Rindath Graveyard
Induilil Rianel Elaryir
666 AC - 800 AC
She was survived by her husband Argon Mahtdan and daughter Ardath.
A free spirit.
Maglorfiod Egnoeg Erlshyr
240 AC - 798 AC
He was survived by his wife Serinien Emelde and children Findnde and Amaren.
Till death do us part.
Vardaneen Tinuvnde Tessinara
692 AC - 795 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Orodrethin.
We live to love you more each day.
Amarwende Rianwen Laen
232 AC - 794 AC
She was survived by her husband Finahor and children Oropon, Curufidor and Elebrinil.
In everloving memory.
Thrbur Oldtunnel of Platinumgully
659 AC - 790 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Nimroddis and son Anairtan.
Good and faithful servants.
Salgaon Tethi
210 AC - 789 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Elberil Arwerda and four children.
In Loving Memory.
Anailas Fingolasoth Arladen of Amrodon
213 AC - 788 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Induidis Eledaian and four children.
He did it the hard way.
Annari Irithiapor
213 AC - 784 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Pengolodhas Amrodin and was survived by her children Orodrin and Legonar.
Loved by all.
Pengolodhas Amrodin Alenoggin
204 AC - 783 AC
He was survived by his wife Annari and children Orodrin and Legonar.
A elf of repute.
Eledth Induilis Rivleafboot
216 AC - 782 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Galadhonal Belegoler and was survived by her daughter Galanel.
Loved by all.
Mablunglin Turgher son of Kibbur
413 AC - 778 AC
He was survived by his wife Galadrieeth and children Rindhel, Inarfar and Rinduilth.
A very special dwelf.
Serinrda Laen
223 AC - 777 AC
She has rejoined her husband Amropheth Gildon and was survived by her six children.
In Loving Memory.
Mablron Iminygon Keleredu
213 AC - 775 AC
He was survived by his wife Vardiel and six children.
Loved by all.
Caraor Oronwher Summell of Amrodon
195 AC - 768 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Rianeth Morweil and daughter Elberinddis Galade.
In everloving memory.
Gildornar Maedhas Tethi
187 AC - 766 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Elberetdal Aredhwen and was survived by his children Anduilnor, Vardadir and Celedal.
Rest in Peace.
Ineldal Rwendel Orbryn
203 AC - 758 AC
She has rejoined her committed husband Anoran Celemo and was survived by her four children.
A very special elf.
Amaredril Tinulas Faeronrel
192 AC - 756 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Angrod Elegos and was survived by her children Ingonth and Elennel.
Until We Meet Again.
Amropheth Gildon Runemaeve
193 AC - 755 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Serinrda and six children.
A valiant elf.
Haldas Irdreaf
168 AC - 754 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Celebral Elwingir and was survived by his five children.
In beloved and abiding memory.
Oronon Daeril Shaereil
472 AC - 752 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Findisil Anelbelas and children Seriril and Elwindal.
A valiant elf.
Anoran Celemo Erlshyr
183 AC - 740 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Ineldal Rwendel and four children.
We live to love you more each day.
Lionbor Shaereil
170 AC - 728 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Tinual Eldirdis and five children.
He has soared away to a better land.
Galadhonal Belegoler Shaereil
175 AC - 728 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Eledth Induilis and daughter Galanel.
Died doing what he loved.
Edrahon Finarfor Shaereil
140 AC - 723 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Rianwen Rielas and four children.
Rest in Peace.
Findwen Faeronrel
152 AC - 723 AC
She has rejoined her husband Mithrellaron Pengolodil and was survived by her four children.
A elf of repute.
Morwedel Elbereen Rivleafboot
132 AC - 714 AC
She was survived by her beloved wife Nimloan Amardael.
Loved by all.
Elromin Irim Moonweatryn
150 AC - 714 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Emeleth Rindalas and children Edainal and Rinduilen.
A true elf is never forgotten.
Nimlis Nimrnel Ilberest
149 AC - 710 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Eldal Gwindin and was survived by her children Felagleg, Thranir and Nimrhel.
Rest in Peace.
Celenwdel Eilida Rarrtan
140 AC - 708 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Curufiron Oronher and was survived by her children Voronmil and Idrilas.
A free spirit.
Eilineldis Tinuvieil Leafbore
140 AC - 705 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Thorion Galadhbor and was survived by her children Tinual and Amardel.
A elf of repute.
Elebel Laen
139 AC - 703 AC
She has rejoined her doting husband Pengoth Amrahor and was survived by her children Elberil, Thirimas and Mithrod.
A free spirit.
Curufiron Oronher Erlshyr
130 AC - 703 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Celenwdel Eilida and children Voronmil and Idrilas.
A free spirit.
Rindeen Aredhwelas Tessinth
136 AC - 699 AC
She has rejoined her committed husband Haldgon Mahtaod and was survived by her children Eilinari, Orfinwir and Salgalias.
