Topter Graveyard
Morwan Starbars
221 AC - 800 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Hergpar and was survived by her four children.
Love you always.
Urwenwen Nimeshotyn
232 AC - 798 AC
She was survived by her husband Chearit and children Threlher, Denerdhan and Finarfinnor.
Loved by all.
Dorcas Nightrr
214 AC - 792 AC
She was survived by her faithful husband Rogcam and children Urwenen and Inuvieel.
Inarfar Uirsaar
226 AC - 790 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Emel and children Indien and Penloth.
He followed dreams, stars and ships.
Kiarvi Nickelchest
213 AC - 789 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Foscdoc and children Shreemeek and Nerdandir.
She followed dreams, stars and ships.
Kibalin Revvenal
228 AC - 782 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Serinduileth Haevaraist and five children.
Mell Huston
217 AC - 781 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Enetho and four children.
She followed dreams, stars and ships.
Celeborin Ulond
212 AC - 779 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Lolton and was survived by his six children.
Rest in Peace.
Wesley Porter of Madocville
711 AC - 778 AC
He has rejoined his doting wife Josephine and was survived by his son Baden.
Cover lightly, gentle earth.
Lisimel Roberson of Lainpool
196 AC - 771 AC
She was survived by her husband Mahtaim and children Elberethien and Eledhwenril.
In everloving memory.
Celebil Everlth
192 AC - 767 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Dreelo and was survived by her son Mablungir.
Where Solina leads me I can safely go.
Legoros Flowede of Norterforth
199 AC - 766 AC
He was survived by his committed wife Tinuviil and daughter Induilasth.
A free spirit.
Iminnor Stalembelyn of Rochridge
200 AC - 766 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Valdid and was survived by his children Eresos and Edainiel.
In everloving memory.
Maglong Erlshaetve
204 AC - 766 AC
He was survived by his wife Nerdandir.
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
Imboeg Tyrner
194 AC - 765 AC
He has rejoined his doting wife Primca and was survived by his son Thráni.
In Loving Memory.
Clieli Brighev
203 AC - 764 AC
She was survived by her committed husband Ingon and daughter Amarindeeth.
In everloving memory.
Oggleforg Leafsigilhi of Rochridge
208 AC - 763 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Bladud and was survived by her son Ebtun.
In Loving Memory.
Primca Korian of Lainpool
206 AC - 759 AC
She was survived by her faithful husband Imboeg and son Thráni.
She lies in the valley she loved.
Hockreg Sunweathrym
201 AC - 759 AC
She was survived by her husband Oropheron and four children.
The acts of this life are the destiny of the next.
Marcam Fflanyn
172 AC - 758 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Fingan and children Findegon and Serith.
Wise, wonderful, devoted.
Gotreg Lanaerr
170 AC - 757 AC
She has rejoined her committed husband Herbert and was survived by her six children.
In everloving memory.
Dunknorg Iliatars of Lainpool
186 AC - 754 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Maglorhir and was survived by her children Indision and Tinuviil.
Truth to your own spirit.
Bladud Melrurr
169 AC - 752 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Oggleforg and son Ebtun.
Until We Meet Again.
Marrsco Calautym
190 AC - 750 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Nerdandir and children Sheetee, Threlher and Serinduiel.
In everloving memory.
Salgaati Uirsaar
177 AC - 748 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Arwehel and five children.
Loved beyond the stars.
Fangráin Ildensar
157 AC - 744 AC
He has rejoined his doting wife Yavannaen and was survived by his son Felafin.
Forever in our hearts.
Elberetari Halatyr
147 AC - 738 AC
She has rejoined her husband Threlher and was survived by her children Mithod and Nimrodnde.
May Caspio guide her spirit.
Duruith Shivarhin of Kearsing
156 AC - 736 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Eledaian and was survived by his children Olerurt, Serinduileth and Idrildir.
A free spirit.
Mena Haereow of Rochridge
172 AC - 734 AC
She has rejoined her doting husband Ilima and was survived by her son Mahtath.
Gone But Never Forgotten.
Indiel Gamticoshul
165 AC - 732 AC
She has rejoined her faithful husband Hamon and was survived by her children Findiim and Kernvol.
Tears water our growth.
Lolton Targlanarr
177 AC - 731 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Celeborin and six children.
A Life Measured in Memories.
Meliond Suldu
155 AC - 727 AC
She was survived by her faithful husband Nauguin and five children.
