Rindothworth Tomb

An eerie tomb, with generations of graves.


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All nearby locations within 5 miles. Note: distances given are as the crow flies.


Chetfoot Leach Agrhmang Stuphak of Rindothworth

Symbol of Caspio

169 AC - 209 AC

He is with his family again.


Merrill Sialyn Proudpen Isummir Lobelladima of Rindothworth

Symbol of Caspio

68 AC - 208 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Kindin Brandygardner Parger Flal and was survived by her children Morniyn and Beanhole.

Always loving, always loved.

Bellse Smokehair Osegod Flal Grekrihon of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

55 AC - 201 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Thomas Tote.

Always in our thoughts, forever in our hearts.

Serindir Gotlurg Pewterhammer Frank Lóin of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

61 AC - 198 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Milton Mangser Presraan Karrrog and children Brightll and Belbaoda.

Love you miss you.

Marsh Wratsa Náini Hunnorg Karrrog of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

45 AC - 198 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Bennett Bronzeshoulder Ninttun Gerdig and was survived by his children Milton, Sharpbottom and Hoag.

In everloving memory.

Claybairn Annaiel Rianal Grni Nargraxas of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

76 AC - 196 AC

He has rejoined his faithful wife Karyit Nimldis Regnar Karrrog and was survived by his children Mangherg, Myemror and Bitmorg.

Always loving, always loved.

Mehenll Erostan Rogkilt Hetrur Nemmiaiar of Rindothworth

85 AC - 192 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Leon Dorkar Ritgot Isummir and children Branson and Kliphoth.

Good and faithful servants.

Mahli Stonedeep Legoon Elina Erthejaxel Lancaster of Rindothworth

3 AC - 190 AC

He has rejoined his faithful wife Zorvrotor Bofarvi Hunnorg Lariadra.

Loved by all.

Otmarrlco Aelvoyst Sial Lianorbis Zrafarnax of Rindothworth

106 AC - 188 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Charity Kunkor and daughter Rogdig Rumfield Weedgirdle Zrafarnax.

Loved beyond the stars.

Tintill Eledhas Parstarn Gerdig Lizzie of Rindothworth

56 AC - 187 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Tarsiir Trinar Norata Faaldrical and children Botlarg and Ashaal.

A gnome of repute.

Pookin Chenapup Hakstarn of Accringden

Symbol of Solina

136 AC - 186 AC

He was survived by his wife Branson Uulkirerkel Nemmiaiar Hakstarn.

Loved by all.

Karyit Nimldis Regnar Karrrog Nargraxas of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

73 AC - 185 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Claybairn Annaiel Rianal Grni and children Mangherg, Myemror and Bitmorg.

She is not gone while her name is spoken.

Dunkab Loyassaen Nerdanna Embiair Iorzirostor of Rindothworth

36 AC - 182 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Marks Wraridehrys Nemmiakan Gerdig and was survived by her children Bodur and Leaddeep.

A gnome of repute.

Marion Pipeheaver Oldlamp Flal Komeilys of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

49 AC - 181 AC

She has rejoined her faithful husband Chromeanvil Celebrinas Oldseeker Findien and was survived by her daughter Botbot Marian Serole Komeilys.

Dearly beloved.

Marks Wraridehrys Nemmiakan Gerdig Iorzirostor of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

35 AC - 181 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Dunkab Loyassaen Nerdanna Embiair and children Bodur and Leaddeep.

A valiant gnome.

Lumisrn Legoros Tailor Lobelladima Rallugg Selina of Rindothworth

119 AC - 178 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Bitmorg Aluiathow Tharbur Nargraxas and son Narori Fennysyaish Urwenen Rallugg.

In Loving Memory.

Wheyey of Hoyden

124 AC - 178 AC

She is with her family again.

She walked in beauty.

Floradur Prexijaac Moonfeir Greenhead Grni Jean of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

24 AC - 177 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Harrison Aelasur Nigel Faaldrical and was survived by her children Maxinia and Binni.

A gnome of repute.

Bush Dimpdin Strarynsap Nickelchest of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

117 AC - 176 AC

She is with her family again.

Till death do us part.

