Port Earlesden Tomb
An eerie tomb, with generations of graves.
- Sail the sea north-east to Port Earlesden
Reareep Tuluteepup of Port Earlesden
290 AC - 339 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Dulup and was survived by his pups Whetu, Peelo and Pletu.
Our enduring inspiration.
Rhuluma of Port Earlesden
288 AC - 338 AC
She has rejoined her faithful husband Terit and was survived by her pups Hululo and Throore.
In everloving memory.
Seyemeek Tuluteepup of Port Earlesden
288 AC - 338 AC
He was survived by his wife Froop.
In Loving Memory.
Wulutu Theteepup of Failsden
292 AC - 338 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Preyekin.
Dearly beloved.
Themeek Denapup of Failsden
290 AC - 338 AC
He has rejoined his wife Plere and was survived by his pups Jeyelo, Whetu and Shreyela.
A wonderful otterfolk. We love you.
Shiema Keyenapup of Failsden
288 AC - 338 AC
She was survived by her husband Peer and pups Reekin and Threar.
Dulup Pletupup of Port Earlesden
292 AC - 338 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Reareep and pups Peelo and Pletu.
Loved by all.
Hoolo Loolipup of Port Earlesden
291 AC - 338 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Throotu and pup Prulur.
A valiant otterfolk.
Dreelo of Failsden
286 AC - 338 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Liey and six pups.
A Life Measured in Memories.
Hena of Port Earlesden
290 AC - 338 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Cheemeek and was survived by her five pups.
We live to love you more each day.
Plier Meyeteepup of Port Earlesden
290 AC - 338 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Shreep and pups Proorup and Rheereep.
Dearly loved.
Weena Shruluteepup of Port Earlesden
287 AC - 337 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Shiereep and was survived by her pups Shrulukol, Shrulutee and Jeerit.
An inspiration.
Fieru Pletupup of Port Earlesden
289 AC - 337 AC
She is with her family again.
A valiant otterfolk.
Clemeek Wheateepup of Port Earlesden
289 AC - 336 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Rhep and was survived by his pup Pulun.
Rest in Peace.
Nere Zerepup of Port Earlesden
289 AC - 336 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Teyerit and pup Chiemeep.
What we keep in our memory is ours unchanged forever.
Sulumeek Whearupup of Port Earlesden
289 AC - 336 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Heali and pup Lleeli.
Forever in our hearts.
Weama of Port Earlesden
285 AC - 336 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Feemeep and was survived by her pups Dululi, Teemeep and Niell.
In Loving Memory.
Lookol Bellows of Port Earlesden
283 AC - 336 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Reynilda and four pups.
May Marlon guide his spirit.
Khema Tuluteepup of Port Earlesden
284 AC - 335 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Hoolee and was survived by her four pups.
Forever in our hearts.
Zeyerup of Port Earlesden
286 AC - 335 AC
He has rejoined his committed wife Rhep.
Our enduring inspiration.
Siey of Port Earlesden
287 AC - 335 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Dreelo and six pups.
A free spirit.
Lulumeep Mululapup of Port Earlesden
288 AC - 335 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Liey.
In Loving Memory.
Noore Mululapup of Port Earlesden
288 AC - 335 AC
She is with her family again.
Loved by all.
Shiereep Dreateepup of Port Earlesden
289 AC - 335 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Weena and pups Shrulukol, Shrulutee and Jeerit.
Dearly beloved.
Mooma of Port Earlesden
285 AC - 334 AC
She has rejoined her husband Doomeep and was survived by her pup Weere.
Dearly beloved.
Frearit of Port Earlesden
285 AC - 334 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Keru and pup Throokol.
A Lifetime of Laughter and Love.
Clerit Drieteepup of Port Earlesden
285 AC - 334 AC
He is with his family again.
With Caspio.
Pluluru of Failsden
283 AC - 334 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Moolee and pup Khulula.
Cover lightly, gentle earth.
Cheemeek Whearupup of Port Earlesden
284 AC - 334 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Hena and five pups.
And so he passed over and all the trumpets sounded for them on the other side.
Lleali Thrulunpup of Port Earlesden
283 AC - 334 AC
She is with her family again.
A wonderful otterfolk. We love you.
Cheyerit of Port Earlesden
283 AC - 334 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Dean and was survived by his four pups.
Rest in Peace.
Rhep Leyelapup of Failsden
283 AC - 334 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Zeyerup.
Your love will light my way.
