Nelnuedir Graveyard


Indaladri the First

234 AC - 795 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Celeod and was survived by her children Maedhod and Amarith.

Good and faithful servants.

Indunel the First

710 AC - 795 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Galionan and children Maedhil and Thelan.

A elf of repute.

Celeod the Second

229 AC - 793 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Indaladri and children Maedhod and Amarith.

Tears water our growth.

Orodhor the First

Symbol of Gaia

230 AC - 791 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Yavarden and children Nethil and Glororn.

A broken melody.


Symbol of Gaia

224 AC - 789 AC

She has rejoined her husband Celeod.

Until we meet again.

Finduilasna the First of Deneuil

228 AC - 786 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Eglith and was survived by her children Emeldirin, Mablim and Eilina.

A Life Measured in Memories.

Thienin the First

219 AC - 783 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Enerder and was survived by her seven children.

In Loving Memory.

Gildirdir the First

199 AC - 780 AC

He has rejoined his committed wife Nimlothnna and was survived by his five children.

Rest in Peace.

Morwean the Third of Bel-Iydri

691 AC - 780 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Oropth and daughter Nerdil.

She lies in the valley she loved.

Emelwina the First

182 AC - 777 AC

She has rejoined her husband Edrahir and was survived by her children Nimrdel, Edrahhil and Gildoin.

In everloving memory.

Nimlothnna the First

Symbol of Gaia

188 AC - 775 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Gildirdir and five children.

Gone But Never Forgotten.

Nimloteth the Second

205 AC - 770 AC

She has rejoined her faithful husband Beleas and was survived by her five children.

We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land.

Elebrhel the First

334 AC - 768 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Galadhonal and five children.

Our enduring inspiration.

Amarian the First

200 AC - 767 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Maglorforn and was survived by her children Anelbeoth, Finarfinor and Ellain.

Truth to your own spirit.

Idrilde the First

196 AC - 766 AC

She has rejoined her faithful husband Orodrethin and was survived by her daughter Rielien.

Loved by all.

Idrilasir the Second

201 AC - 759 AC

She has rejoined her doting wife Edainduel and was survived by her son Ganthidor.

She walked in beauty.

Morwean the Second

189 AC - 756 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Elaguon and daughter Celebral.

Sleep on now, and take your rest.

Galaguny the First

317 AC - 755 AC

He was survived by his wife Induir and four children.

Good and faithful servants.

Induillas the First of Threon

183 AC - 754 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Maglorfdor and was survived by her children Anelas, Amarwennna and Findenetdir.

We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land.

Maglorforn the First

185 AC - 747 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Amarian and children Anelbeoth, Finarfinor and Ellain.

A elf of repute.

Indalna the Second

169 AC - 747 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Fingil and five children.

A elf of repute.

Elberethis the First

Symbol of Gaia

169 AC - 745 AC

She was survived by her husband Amropheth and children Beleger, Nimlothoth and Eledainde.

Peace perfect peace.

Beleas the First

Symbol of Gaia

173 AC - 740 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Nimloteth and five children.

So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

Galadir of Deneuil

178 AC - 739 AC

She was survived by her wife Eililas.

We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land.

Enerder the First

Symbol of Gaia

181 AC - 736 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Thienin and seven children.

Dance on.

Eglith the First

180 AC - 731 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Finduilasna and children Emeldirin, Mablim and Eilina.

For all we know this might only be a dream, we come and go like ripples in a stream.

Orodrethin the First

142 AC - 721 AC

He was survived by his wife Idrilde and daughter Rielien.

A elf of repute.

Elenwril the Second

121 AC - 719 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Olfin and was survived by her children Elaguon and Elemti.

Truth to your own spirit.

Maedhod the First

127 AC - 716 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Serith and was survived by his seven children.

A free spirit.

Olfin the First of Sev Rwenwen

146 AC - 713 AC

He was survived by his committed wife Elenwril and children Elaguon and Elemti.

Truth to your own spirit.

Serith the Second

Symbol of Gaia

402 AC - 711 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Celebar and daughter Edhwedir.

A valiant elf.

Celebrain the First

130 AC - 711 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Felaor and was survived by her son Oropth.

She has soared away to a better land.

Elenis the First

127 AC - 710 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Pengoon and was survived by her children Thilon and Nimrdel.

In everloving memory.