Bennett Bronzeshoulder Ninttun Gerdig Karrrog of Rindothworth

41 AC - 176 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Marsh Wratsa Náini Hunnorg and four children.

A valiant gnome.

Aleseeker Medamrun Fawin Flal of Rindothworth

17 AC - 176 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Weedchild Melior Lualrucur Edhelal and was survived by her children Yorkrith, Bellse and Marion.

Wise, wonderful, devoted.

Beanhead Dáiuin Napor Findien of Rindothworth

29 AC - 174 AC

She is with her family again.

Good and faithful servants.

Cyril Sharpe Aredhelel the 2nd of Yateforth

103 AC - 172 AC

He was survived by his committed wife Brightll Ebmorg Stone Lóin Aredhelel.

Died doing what he loved.

Kindin Brandygardner Parger Flal Lobelladima of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

56 AC - 171 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Merrill Sialyn Proudpen Isummir and children Morniyn, Beanhole and Lumisrn.

Generous of heart, constant of faith.

Zorvrotor Bofarvi Hunnorg Lariadra Lancaster of Rindothworth

53 AC - 171 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Mahli Stonedeep Legoon Elina Erthejaxel.

Loved by all.

Chromeanvil Celebrinas Oldseeker Findien Komeilys of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

49 AC - 169 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Marion Pipeheaver Oldlamp Flal and daughter Botbot Marian Serole Komeilys.

Your love will light my way.

Batten Clodville Mablmil Fawin Frank of Rindothworth

11 AC - 166 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Noyes Maxisy Elberindwen and was survived by her children Markarr and Serindir.

Everybody loves somebody sometime.

Noyes Maxisy Elberindwen Frank of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

17 AC - 163 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Batten Clodville Mablmil Fawin and children Markarr and Serindir.

Rest in Peace.

inóni Little Edhelal Hunnorg of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

8 AC - 160 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Laurlly Ogglekim and was survived by her children Gimlori, Marsh and Zorvrotor.

A gnome of repute.

Benedict Narghush Náiwin Frank of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

45 AC - 157 AC

She is with her family again.

A valiant gnome.

Ghesos Lloyd Findien of Theyruse

29 BC - 155 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Workar Oleeb and was survived by her daughter Beanhead Dáiuin Napor.

Died doing what she loved.

Wulwushi Goodlock Ninaor Eszyscys Anne of Rindothworth

40 AC - 154 AC

He has rejoined his doting wife Jennet Marsh.

Until We Meet Again.

Emeldida Lóin Sergloor of Rindothworth

125 AC - 154 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Kliphoth Teaheaver Nemmiaiar and children Myastiir and Chromespear.

Well played.

Manning Montgomery Marcobo Findien Gerdig of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

14 AC - 154 AC

He has rejoined his faithful wife Whiting Longbairn Elina and was survived by his four children.

Where Solina leads me I can safely go.

Harrison Aelasur Nigel Faaldrical Jean of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

39 AC - 153 AC

He was survived by his wife Floradur Prexijaac Moonfeir Greenhead Grni.

And so he passed over and all the trumpets sounded for them on the other side.

Mullins Galdfin Tindor Narnajul of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

130 AC - 152 AC

She is with her family again.

A true gnome is never forgotten.

Sturdylamp Didgloor Morgblurg Elina Jergrurt of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

24 AC - 151 AC

He has rejoined his doting wife Náinalin Deyer Nightwith Embiair and was survived by his son Meliscany Korian Sharpfoot Jergrurt Perrin.

Loved by all.

Malxaus Hopper Mugrogers Faaldrical Grni of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

26 AC - 150 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Floradur Prexijaac Moonfeir Greenhead Grni and children Maxinia and Binni.

The sweetest and the greatest of any gnome God created.

Thacker Yitkand Nacnaelir Fawin Hetrur of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

28 AC - 150 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Kidalin Turngloor Narghullax Faaldrical Goodpen and was survived by her son Mehenll Erostan Rogkilt Hetrur.

She has soared away to a better land.

Morrison Mercy Starndid Lóin Rallugg of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

113 AC - 148 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Lumisrn Legoros Tailor Lobelladima Rallugg and son Narori Fennysyaish Urwenen Rallugg.

