Webb's Cobblers

31 year old Half-Elf construction, large sized

Location: City of Meltford

Owned by: Harris Webb

A recently constructed half-timbered house. A worktable is stacked with old shoes waiting to be repaired.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Amaredna Laelithor Master Cobbler's Apprentice 76 Female Elf She is an adolescent elf with grey eyes, short curly blond hair, and light pink skin.
Betsey Kenney 4 Female Human She is a human child with amber eyes, long curly light-brown hair, and olive skin.
Clayton Vaughn the 2nd Master Cobbler's Apprentice 15 Male Human He is an adolescent human with grey eyes, short curly strawberry hair, and olive skin.
Dora Kenney Housekeeper 30 Female Human She is an adult human with green eyes, long flowing blond hair, and olive skin.
Harris Kenney 1 Male Human He is an infant human with amber eyes, wisps of strawberry hair, and olive skin.
Harris Webb Master Cobbler 120 Male Half-Elf He is an adult half-elf with brown eyes, a shaved head, a full beard tied in a plat, and medium brown skin.
Mathew Farr the 2nd Master Cobbler's Apprentice 15 Male Human He is an adolescent human with brown eyes, short curly black hair, and dark brown skin.
Ringerus Kenney Housekeeper 38 Male Human He is an adult human with amber eyes (behind a pair of spectacles), short dyed strawberry hair, a full beard, and light pink skin.
Wilfred Webb Housekeeper 162 Male Elf He is an adult elf with copper eyes, a horseshoe of black hair, a petite handlebar moustache, and dark brown skin.

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