Wivelisburn Tomb

Wivelisburn Tomb is a mystical burial site deeply intertwined with the ancient traditions of the Otterfolk's death rites. The tomb stands as a poignant reminder of the Otterfolk's strong bond with the water, and their commitment to honoring their ancestors in a manner reflecting their heritage.

Wivelisburn Tomb is connected to a submerged grotto concealed within a sprawling underwater cave system. The tomb is adorned with bioluminescent aquatic flora casting a dim ethereal light.

The Otterfolk's death rites are deeply ceremonial, emphasizing the return of the deceased to the water. When an Otterfolk passes away, their body is prepared with great care. It is gently wrapped in seaweed and adorned with intricately crafted jewelry made from iridescent shells, pearls, and precious stones. The adornments are not only symbols of status but also offerings to appease the spirits of the water. As the body is submerged, a respected cleric recites the Lament of Tides, a hauntingly beautiful song that mourns the loss of the individual. The song resonates through the water-filled chambers of the tomb, believed to guide the spirit on its journey into the depths.


Nearby Locations

All nearby locations within 5 miles. Note: distances given are as the crow flies.


Zeareep Zorhaddur of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

165 AC - 215 AC

He was survived by his wife Shrulutee and pup Preema.

A otterfolk of repute.

Wheemeek Bankhead of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

163 AC - 215 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Threetu and pups Threana, Cleeru and Isaiah.

Rest in Peace.

Zeemeep Brightbottom of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

168 AC - 215 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Khema.

The acts of this life are the destiny of the next.

Teena Nihmedura of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

168 AC - 215 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Hulurup and was survived by her pups Koon and Thrien.

In Loving Memory.

Wheyerup Zorhaddur of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

167 AC - 215 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Flulun.

Forever in our hearts.

Thep Myemrjar of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

167 AC - 215 AC

She was survived by her husband Teyekol and pup Detee.

Remembered with love.

Zeeru Rumblerogers of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

162 AC - 215 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Wrasash and was survived by her pups Preatee and Idris.

A valiant otterfolk.

Kearu Sandchild of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

166 AC - 215 AC

She has rejoined her husband Seemeek and was survived by her pups Frululee, Llulurup and Fearu.

Death is not a foe, but an inevitable adventure.

Preali Grubbgirdle of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

166 AC - 215 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Theameep.

Until We Meet Again.

Chearit Brightbottom of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Gaia

164 AC - 214 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Mieli and pups Pamphilda and Leameek.

Loved by all.

Ploolee Coalpush of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

165 AC - 214 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Tetee.

Loved by all.

Wulutee Myemrjar of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

162 AC - 214 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Reelee.

In Loving Memory.

Weekol Rumgardner of Wivelisburn

166 AC - 214 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Seetu.

A free spirit.

Seemeek Lord of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

164 AC - 214 AC

He was survived by his wife Kearu and pup Chearu.

In Loving Memory.

Meru Digrogers of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

161 AC - 214 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Whooreep and pups Fleyena and Rey.

Loved by all.

Pretee Grubbgirdle of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

161 AC - 214 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Wiemeep and was survived by her four pups.

A valiant otterfolk.

Plen Stwinorn of Waltville

194 AC - 213 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Cheer.

Loved by all.

Hanaodo Digburrow of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Caspio

161 AC - 213 AC

He has rejoined his wife Dulula and was survived by his six pups.

The memory of the just is blessed.

Preall Stareth of Wivelisburn

159 AC - 213 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Wheyep and four pups.

Whoever brought me here will have to take me home.

Deyetu Bannears of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

165 AC - 213 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Clelee and pups Rhekin and Jeyerup.

An inspiration.

Lluluy Digburrow of Wivelisburn

162 AC - 213 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Zeemeep and four pups.

A Champion Always.

Seyela Digburrow of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

167 AC - 213 AC

She has rejoined her faithful husband Fleyemeek and was survived by her eight pups.

A otterfolk of repute.

Nielee Rumgardner of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

185 AC - 213 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Sheala and four pups.

An honest otterfolk.

Seatee Goldminer of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

161 AC - 212 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Thereep.

Safely anchored.

Threyekin Zorhaddur of Wivelisburn

162 AC - 212 AC

He was survived by his wife Meru and pups Fleyena and Rey.

More than love.

Feakin Brightbottom of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

161 AC - 212 AC

He has rejoined his wife Reeli and was survived by his pup Zelo.

In Loving Memory.

Yarstup Coalpush of Wivelisburn

163 AC - 212 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Flulun and was survived by his pups Khooma, Frookin and Lulula.

Lost at Sea.

Theareep Nickellamp of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

165 AC - 212 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Shey and was survived by his pup Lelee.

Happy they who fearing Vastra fear nothing else.

Shey Littlemark of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

164 AC - 212 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Theareep and pup Lelee.

A otterfolk of repute.