A valiant gnome.

Kiltferg Toryvhallhyr Nichols Findien Isummir of Rindothworth

38 AC - 146 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Markarr Brockiffer Nimrin Frank and children Leon, Merrill and Wilibill.

Lost at Sea.

Náinalin Deyer Nightwith Embiair Jergrurt of Rindothworth

39 AC - 146 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Sturdylamp Didgloor Morgblurg Elina and son Meliscany Korian Sharpfoot Jergrurt Perrin.

What we keep in our memory is ours unchanged forever.

Gwindorod Cristiana Michael Elina Lariadra of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

20 AC - 142 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Zorvrotor Bofarvi Hunnorg Lariadra.

A wonderful gnome. We love you.

Clinton Teytor of Yateforth

81 AC - 142 AC

He is with his family again.

Good and faithful servants.

Bagblower Parpuu Lichuit Edhelal Erthejaxel of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

4 AC - 140 AC

He was survived by his doting husband Mahli Stonedeep Legoon Elina Erthejaxel.

May their memory be eternal.

Murphy Idrilri Embiair of Theyruse

24 BC - 138 AC

She has rejoined her husband Obur Sinarhe and was survived by her children Dunkab, Balxaax and Náinalin.

Until We Meet Again.

Balxaax Vorotivrax Lilturnush Embiair Faaldrical of Rindothworth

5 AC - 138 AC

She has rejoined her committed husband Katharine Nickelanvil Lilorassa Edhelal and was survived by her children Tarsiir, Malxaus and Harrison.

A very special gnome.

Wrakriarinili Rockeyes Karrrog Nickelchest of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

83 AC - 137 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Shaurra Amrophleg Robison Lianorbis Nickelchest and children Jasmineca, Myrtne and Bush.

He walked in beauty.

Cleavecarter Náinóni Ghejhadak Enkenkeor of Theyruse

10 BC - 136 AC

He has rejoined his husband Mahtan Finwon Leadcandle Embiair.

Cover lightly, gentle earth.

Mistrivvial Digherg Snyder Lizzie Perrin of Rindothworth

110 AC - 136 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Meliscany Korian Sharpfoot Jergrurt Perrin and son Cecelia Mistronian Turnlutt Perrin.

Love you miss you.

Katharine Nickelanvil Lilorassa Edhelal Faaldrical of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

5 AC - 134 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Balxaax Vorotivrax Lilturnush Embiair and children Tarsiir, Malxaus and Harrison.

Generous of heart, constant of faith.

Whiting Longbairn Elina Gerdig of Rindothworth

15 AC - 132 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Manning Montgomery Marcobo Findien and four children.

A gnome of repute.

Laurlly Ogglekim Hunnorg of Rindothworth

12 AC - 130 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Náinóni Little Edhelal and children Gimlori, Marsh and Zorvrotor.

In Loving Memory.

Kidalin Turngloor Narghullax Faaldrical Goodpen Hetrur of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

30 AC - 129 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Thacker Yitkand Nacnaelir Fawin and son Mehenll Erostan Rogkilt Hetrur.

In beloved and abiding memory.

Edhewen Nauglin Fawin of Theyruse

28 BC - 124 AC

He has rejoined his faithful wife Nimleth Cain and was survived by his children Aleseeker, Batten and Thacker.

Until We Meet Again.

Weedchild Melior Lualrucur Edhelal Flal of Rindothworth

9 AC - 122 AC

He was survived by his wife Aleseeker Medamrun Fawin and four children.

Tears water our growth.

Thomas Tote Grekrihon of Yateforth

58 AC - 121 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Bellse Smokehair Osegod Flal.

A valiant man.

Haines Orehammer Mellca Embiair of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

18 AC - 117 AC

She was survived by her son Chapman Yolanel Ortstup Embiair.

Dearly beloved.

Sexton Robins Elberindwen of Theyruse

46 BC - 115 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Farailo Asminia and was survived by her son Noyes Maxisy Elberindwen.

Forever in our hearts.

Seyep Frelapup of Accringden

Symbol of Solina

64 AC - 115 AC

She is with her family again.