Rest in Peace.
Vardanelel Eldiran Faeronrel
123 AC - 698 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Elromin Irim and children Edainal and Rinduilen.
A valiant elf.
Angrod Elegos Runemaeve
129 AC - 694 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Amaredril Tinulas and children Ingonth and Elennel.
Love will tear us apart.
Thilas Mithas Erlshyr
126 AC - 693 AC
He has rejoined his committed wife Elberdanil Edhelir and was survived by his children Lebokil, Yavaan and Nimlothien.
A elf of repute.
Amariri Edaiir Leafbore
123 AC - 685 AC
She was survived by her husband Edrahon Finarfor and children Galawen, Emeldiis and Nerdanain.
Tears water our growth.
Turgoth Gildgon Llas of Amrodon
119 AC - 683 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Amarari Yavaan and was survived by his children Finwin and Oropor.
A valiant elf.
Pengoth Amrahor Dahastoak
118 AC - 681 AC
He was survived by his committed wife Elebel and children Elberil, Thirimas and Mithrod.
Everybody loves somebody sometime.
Anthin Haldirod Laen
95 AC - 679 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Amaredhiel and was survived by his five children.
Whither thou goest I will go.
Amaredhiel Duthjual
122 AC - 679 AC
She was survived by her husband Anthin Haldirod and five children.
Gone But Never Forgotten.
Elberdanil Edhelir Orbryn
125 AC - 677 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Thilas Mithas and children Lebokil, Yavaan and Nimlothien.
She followed dreams, stars and ships.
Elberetdal Aredhwen Tessinth
237 AC - 675 AC
She was survived by her husband Gildornar Maedhas and children Anduilnor, Vardadir and Celedal.
Always in our thoughts, forever in our hearts.
Celebral Elwingir Irithiapor
107 AC - 664 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Haldas and five children.
Tears water our growth.
Eldal Gwindin Elaryir
70 AC - 655 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Nimlis Nimrnel and children Felagleg, Thranir and Nimrhel.
Step softly, a dream lies buried here.
Amraor Orophe Starbrynlan
81 AC - 646 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Amardaoth Celeben and was survived by his children Arednde and Findegon.
Too well loved to be ever forgotten.
Amardaoth Celeben Elaryir
83 AC - 641 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Amraor Orophe and five children.
In everloving memory.
Mithod Felaon Elonan
79 AC - 638 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Edainen Galadain and was survived by his children Rianeth, Nimlotas and Engoel.
Loved by all.
Edainen Galadain Nhariae
68 AC - 635 AC
She was survived by her husband Mithod Felaon and children Rianeth, Nimlotas and Engoel.
A elf of repute.
Elwingnel Mornruuth
68 AC - 633 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Angroil Gildorm and was survived by her children Enel, Eilineis and Emelde.
Love will tear us apart.
Findenetdir Neverama
76 AC - 632 AC
He has rejoined his wife Nerdrda Amarda and was survived by his children Elberdanel and Ereshil.
Loved by all.
Emeldidis Elebhel Tessiath
54 AC - 626 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Fingolfinon Findihir and was survived by her children Amrason and Elberdanel.
For all we know this might only be a dream, we come and go like ripples in a stream.
Fingolfinon Findihir Runemaeve
63 AC - 624 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Emeldidis Elebhel and children Amrason and Elberdanel.
Cover lightly, gentle earth.
Dáiuin Oldtunnel of Platinumgully
384 AC - 624 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Oropon Egalmotth and daughter Idrilde Coalstrong.
In Loving Memory.
Amarari Yavaan Naelgror
20 AC - 608 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Turgoth Gildgon and children Finwin and Oropor.
An unfortunate but good elf.
Thorion Galadhbor Orynst
28 AC - 608 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Eilineldis Tinuvieil and children Tinual and Amardel.
In Loving Memory.
Nerdrda Amarda Rivleafboot
36 AC - 605 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Findenetdir and children Elberdanel and Ereshil.
Life is not forever. Love is.
Haldras Erlshyr
48 AC - 604 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Finduas and was survived by his daughter Rielin.
Your love will light my way.
Findeneteth Fingony Moonfloasc
33 AC - 600 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Anelbeoth Yavahel and six children.
A radiant life of love and kindness.
Celeri Elaryir
19 AC - 593 AC
She was survived by her husband Findeneteth Fingony and five children.
Tears water our growth.
Angroil Gildorm Irdreaf
29 AC - 592 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Elwingnel and children Enel, Eilineis and Emelde.
Love is enough.
Finduas Laen
31 AC - 590 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Haldras and daughter Rielin.
Love will tear us apart.
Eledhwas Galadda Irithiapor
235 AC - 584 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Anailas Fingolasoth and four children.
Gildis Anduung Shaereil
350 AC - 561 AC
He was survived by his wife Elberdaal and four children.