Kiela Whearupup of Port Earlesden
281 AC - 334 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Drekol and was survived by her five pups.
And so she passed over and all the trumpets sounded for them on the other side.
Rhep Denapup of Failsden
283 AC - 334 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Clemeek and pup Pulun.
Whither thou goest I will go.
Chulup Dreateepup of Port Earlesden
286 AC - 333 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Drealee and was survived by her pups Freyep, Drooli and Rheelee.
Dearly beloved.
Whuluma of Port Earlesden
282 AC - 333 AC
She is with her family again.
In Loving Memory.
Hoolee Wheanapup of Port Earlesden
283 AC - 333 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Khema and four pups.
Truth to your own spirit.
Clulukin Whearupup of Port Earlesden
281 AC - 333 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Kheyetee and was survived by his pup Rieli.
Wise, wonderful, devoted.
Nulure of Port Earlesden
280 AC - 333 AC
She has rejoined her doting wife Seyey.
Loved beyond the stars.
Zemeek Fulunapup of Failsden
283 AC - 333 AC
He has rejoined his wife Kean and was survived by his pup Sulumeek.
A valiant otterfolk.
Prulure of Port Earlesden
283 AC - 332 AC
She was survived by her beloved wife Reynilda.
A Life Measured in Memories.
Shiemeek of Port Earlesden
286 AC - 332 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Heyeli.
In Loving Memory.
Shreatu of Port Earlesden
297 AC - 332 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Thrulukol and pups Prietu, Fululi and Meemeep.
Rest in Peace.
Drealee Rielipup of Failsden
278 AC - 332 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Chulup and pups Freyep, Drooli and Rheelee.
Rest in Peace.
Doomeep Meaypup of Failsden
281 AC - 332 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Mooma and pup Weere.
Forever in our hearts.
Frulula of Port Earlesden
282 AC - 332 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Preyemeek and was survived by her pups Shrieli and Door.
Loved by all.
Threrup Foomapup of Port Earlesden
282 AC - 332 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Jululi and was survived by his four pups.
Life is not forever. Love is.
Zearu of Port Earlesden
289 AC - 332 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Keemeek and seven pups.
Kean Jeateepup of Port Earlesden
284 AC - 331 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Zemeek and pup Sulumeek.
A radiant life of love and kindness.
Terit Reetupup of Failsden
283 AC - 331 AC
He was survived by his committed wife Rhuluma and pups Hululo and Throore.
Rulull Wierepup of Failsden
282 AC - 331 AC
He is with his family again.
Love will tear us apart.
Pootu Drootupup of Port Earlesden
279 AC - 331 AC
She is with her family again.
Dearly beloved.
Kooru Meanpup of Port Earlesden
280 AC - 331 AC
She has rejoined her doting husband Shreakol and was survived by her four pups.
Fairwell vain world I've known enough of thee.
Hela Foomapup of Port Earlesden
282 AC - 331 AC
She is with her family again.
An unfortunate but good otterfolk.
Nooli of Port Earlesden
282 AC - 330 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Whulurit and was survived by her six pups.
A valiant otterfolk.
Dean of Failsden
282 AC - 329 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Cheyerit and four pups.
The acts of this life are the destiny of the next.
Shreyereep of Port Earlesden
280 AC - 329 AC
He is with his family again.
In Loving Memory.
Cletu Wheateepup of Port Earlesden
279 AC - 329 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Llulull and was survived by her pups Teyerit, Wiekin and Khema.
A valiant otterfolk.
Theatee Khemapup of Port Earlesden
278 AC - 328 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Chulull.
A free spirit.
Llulull of Port Earlesden
276 AC - 328 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Cletu and pups Teyerit, Wiekin and Khema.
In Loving Memory.
Preyemeek Rululapup of Failsden
277 AC - 328 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Frulula and pups Shrieli and Door.
A valiant otterfolk.
Pleana Dreteepup of Failsden
277 AC - 328 AC
She was survived by her husband Lookol and four pups.
In everloving memory.
Keyekol Wheyelipup of Port Earlesden
278 AC - 328 AC
He has rejoined his doting wife Theru and was survived by his pup Friema.
A free spirit.
Zeareep Koorupup of Port Earlesden
301 AC - 328 AC
He is with his family again.
Zere Sheamapup of Port Earlesden
300 AC - 328 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Flierit and pups Petu, Neameek and Froop.
So loved.