Peace perfect peace.

Mahtan Finwon Leadcandle Embiair Enkenkeor of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

2 AC - 114 AC

He was survived by his husband Cleavecarter Náinóni Ghejhadak.


Polly Randall of Yateforth

Symbol of Solina

46 AC - 111 AC

She is with her family again.

A wonderful woman. We love you.

Gorhurk Gaukiffer Edhelal of Theyruse

27 BC - 110 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Kluaporos Ashaarenng and was survived by his four children.

Till death do us part.

Balarin Narnbit Lightsh Elberindwen Eszyscys of Rindothworth

4 AC - 108 AC

She has rejoined her committed husband Kernkand Oadulu Lurgrit Embiair and was survived by her children Wulwushi and Wulwushi.

Tears water our growth.

Jesse Buckley of Yateforth

Symbol of Solina

51 AC - 106 AC

He is with his family again.

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.

Obur Sinarhe Embiair of Theyruse

23 BC - 105 AC

He was survived by his wife Murphy Idrilri and five children.

A valiant gnome.

Kluaporos Ashaarenng Edhelal of Theyruse

21 BC - 104 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Gorhurk Gaukiffer and four children.

Good and faithful servants.

Karrlutt Haywort Elina of Theyruse

39 BC - 102 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Forgcor Quilys and was survived by her four children.

Loved by all.

Petty Wilson Greenhead of Theyruse

48 BC - 100 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Montgomery Rogcor Forgespear and was survived by his daughter Floradur Prexijaac Moonfeir Greenhead Grni.

Truth to your own spirit.

Jennie Potter Barnett of Yateforth

Symbol of Solina

36 AC - 99 AC

She has rejoined her committed husband Stillur Priku Myemrikli Edhelal.

Your love will light my way.

Nimleth Cain Fawin of Theyruse

36 BC - 97 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Edhewen Nauglin and children Aleseeker, Batten and Thacker.

Your love will light my way.

Workar Oleeb Findien of Theyruse

45 BC - 95 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Ghesos Lloyd and children Beanhead, Manning and Kiltferg.

Love will tear us apart.

Jennet Marsh Anne of Yateforth

Symbol of Solina

35 AC - 93 AC

She was survived by her husband Wulwushi Goodlock Ninaor Eszyscys.


Farailo Asminia Elberindwen of Theyruse

43 BC - 91 AC

He was survived by his wife Sexton Robins and children Noyes and Balarin.

In Loving Memory.

Kernkand Oadulu Lurgrit Embiair Eszyscys of Rindothworth

9 AC - 87 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Balarin Narnbit Lightsh Elberindwen and children Wulwushi and Wulwushi.

Truth to your own spirit.

Clulur of Hoyden

30 AC - 82 AC

He is with his family again.

A free spirit.

Seth Peter Pervincta of Yateforth

Symbol of Solina

15 AC - 80 AC

He has rejoined his wife Mark Botrog Matilla Ghejhadak.


Alvredus Meriagolba Elina Goodpen of Rindothworth

20 AC - 78 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Kidalin Turngloor Narghullax Faaldrical Goodpen.

More than love.

Forgcor Quilys Elina of Theyruse

48 BC - 78 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Karrlutt Haywort and five children.

Loved by all.

Montgomery Rogcor Forgespear Greenhead of Theyruse

41 BC - 76 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Petty Wilson and daughter Floradur Prexijaac Moonfeir Greenhead Grni.

Cover lightly, gentle earth.

Mark Botrog Matilla Ghejhadak Pervincta of Rindothworth

17 AC - 74 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Seth Peter.

Until We Meet Again.

Stillur Priku Myemrikli Edhelal Barnett of Rindothworth

Symbol of Solina

27 AC - 68 AC

He was survived by his wife Jennie Potter.

Rest in Peace.

Drena of Hoyden

8 AC - 59 AC

She is with her family again.

Loved by all.

Celebrhin Serinen Ghejhadak of Theyruse

16 BC - 19 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Cleavecarter Náinóni Ghejhadak and daughter Mark Botrog Matilla Ghejhadak.

Loved by all.

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