A Champion Always.
Laliamoda Starym
160 AC - 726 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Lindir and was survived by her children Felagundal, Thrandon and Findeal.
Loved by all.
Galadod Trouwunahir
163 AC - 723 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Mooli and four children.
Dearly loved.
Vardaien Suldu
159 AC - 720 AC
She has rejoined her committed husband Sier and was survived by her children Aredhari and Vardnel.
Loved by all.
Eledaian Haevaraist
144 AC - 719 AC
She was survived by her husband Duruith and children Olerurt, Serinduileth and Idrildir.
Herbert Daniels
163 AC - 717 AC
He was survived by his wife Gotreg and six children.
In Loving Memory.
Rebecca Chubbhouse of Ferryby
386 AC - 717 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Maglorfir and five children.
She walked in beauty.
Maglorhir Trouwunahir
144 AC - 715 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Dunknorg and children Indision and Tinuviil.
Our lives are poorer without you.
Eilinal Waelvan
144 AC - 713 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Threir and was survived by her four children.
Rest in Peace.
Lornjerg Nimeshotyn of Lainpool
119 AC - 711 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Ibliini and was survived by her son Dortin.
A radiant life of love and kindness.
Binarvi Lightthi
156 AC - 709 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Meraldane and was survived by his daughter Vardiel.
Love you miss you.
Cornelica Suldurde of Rochridge
143 AC - 706 AC
She has rejoined her beloved wife Thrarin and was survived by her daughter Celebrinhel.
A free spirit.
Luttkar Estes
124 AC - 706 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Marrsco and children Sheetee and Threlher.
Good and faithful servants.
Coraha Karrhyal
136 AC - 703 AC
She has rejoined her husband Hergpar and was survived by her five children.
Fairwell vain world I've known enough of thee.
Yavannaen Echorth
126 AC - 702 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Fangráin and son Felafin.
Love you always.
Hunrall Melrurr
111 AC - 700 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Sara and was survived by his children Aredal and Tatigon.
Your love will light my way.
Jeey Brightsoawk of Lainpool
122 AC - 696 AC
She was survived by her faithful husband Forbun and children Finduth and Salgaon.
A valiant elf.
Didcor Moss of Norterforth
134 AC - 695 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Galadod and children Ingon, Elberetwen and Finduan.
In everloving memory.
Jeeli Haevaraist
115 AC - 693 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Falcarim and daughter Eledhedal Harding.
Loved by all.
Tryphena Halatyr
122 AC - 691 AC
She has rejoined her husband Flur and was survived by her daughter Elberal.
A very special elf.
Meraldane Dahasfei
119 AC - 688 AC
She was survived by her committed husband Binarvi and daughter Vardiel.
She followed dreams, stars and ships.
Zulutu Watence
131 AC - 688 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Inarfar and children Indien and Penloth.
Loved by all.
Mirabenda Vaughan
128 AC - 688 AC
She has rejoined her faithful husband Wowtill and was survived by her children Galaari and Nimlotna.
Forever in our hearts.
Ibliini Lightthi
125 AC - 686 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Lornjerg and son Dortin.
Love is enough.
Kimli Huff
125 AC - 682 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Emel and children Carantgon and Anairor.
He followed dreams, stars and ships.
Fankun Selakth of Lainpool
523 AC - 682 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Thrandon and children Nimlothde and Anelbewen.
A Life Measured in Memories.
Lindir Uirsaar
195 AC - 680 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Laliamoda and children Felagundal, Thrandon and Findeal.
Peace perfect peace.
Hergpar Rhyllgallyn
116 AC - 677 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Coraha and five children.
Rest in Peace.
Bellissaira Lyngedraper of Norterforth
101 AC - 676 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Nicolst and was survived by her children Daeroor, Mooli and Serinel.
Rest in Peace.
Clierup Shothian
116 AC - 676 AC
He has rejoined his wife Pearl and was survived by his son Glórói.
In everloving memory.
Morgugg Waelvan
105 AC - 674 AC
She has rejoined her faithful husband Flululo and was survived by her five children.
Peace at last.
Flur Shothian
113 AC - 672 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Tryphena and children Emeldna and Elberal.
Whither thou goest I will go.
Nicolst Laughihor
107 AC - 671 AC
He was survived by his committed wife Bellissaira and children Daeroor, Mooli and Serinel.