Wiemeep Nickellamp of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

159 AC - 212 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Pretee and four pups.

A otterfolk of repute.

Hearup Chromemark of Wivelisburn

164 AC - 212 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Fleyema and pups Jemeek and Riannna.

In Loving Memory.

Weyekin Bankhead of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

164 AC - 212 AC

He was survived by his wife Kootee.

Death is only a shadow across the path.

Fleyema Ilberest of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

165 AC - 212 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Hearup and was survived by her pups Jemeek and Riannna.

The acts of this life are the destiny of the next.

Threyetu Myemrjar of Wivelisburn

165 AC - 212 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Meakol and was survived by her pup Sheala.

Good and faithful servants.

Liema Digburrow of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

165 AC - 212 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Dreelee and pup Llierit.

The acts of this life are the destiny of the next.

Dulula Grubbgirdle of Wivelisburn

165 AC - 212 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Hanaodo and six pups.

For all we know this might only be a dream, we come and go like ripples in a stream.

Sheekol Nickellamp of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solina

165 AC - 212 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Puluy and pups Reekol and Preyell.

A Life Measured in Memories.

Fergkar Foldraar of Wivelisburn

180 AC - 212 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Isabella.

Forever in our hearts.

Reelee Brightbottom of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Xor

163 AC - 211 AC

He was survived by his wife Wulutee.

Blessed sleep to which we all return.

Driere Sandchild of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solina

163 AC - 211 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Priekin.

Loved by all.

Dekin Zorhaddur of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

162 AC - 211 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Sheeru and pup Llere.

Died doing what he loved.

Rheyelo Foldraar of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Xor

162 AC - 211 AC

He has rejoined his wife Keyetu and was survived by his six pups.

Till death do us part.

Delee Beretlanter of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

185 AC - 211 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Nena and pups Dáibur and Rhealo.

Forever in our hearts.

Wulurup Coalshoulder of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solina

162 AC - 211 AC

He has rejoined his wife Thetee.

He has soared away to a better land.

Feerit Chromemark of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

157 AC - 211 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Shreyela and four pups.

A valiant otterfolk.

Sheetu Littlemark of Wivelisburn

162 AC - 210 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Shrulureep.

A free spirit.

Flulun Rumblerogers of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

159 AC - 210 AC

She was survived by her committed husband Yarstup and pups Khooma, Frookin and Lulula.

A very special otterfolk.

Chietu Goldminer of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

160 AC - 210 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Pleekin and was survived by her pups Pookin and Drulull.

Until We Meet Again.

Shreerit Rumgardner of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

160 AC - 210 AC

He has rejoined his faithful wife Shiep and was survived by his pups Fiey and Zraqiroth.

Love is enough.

Noranda Grubbgirdle of Wivelisburn

163 AC - 210 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Shooll and was survived by her pup Froor.

A valiant otterfolk.

Cloon Myemrjar of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

164 AC - 210 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Choorup and was survived by her pups Fleyekol and Choor.

Rest in Peace.

Shrooll Bankhead of Wivelisburn

163 AC - 210 AC

He is with his family again.

He has soared away to a better land.

Millicent Digburrow of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

194 AC - 210 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Fooreep.

A Champion Always.

Fleyemeek Darkspear of Waltville

Symbol of Solos

162 AC - 210 AC

He was survived by his wife Seyela and eight pups.

A otterfolk of repute.

Hulurup Pike of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

161 AC - 210 AC

He was survived by his committed wife Teena and pups Koon and Thrien.

Safely anchored.

Matilda Digrogers of Waltville

185 AC - 210 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Wilibill and pup Jeli.

Tears water our growth.

Riell Rumtook of Wivelisburn

172 AC - 209 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Yarpuu and pup Dreer.

A free spirit.

Elberain Sandchild of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

158 AC - 209 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Seemeek and pups Lleala and Chearu.

In Loving Memory.

Neyena Ilberest of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

177 AC - 209 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Frululo and pup Niere.

Loved by all.

Keyena Dracmirir of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

159 AC - 209 AC

She was survived by her committed husband Preall and four pups.

An inspiration.

Zep Bulgepen of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

159 AC - 209 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Wulvaath and was survived by her pup Regkarr.

Our enduring inspiration.

Rheareep Chromemark of Wivelisburn

161 AC - 209 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Weyeru and was survived by his four pups.

A free spirit.

Kearu Digburrow of Wivelisburn

162 AC - 209 AC

She was survived by her husband Koomeek and five pups.

More than love.

Shiep Grubbgirdle of Wivelisburn

159 AC - 209 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Shreerit and pups Fiey and Zraqiroth.

A free spirit.

Chey Bannears of Wivelisburn

161 AC - 209 AC

She has rejoined her husband Freareep and was survived by her pup Fulup.

