Camp Narnhurk Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Recruit Derole of Camp Karpit - Guard - Adult (23) ♀ Orc
- Lieutenant Mutab - Guard - Adult (32) ♂ Human
Group #2
Group #3
- Tindid Junior - Thug - Adult (49) ♂ Human
- Hurkvol - Thug - Adult (16) ♀ Orc
- Hantderg - Thug - Adult (23) ♂ Orc
- Parlutt of Largreg's Rest - Bandit - Adult (34) ♀ Orc
- Camhant - Cutpurse - Adult (41) ♂ Human
- Kerneb Junior - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (11) ♀ Orc
- Gorser - Poacher - Adult (47) ♂ Human
Group #4
- Ritreg - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (39) ♀ Human
- Gloorlorn - Vegetable Gardener - Elder (61) ♂ Human
- Olenorg Junior - Butcher's Apprentice - Adolescent (8) ♀ Orc
Group #5
- Tinpar Junior - Butcher's Apprentice - Adolescent (8) ♂ Orc
- Luttforg Junior - Forger - Adult (32) ♂ Orc
- Starntin Junior - Butcher - Elder (38) ♂ Orc
- Starntin Junior - Smith - Adult (29) ♂ Orc
- Worgot - Master Smith's Apprentice - Adolescent (11) ♂ Orc
- Ritsug - Smith - Adult (30) ♀ Orc
Group #6
- Botugg Junior - Tavern Keeper - Adolescent (12) ♂ Orc
- Stupfarg Junior - Master Smith - Elder (38) ♂ Orc
- Didgot Junior - Master Smith's Apprentice - Adolescent (8) ♂ Orc
- Lurggeet Junior - Master Smith's Apprentice - Adolescent (8) ♀ Orc