Port Atelier Pervda Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Puuhurk Dwli Kanoraeish Artharruax - Hunter - Adult (29) ♀ Gnome
- Kyle Jake Bannhand Bryiinti Idrinel - Hunter - Adult (38) ♀ Gnome
- Marrall Cane Elebriwen Ortturn Shurrne - Hunter - Adult (169) ♂ Gnome
- Leadnoggin Starngor Gomecith Weedhouse Artharruax - Hunter - Adult (97) ♀ Gnome
Group #2
- Alec Stewart Eldiil of Skelmershaven - Hunter - Elder (52) ♂ Human
- Lilian Haidbad Haranorara Aleeyes - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (78) ♀ Gnome
- Ibbur Wrathibraann Faith Norgfizz - Farm Hand - Adult (151) ♀ Gnome
- Ilskull Wordid Huffman Volhant Daniels - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (60) ♂ Gnome
- Leah Tonkern Greengins Wiley Bannhand - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (88) ♂ Gnome
- Mantinura Jones Dwalin of Pippishire - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (71) ♀ Halfling
Group #3
- Havilish Manning Gwion Wiley - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (83) ♂ Gnome
- Otiythar Jocoriaime Gundo Volhant Dwalin - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (84) ♀ Gnome
- Enkendaek Hanthurk Wiley - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (78) ♂ Gnome
- Beatrix Martin Kimarin of Skelmershaven - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (37) ♀ Tiefling
- Hildibrin Stoddard-Bolgeman of Pippishire - Farm Hand - Elder (83) ♂ Halfling