Good and faithful servants.

Siela Myemrjar of Wivelisburn

162 AC - 209 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Sheemeek.

What we keep in our memory is ours unchanged forever.

Zrafariath Rumtook of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

160 AC - 208 AC

He was survived by his wife Kearu and pups Frululee, Llulurup and Fearu.

A valiant otterfolk.

Tuluma Stwinorn of Wivelisburn

183 AC - 208 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Frookin.

Until We Meet Again.

Keyetu Digburrow of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

160 AC - 208 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Rheyelo and six pups.

Loved beyond the stars.

Reeli Ilberest of Waltville

157 AC - 208 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Feakin and pup Zelo.

Your love will light my way.

Khululee Rumtook of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

158 AC - 208 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Sheali and was survived by his pups Chooma and Freareep.

When you are sorrowful, look again.

Jier Chromemark of Waltville

161 AC - 208 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Ogglegot and pups Frululo, Fema and Fer.

Sleep on now, and take your rest.

Dulukin Zorhaddur of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

162 AC - 208 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Frean and pup Rulure.

Each tool is laid aside worn with work done with pride.

iarin Steele of Wivelisburn

159 AC - 208 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Rhulukin and was survived by her pups Chean, Zelee and Corneima.

Cover lightly, gentle earth.

Wiekin Coalpush of Waltville

Symbol of Solos

162 AC - 208 AC

He has rejoined his faithful wife Peen and was survived by his pup Shrulutu.

Loved beyond the stars.

Ziema Myemrjar of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

160 AC - 208 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Willard.

A very special otterfolk.

Lleyereep Lord of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

159 AC - 208 AC

He has rejoined his doting wife Rhooru and was survived by his pup Chulure.

In Loving Memory.

Weyeru Stwinorn of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

160 AC - 208 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Rheareep and five pups.

A valiant otterfolk.

Delia Rumblerogers of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

155 AC - 207 AC

She has rejoined her husband Lookol and was survived by her five pups.

The best is yet to come.

Leyetu Moongur of Wivelisburn

154 AC - 207 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Shielee and was survived by her five pups.

Forever in our hearts.

Jell Chromemark of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

155 AC - 207 AC

He has rejoined his faithful wife Khooy and was survived by his four pups.

An inspiration to all.

Freareep Underhead of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

159 AC - 207 AC

He was survived by his wife Chey and pup Fulup.

An inspiration.

Meakol Beretlanter of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

157 AC - 207 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Threyetu and pups Sheala and Delee.

Until We Meet Again.

Sheare Myemrjar of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

159 AC - 207 AC

She has rejoined her husband Clielo and was survived by her pups Khela, Keyelee and Cheekol.

Rest in Peace.

Deen Moongur of Wivelisburn

157 AC - 207 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Neyekin.

A valiant otterfolk.

Nulukin Stareth of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Caspio

160 AC - 207 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Pandola and pups Frululee and Feameep.

Until We Meet Again.

Sheali Goldminer of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

158 AC - 207 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Khululee and pups Chooma and Freareep.

Sleep on now, and take your rest.

Edwardus Brightbottom of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

156 AC - 206 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Fley and was survived by his pups Ruluma, Freyemeep and Neyena.

In beloved and abiding memory.

Khooy Stwinorn of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

160 AC - 206 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Willard and was survived by her pup Dreerit.

We shall meet beyond the river.

Fleyetu Sandchild of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

155 AC - 206 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Cleall.

Blessed sleep to which we all return.

Cleall Rumtook of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

159 AC - 206 AC

He has rejoined his doting wife Fleyetu.

Step softly, a dream lies buried here.

Peen Alechest of Wivelisburn

166 AC - 206 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Wiekin and pup Shrulutu.

A free spirit.

Choorup Stareth of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

155 AC - 205 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Cloon and pups Fleyekol and Choor.

A Life Measured in Memories.

Freema Goldminer of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

189 AC - 205 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Regkarr and pups Zeakol, Nema and Frulureep.

Loved by all.

Isabella Rumblerogers of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Vastra

186 AC - 205 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Fergkar.

Death is not a foe, but an inevitable adventure.

Loorit Brightbottom of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

182 AC - 205 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Finduilen.

Rest in Peace.

Wheyere Digburrow of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

153 AC - 205 AC

She has rejoined her faithful husband Heelo and was survived by her pups Mekol, Shrulur and Fearu.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.

Dionisia Bannears of Wivelisburn

154 AC - 204 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Edwardus and was survived by her pups Nena, Zrafariath and Ziey.

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

Tetee Myemrjar of Wivelisburn

Symbol of Solos

157 AC - 204 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Ploolee.

Loved by all.

Clielo Zorhaddur of Wivelisburn

156 AC - 204 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Sheare and pups Khela, Keyelee and Cheekol.

A otterfolk of repute.

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