Oldpickworth Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Sargent Kheep Loorupup of Handen - Guard - Adult (32) ♀ Otterfolk
- Lieutenant Theareep of Handen - Guard - Adult (35) ♂ Otterfolk
- Recruit Gamhair Goldbottom Willelmus Ibliráin - Guard - Adult (24) ♀ Gnome
- Coalmark Emeldiwen Marshan Vacarar Corneine - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (101) ♀ Gnome
Group #2
- Oldblower Rush Rees Bronzeaxe - Adventurer - Adult (65) ♀ Gnome
- Daniel Arihibrire Nargrrum Amuuor Idrianiel - Hunter - Adult (93) ♂ Gnome
- Dugsward Bracenose Stonedeep Carameira Lumitmec - Hunter - Adult (43) ♀ Gnome
- Eledhwdir Headiffer Jergtav Hamfaho Wortill - Hunter - Adult (128) ♀ Gnome
Group #3
- Pewtercarter Lighthanger Thibbis Doarl - Hunter - Adult (38) ♀ Gnome
- Uffong Karvol Mutyit Wortill Doarl - Hunter - Adult (96) ♀ Gnome
- Yarsug Prempsh Steelnoggin Dimpeadur Lumitmec - Hunter - Adult (44) ♀ Gnome
Group #4
- Novice John Goldhand Rumblehair Corneine - Cleric - Adult (58) ♂ Gnome
- Donovan Dáluin Thrli Starnkand Samlado of Botlurgworth - Hunter - Adult (135) ♀ Gnome
- Michael Tinfoot Loriica Samlado - Hunter - Adult (108) ♀ Gnome
- Turnuin Quellde Carameira - Hunter - Adult (67) ♂ Gnome
- Celeod Edmond Hallgalhae Narnole - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (144) ♂ Gnome
- Lóbur Docrat Richards Sugkim Ilbaerrae - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (64) ♂ Gnome
- Caperoys Lighthill Prikar Bowmaor - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (111) ♂ Gnome
- Grubbhole Kiláin Pandjeshi - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (120) ♀ Gnome
Group #5
- Tonhant Blackwell Herugffo - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (12) ♂ Gnome
- Titus Nerden Mathews Stupfarg Corneine - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (101) ♂ Gnome
- Hildoc Glermrall Nimrodis Nauur Erondalanae - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (84) ♀ Gnome
- Haychild Mîni Naugis Wortill - Hunter - Adult (90) ♂ Gnome
Group #6
- Mentla Eagerbrow Jasmisa Pandjeshi Abpuu - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (128) ♀ Gnome
- Faithful Botherg Estrild Mirasa Prikar - Cleric - Adult (98) ♂ Gnome
- Roghun Tilldid Wade Herugffo - Adventurer - Adult (26) ♂ Gnome
- Longnose Haklutt Kinurin Stupfarg - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (145) ♀ Gnome
- Mistrars Kimori Mangmang Rosena Primuna Songbrow Ferritearm - Tavern Keeper - Adult (102) ♂ Gnome
- Faithful Eliohil of Indeir - Cleric - Adult (512) ♂ Elf
Group #7
- Wilcom Malvnda Reuben Carameira - Hunter - Adult (64) ♀ Gnome
- Dáini Twogins Silverbrow Corneine - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (50) ♂ Gnome
- Keama of Thatden - Poacher - Adult (29) ♀ Otterfolk
- Shaffer Norgborg Volwow Erondalanae Nargrn - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (26) ♀ Gnome
- Littlehand Killdunk Greenusk Kinurin Shgroveth - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (149) ♂ Gnome
- Patron Tinstarn Mcdonald Prikar - Cleric - Adult (101) ♂ Gnome
Group #8
- Silverfoot Wratsa Karrglerm Mareb Abpuu - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (124) ♂ Gnome
- Akashkyal Lumisashan Tinbottom Derghak Nargrn - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (35) ♂ Gnome