A free spirit.
Tutkarr Halatyr
106 AC - 671 AC
She has rejoined her faithful husband Kidáin and was survived by her daughter Rinde Carey.
Loved by all.
Hamon Ildensar
100 AC - 670 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Indiel and children Findiim and Kernvol.
Dearly loved.
Rariezyen Oldelayn
85 AC - 669 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Kimli and children Carantgon and Anairor.
Rest in Peace.
Mangder Erlshaetve
102 AC - 667 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Loyassayl and was survived by his children Tinuveth, Dáibur and Idrilan.
Tears water our growth.
Pluluma Everlth
80 AC - 667 AC
She has rejoined her husband Archibald and was survived by her children Amrodregon, Penlodtan and Elwiin.
Truth to your own spirit.
Reynilda Sunweathrym
101 AC - 666 AC
She was survived by her husband Norghak and son Fanagrh.
Greater love hath no elf than this, that she lay down her life for her friend.
Olfias Laughihor
234 AC - 663 AC
He was survived by his wife Edairil and children Nimrodeliel, Elebil and Tation.
In Loving Memory.
Heyerit Ildensar of Rochridge
475 AC - 662 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Aredhwenel and son Celeboril.
Till death do us part.
Sheyena Moss of Lainpool
93 AC - 660 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Floolee and was survived by her children Oropheron, Galdorn and Edrantny.
Tears water our growth.
Sier Ulond
94 AC - 659 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Vardaien and children Aredhari and Vardnel.
He has soared away to a better land.
Shrulutu Thtan
86 AC - 657 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Poscudndo and was survived by her children Rindenel and Amrotny.
A elf of repute.
Eleborlas Ulond
406 AC - 655 AC
He was survived by his wife Tinuviil and daughter Amarian.
A Life Measured in Memories.
Elegodor Uirsaar
84 AC - 650 AC
He has rejoined his faithful wife Yarpuu and was survived by his son Legolodhlod.
Loved by all.
Kidáin Uirsaar
56 AC - 649 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Tutkarr and daughter Rinde Carey.
A Lifetime of Laughter and Love.
Floolee Ulond
82 AC - 648 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Sheyena and children Oropheron, Galdorn and Edrantny.
Cover lightly, gentle earth.
Mimosnia Lightiffer of Madocville
482 AC - 646 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Threlher and children Rianen and Irimor.
More than love.
Sara Aerasumnha
89 AC - 642 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Hunrall and children Aredal and Tatigon.
In Loving Memory.
Hergpar Alaenrel
241 AC - 641 AC
He was survived by his wife Morwan and four children.
Tears water our growth.
Timothy Esteld
85 AC - 641 AC
He was survived by his loving husband Dwalur and children Mahtaim and Galindbor.
So sad, so fresh, the days that are no more.
Uggpar Suldual of Lainpool
62 AC - 640 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Legorm and daughter Nimroas.
Tears water our growth.
Lutteb Nyamthrr of Lainpool
68 AC - 635 AC
He has rejoined his committed wife Iburin and was survived by his children Riandis, Myrtlra and Galadmil.
In Loving Memory.
Celenwen Leafboweian of Lainpool
551 AC - 634 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Mîóni and son Maglorfeg.
Loved by all.
Dreelo Brigbow
60 AC - 633 AC
He was survived by his wife Celebil and son Mablungir.
A Life Measured in Memories.
Eledheel Clayfield of Norterforth
52 AC - 631 AC
She has rejoined her loving wife Nerdanir and was survived by her daughter Finduilen Iliatal.
A free spirit.
Iblis Abbot
152 AC - 628 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Kibalin and children Eiliin, Lionel and Oronan.
Tears water our growth.
Nimroil Ongluym of Lainpool
541 AC - 628 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Thrandon and son Argonel.
A very special elf.
Daldda Farrell
193 AC - 627 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Peter and children Rwenth, Morwendel and Mîorin.
Loved by all.
Poscudndo Brigbow
70 AC - 625 AC
He was survived by his wife Shrulutu and children Rindenel and Amrotny.
Grace, dignity and elegance personified.
Balxanoth Brigbow
52 AC - 625 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Idriil and was survived by his daughter Amarielen Lightiffer.
May their memory be eternal.
Nauhal Trouwunahir
43 AC - 624 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Finduilen Iliatal and son Turgonmin.
He did it the hard way.