Andrews' Inn

45 year old Human construction, medium sized

Location: City of Princeridge

Owned by: Salomon Andrews

A wood-frame and yellow canvas shelter. This is a public house. The bartender gives you a nod as they clean a glass.

⟳ Re-roll everything!

The bard Óiur Crane is providing the musical entertainment tonight.


  • "I never trusted those folks over the way."
  • "It's going to be a fine season, mark my words."
  • "Did you hear what Randolph Silias said in his new book?" (Tell me more)
  • "Geflus is stronger than ever!"
  • "The Adventurers Guild Hall pays well if you think you're strong enough." (Tell me more)
  • "They say some pirates have discovered a secret about the Slumbering Tower." (Tell me more)


At the tavern right now are:

  • Gerald Copeland - Mercer - Adult (39) ♂ Human - He is an adult human with amber eyes, short curly dyed dark-brown hair, a big bushy beard, and light brown skin.
  • Aylofa Cleavesmelter - Clerk - Adult (36) ♀ Human - She is an adult human with brown eyes, scruffy black hair, and medium brown skin.
  • Albertus Nye - Shopkeep's Assistant - Adult (23) ♂ Human - He is an adult human with amber eyes, very short strawberry hair, bushy sideburns, and light pink skin.
  • Manuel Chapman - Tavern Keeper - Adult (39) ♂ Human - He is an adult human with hazel eyes, scruffy dyed strawberry hair, a long beard, and medium brown skin.
  • Gundodo Brightseeker - Adult (28) ♂ Human - He is an adult human with grey eyes (behind a pair of spectacles), balding auburn hair, a clean shaven face, and olive skin.
  • Jabez Nixon - Adult (29) ♂ Human - He is an adult human with brown eyes, a bald head, a big bushy beard, and medium brown skin.
  • Wilfred Gillespie - Master Sculptor - Elder (53) ♂ Human - He is an elderly human with amber eyes, short silver hair in a side parting, stubble, and medium brown skin.
  • Kernvol Whitaker - Grocer - Adult (43) ♀ Human - She is an adult human with amber eyes (behind a pair of spectacles), short dark-brown hair, and medium brown skin.
  • Meyela Whitkin - Bar Keeper - Adult (29) ♀ Human - She is an adult human with grey eyes, long curly dark-brown hair, and light brown skin.
  • Adam Mistrueran - Adult (25) ♂ Human - He is an adult human with grey eyes, very short strawberry hair, a horseshoe moustache, and olive skin.
  • Nelson Batten - Elder (55) ♂ Tiefling - He is an elderly tiefling with red eyes, a shaved head, a long beard, and medium brown skin. He has huge curved horns.
  • Villalxien Godyear - Angler - Adult (40) ♂ Human - He is an adult human with amber eyes, very short strawberry hair, a long beard, and olive skin.
  • John Copeland - Adult (35) ♂ Human - He is an adult human with green eyes, short curly blond hair, a full beard, and pale white skin.
  • Andreas Oldhole - Elder (52) ♂ Tiefling - He is an elderly tiefling with white eyes, balding blond hair, a full beard, and red skin. He has curved horns.
  • Homer Bragg - Adult (19) ♂ Human - He is an adult human with grey eyes, long flowing blond and grey streaked hair, a clean shaven face, and light pink skin.

Behind the bar

At this location, items are priced between 112% and 113% of their base value.

Available Price Value Item Description Weight
13 6 cp 5 cp Animal Feed (1 day) 10 lbs.
0 6 gp 8 sp 6 gp Bottle of Whisky A bottle of whisky containing 16 glasses. A fairly average Human whisky. 1½ lbs.
4 4 gp 5 sp 4 gp Bottle of Mead A bottle of mead containing 8 cups. A fine mead made from honey. 1½ lbs.
1 3 cp 2 cp Bread, loaf A small loaf of basic bread.
1 1 sp 1 cp 1 sp Cheese, hunk A piece of cheese.
6 5 sp 6 cp 5 sp Cup of Mead A fine mead made from honey.
6 4 sp 5 cp 4 sp Dram of Whisky A fairly average Human whisky.
5 6 cp 5 cp Glass of City of Princeridge Red Wine A basic wine, made with a blend of local grapes.
5 6 cp 5 cp Glass of City of Princeridge White Wine A basic wine, made with a blend of local grapes.
2 5 sp 7 cp 5 sp Inn stay (modest) There is a modest room, with a door that locks, and a small bed.
1 2 gp 3 sp 2 gp Inn stay (wealthy) There is a spacious room, with a door that locks, and a comfortable bed.
5 sp 7 cp 5 sp Meal (comfortable) Sliced cheese & pickles, served with crackers & salad and a side of roast nuts.
3 sp 4 cp 3 sp Meal (modest) A hearty vegetable stew and some fresh bread.
1 3 sp 4 cp 3 sp Meat, chunk A piece of cooked meat.
132 5 cp 4 cp Mug of Ale Bog standard ale.
142 7 cp 6 cp Mug of Geflus Bitter A bitter of the type popular in Geflus.
171 7 cp 6 cp Mug of Pale Ale A light and pleasant pale-ale, brewed to a 45 year old recipe.
25 2 sp 3 cp 2 sp Pitcher of Ale A gallon of bog standard ale, served in a pitcher. 10 lbs.
2 2 sp 2 cp 2 sp Pitcher of City of Princeridge Rosé Wine A basic wine, made with a blend of local grapes. A pitcher holds 5 generous cups.
7 5 sp 6 cp 5 sp Stabling (1 day)


  • Undamaged empty bottles can be returned for a 1 gp refund.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Angelina Robins 6 Female Human She is a human child with hazel eyes, brown hair in a plait, and medium brown skin.
Betsy Bennet Inn Keeper's Apprentice 17 Female Human She is an adolescent human with brown eyes, long tied back black hair, and medium brown skin.
Dwalni Batten Housekeeper 21 Male Human He is an adult human with brown eyes, auburn hair in braids, stubble, and medium brown skin.
Dwalráin Myers Inn Keeper's Apprentice 14 Female Human She is an adolescent human with brown eyes, long dyed bright orange hair tied back in a knot, and medium brown skin.
Edhwel Nicholas Inn Keeper's Apprentice 15 Female Human She is an adolescent human with green eyes, scruffy brown hair, and light brown skin.
Ernest Andrews 6 Male Human He is a human child with grey eyes, a dark-brown quiff, and light brown skin.
Godeleva Robins Housekeeper 36 Female Human She is an adult human with hazel eyes, long tied back brown hair, and medium brown skin.
Iris Aubre Maidservant 22 Female Human She is an adult human with brown eyes, dark-brown hair in a mohawk, and medium brown skin.
Nicolst Andrews 9 Male Human He is a human child with amber eyes, long curly dark-brown hair, and medium brown skin.
Nora Aubre Housekeeper 42 Female Human She is an adult human with amber eyes, dark-brown hair in a ponytail, and light brown skin.
Ola Plummer Inn Keeper's Apprentice 18 Female Human She is an adolescent human with amber eyes, long tied back strawberry hair, and light pink skin.
Percy Andrews Inn Staff 38 Male Human He is an adult human with brown eyes (the left of which is glass), dyed dark-brown hair in braids, a clean shaven face, and medium brown skin.
Salomon Andrews Inn Keeper 43 Male Human He is an adult human with brown eyes, dyed green hair in a ponytail, a clean shaven face, and medium brown skin.
Seelo Andrews Housekeeper 20 Male Human He is an adult human with brown eyes (behind a pair of spectacles), long flowing dark-brown hair, a long beard, and medium brown skin.

Family Tree

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