Threameep Shruluteepup of Port Earlesden
277 AC - 327 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Neyeru and four pups.
A Lifetime of Laughter and Love.
Khiena Leyelapup of Failsden
279 AC - 327 AC
She is with her family again.
A otterfolk of repute.
Threay of Failsden
274 AC - 327 AC
She is with her family again.
A otterfolk of repute.
Khoola Kerepup of Port Earlesden
272 AC - 327 AC
She has rejoined her doting husband Jerit and was survived by her four pups.
I told you I was ill.
Wooma Llealapup of Port Earlesden
279 AC - 327 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Clelee and was survived by her five pups.
Rest in Peace.
Juluy Wemapup of Port Earlesden
273 AC - 327 AC
She has rejoined her faithful husband Rheareep and was survived by her pup Soolee.
A valiant otterfolk.
Neyeru of Port Earlesden
276 AC - 327 AC
She has rejoined her doting husband Threameep and was survived by her four pups.
Love you always.
Sheama Foomapup of Port Earlesden
277 AC - 327 AC
She has rejoined her committed husband Neameek and was survived by her pups Hulutu and Zere.
A valiant otterfolk.
Flean of Port Earlesden
274 AC - 326 AC
She is with her family again.
In Loving Memory.
Clelee of Failsden
279 AC - 326 AC
He was survived by his wife Wooma and five pups.
An unfortunate but good otterfolk.
Weerit Wemapup of Port Earlesden
278 AC - 326 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Cleyere and was survived by his pups Preareep, Zeeli and Rhooreep.
The memory of the just is blessed.
Cloolo of Port Earlesden
276 AC - 326 AC
He has rejoined his committed wife Wheana.
Our enduring inspiration.
Shreakol Sooypup of Port Earlesden
276 AC - 326 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Kooru and five pups.
Always loving, always loved.
Thoor Shruluteepup of Port Earlesden
276 AC - 326 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Diere and was survived by his pups Kheyelo and Heali.
The memory of the just is blessed.
Kheyetee Rielipup of Failsden
278 AC - 326 AC
She was survived by her husband Clulukin and pup Rieli.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day.
Flookol Zelipup of Port Earlesden
278 AC - 326 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Sheama and pups Sulumeek, Sheen and Kheere.
In beloved and abiding memory.
Shrela Thrulunpup of Port Earlesden
279 AC - 325 AC
She is with her family again.
Forever in our hearts.
Whemeep Drootupup of Port Earlesden
279 AC - 325 AC
He is with his family again.
Until We Meet Again.
Rell Cleyerepup of Port Earlesden
309 AC - 325 AC
He is with his family again.
May their memory be eternal.
Shekol Cleyerepup of Port Earlesden
303 AC - 325 AC
He is with his family again.
Dearly beloved.
Cleana Freetupup of Failsden
293 AC - 324 AC
She was survived by her husband Dululee and pup Meyelo.
Until We Meet Again.
Whulurit Kerupup of Failsden
275 AC - 324 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Nooli and six pups.
Peace perfect peace.
Kheekol Pleanapup of Port Earlesden
303 AC - 324 AC
He is with his family again.
Tears water our growth.
Mulure Koorupup of Port Earlesden
294 AC - 324 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Keyer.
She found happiness and honor in being helpful to the world.
Weala Noorepup of Port Earlesden
276 AC - 324 AC
She has rejoined her doting husband Clelo.
Rest in Peace.
Neameek Khemapup of Port Earlesden
274 AC - 324 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Sheama and pups Hulutu and Zere.
A otterfolk of repute.
Drekol of Port Earlesden
273 AC - 324 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Kiela and five pups.
A radiant life of love and kindness.
Cleyere Thrulunpup of Port Earlesden
281 AC - 323 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Weerit and five pups.
She has soared away to a better land.
Fieru Sooypup of Port Earlesden
276 AC - 323 AC
She has rejoined her husband Rheereep and was survived by her four pups.
So sad, so fresh, the days that are no more.
Mulukol Noorepup of Port Earlesden
273 AC - 323 AC
He has rejoined his doting wife Whearu.
Gone But Never Forgotten.
Lliep of Port Earlesden
272 AC - 323 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Heell and was survived by her pups Zema and Zoomeek.
Rest in Peace.
Flearup Sheamapup of Port Earlesden
271 AC - 323 AC
He is with his family again.
In Loving Memory.