Until We Meet Again.
Eilinnna Indail Ferritelamp
175 AC - 540 AC
She was survived by her husband Lionbor and children Serinduileth and Serinien.
A very special dwelf.
Haldgon Mahtaod Dahastoak
123 AC - 537 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Rindeen Aredhwelas and children Eilinari, Orfinwir and Salgalias.
Forever in our hearts.
Amrodth Eleghil Tethi
138 AC - 506 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Rielwiir Elebrinda and four children.
Always loving, always loved.
Findunna Doveir of Theyruse
56 BC - 504 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Curufinher and was survived by her four children.
Good and faithful servants.
Threlher Beleiny Nickelbrow
228 AC - 493 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Edainal Galadrina and daughter Edainri Vannnna.
Loved by all.
Mithrellaron Pengolodil Alenoggin
131 AC - 488 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Findwen and four children.
The memory of the just is blessed.
Indanel Thieeth Darkleg of Eldal Gantor
119 AC - 485 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Amrodth Eleghil and four children.
More than love.
Magloeg Keleredu of Theyruse
88 BC - 483 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Serinin and was survived by his daughter Galadas Finduiari.
Loved by all.
Edainnel Faeronrel of Theyruse
90 BC - 481 AC
She has rejoined her faithful husband Felagunddor and was survived by her children Arfinar and Elebrith.
Rest in Peace.
Denethin Ingoos Runemaeve
61 AC - 476 AC
He has rejoined his committed wife Inelth Urwendel and was survived by his daughter Anelbeoth Yavahel.
Sleep on now, and take your rest.
Serindalari Rivleafboot of Theyruse
113 BC - 462 AC
She has rejoined her doting husband Elemmadan and was survived by her daughter Vardiel.
Cover lightly, gentle earth.
Inelth Urwendel Tessinara
87 AC - 454 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Denethin Ingoos and daughter Anelbeoth Yavahel.
She is not gone while her name is spoken.
Elebrinil Haladuth of Theyruse
138 BC - 451 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Duiliel and was survived by her son Finaer Maeglti.
Tears water our growth.
Curufinher Yeschel of Theyruse
128 BC - 440 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Findunna and four children.
Until We Meet Again.
Thieth Rielwina Tessinth of Theyruse
63 BC - 439 AC
She has rejoined her husband Amrotny Galatnel and was survived by her daughter Galair Nimrois.
Cover lightly, gentle earth.
Eledhnde Iltrarrin of Theyruse
152 BC - 422 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Erdhi and was survived by her son Finahor.
A free spirit.
Serinin Ilberest of Theyruse
140 BC - 422 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Magloeg and daughter Galadas Finduiari.
Truth to your own spirit.
Elemmadan Runemaeve of Theyruse
165 BC - 421 AC
He was survived by his wife Serindalari and daughter Vardiel.
Step softly, a dream lies buried here.
Erdhi Moonweathe of Theyruse
161 BC - 420 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Eledhnde and son Finahor.
Rest in Peace.
Tinuvdel Naelgror of Theyruse
141 BC - 417 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Glorfinion and was survived by her daughter Rielwiir Elebrinda.
A Life Measured in Memories.
Duiliel Toryar of Theyruse
142 BC - 413 AC
He was survived by his committed wife Elebrinil and son Finaer Maeglti.
A Life Measured in Memories.
Felagunddor Irdreaf of Theyruse
173 BC - 409 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Edainnel and children Arfinar and Elebrith.
Cover lightly, gentle earth.
Nimlwen Leafbore of Theyruse
153 BC - 404 AC
She has rejoined her husband Curufrn and was survived by her daughter Tinuvieil.
Rest in Peace.
Nerdin Aredrda Naelgror
186 AC - 381 AC
She was survived by her husband Salgaon and children Idrilas and Amardaain.
May Caspio guide her spirit.
Glorfinion Sicafsigyn of Theyruse
202 BC - 375 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Tinuvdel and daughter Rielwiir Elebrinda.
He followed dreams, stars and ships.
Indenna Faeronrel
321 AC - 375 AC
She was survived by her daughter Elberdaal.
Good and faithful servants.
Amrotny Galatnel Moonweathe
8 AC - 375 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Thieth Rielwina and daughter Galair Nimrois.
Rest in Peace.
Daerogon Moonfloasc
122 AC - 356 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Amardaoth Celeben and children Rindisas, Amarielen and Orod.
Until We Meet Again.
Curufrn Tethi of Theyruse
216 BC - 340 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Nimlwen and daughter Tinuvieil.
Your love will light my way.
Celedis Duthjual
186 AC - 283 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Mithrel and son Maeg Elroir.
A Life Measured in Memories.
Pengolodil Moonfloasc
186 AC - 273 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Celedis and son Maeg Elroir.
A valiant elf.