire - Dairy Farmer - Adult (55) ♀ Halfling
- Dineliane Burrowbody-Avery - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (22) ♀ Halfling
Group #6
- Amirnca Noyes - Farmer - Adult (40) ♀ Halfling
- Adasco Avery - Dairy Farmer - Elder (99) ♂ Halfling
- Hicama Noyes - Farmer - Elder (93) ♀ Halfling
- Manthanda Smokehanger - Farmer - Adult (45) ♀ Halfling
- Lavinpy Terry-Coburn - Potato Farmer - Adult (57) ♀ Halfling
Group #7
- Herugarert Smokehanger of Erdicville - Farmer - Adult (48) ♂ Halfling
- Ellaha Sefar of Berthshire - Farmer - Adult (51) ♀ Halfling
- Asphsy Burrowbody-Avery - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (72) ♀ Halfling
- Seth Coburn (born Terry-Coburn) - Potato Farmer - Adult (29) ♂ Halfling
- Trevor Coburn of Buckfastley - Potato Farmer - Adult (24) ♂ Human
- Berylly Daniel - Farmer - Adult (68) ♀ Halfling
- Madocba Terry - Potato Farmer - Adult (43) ♂ Halfling
- Amphiia Nelson - Farmer - Elder (99) ♀ Halfling
- Pearameine Burrowbody-Nelson - Farmer - Elder (92) ♀ Halfling
- Alda Sefar - Farmer - Adult (37) ♀ Halfling
- Bellisna Noyes - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (16) ♀ Halfling
Group #8
- Doricas Avery-Sefar - Farm Hand - Adult (57) ♂ Longfoot
- Rhodaora Nelson - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (35) ♀ Longfoot
- Gormafo Bulgeville-Nelson - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (22) ♂ Halfling
- Oderion Terry (born Daniel-Terry) - Potato Farmer - Elder (80) ♂ Halfling
- Susanna Avery - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (19) ♀ Halfling
- Manthanda Johnston - Farmer - Elder (98) ♀ Halfling
- Rudibad Avery - Dairy Farmer - Adult (22) ♂ Halfling
- Andacks Avery of Robinworth - Dairy Farmer - Adult (51) ♀ Halfling