Gildirros the First

140 AC - 709 AC

He was survived by his wife Urweri and children Nerdin, Mithranddis and Argon.

A free spirit.

Elberetal the First of Bel-Iydri

132 AC - 707 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Ingonil and was survived by her daughter Finduilda.

In Loving Memory.

Deneorn of Deneuil

Symbol of Gaia

120 AC - 702 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Aredhnna.

Until We Meet Again.

Orodeg the First

Symbol of Gaia

133 AC - 700 AC

He has rejoined his committed wife Nerdal and was survived by his children Enerdor, Salgain and Urwenoth.

A broken melody.

Nerdal the First

Symbol of Gaia

130 AC - 699 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Orodeg and children Enerdor, Salgain and Urwenoth.

Rest in Peace.

Enerder the First

104 AC - 699 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Galadriede and was survived by his four children.

A valiant elf.

Tatint the First of Deneuil

133 AC - 693 AC

He has rejoined his doting wife Emelebrir and was survived by his children Indor, Rianis and Galathillas.

In Loving Memory.

Edainduel the First of Sev Rwenwen

128 AC - 690 AC

She was survived by her beloved wife Idrilasir and son Ganthidor.

Truth to your own spirit.

Pengoon the First

88 AC - 678 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Elenis and children Thilon and Nimrdel.

Well played.

Pengormin the Second

Symbol of Gaia

123 AC - 678 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Finduna and daughter Emeledel.

He followed Gaia, stars and ships.

Serith the First

93 AC - 676 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Maedhod and seven children.

May their memory be eternal.

Felaor the First

85 AC - 676 AC

He was survived by his committed wife Celebrain and son Oropth.

Truth to your own spirit.

Elberdaal the First

144 AC - 668 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Gwio and was survived by her children Induir, Penlodos and Ingonir.

In Loving Memory.

Engohir the First

91 AC - 661 AC

He has rejoined his doting wife Rindiel and was survived by his children Inelhel and Ingwilor.

Rest in Peace.

Eledaiis the First

85 AC - 658 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Pengormin and daughter Emeledel.

A elf of repute.

Pengolodhas the First

Symbol of Gaia

201 AC - 654 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Eledhlas and four children.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Emelebrir the First

Symbol of Gaia

93 AC - 650 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Tatint and children Indor, Rianis and Galathillas.

Rest in Peace.

Oroptor the First

56 AC - 649 AC

He has rejoined his faithful wife Serindael and was survived by his children Eililas, Galadhonal and Celeboril.

Love you miss you.

Ingonil the First

72 AC - 647 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Elberetal and daughter Finduilda.

He followed dreams, stars and ships.

Maglorfior the First of Sev Rwenwen

80 AC - 641 AC

He has rejoined his wife Vardadis and was survived by his daughter Elende.

A Life Measured in Memories.

Eilirda the First

Symbol of Gaia

311 AC - 639 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Engoor and children Neth and Irimor.

Loved by all.

Rindiel the First

Symbol of Gaia

73 AC - 638 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Engohir and children Inelhel and Ingwilor.

Love will tear us apart.

Edrahir the First of Deneuil

67 AC - 638 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Emelwina and children Nimrdel, Edrahhil and Gildoin.

In Loving Memory.

Idrioth the First of Deneuil

67 AC - 632 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Mablim and was survived by her children Findeel and Fingolas.

Until We Meet Again.

Galadriede the First

Symbol of Gaia

68 AC - 629 AC

She was survived by her husband Enerder and four children.

Lived life to the full.

Ellain the First

46 AC - 622 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Urwenal and was survived by his five children.

Peace perfect peace.

Galadrielis the First of Finduis

52 AC - 618 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Fingan and was survived by her children Daerir and Findilas.

She did it the hard way.

Vardadis the First

58 AC - 616 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Maglorfior and daughter Elende.

Well played.

Mablim the First

36 AC - 615 AC

He was survived by his wife Idrioth and children Findeel and Fingolas.

Well played.

Serindael the First

52 AC - 615 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Oroptor and children Eililas, Galadhonal and Celeboril.

Love you always.

Imboroth the Second

Symbol of Gaia

254 AC - 612 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Inelhel and six children.

A Champion Always.

Mahtros the First

38 AC - 607 AC

He has rejoined his faithful wife Edaina and was survived by his son Feladhoar.

Sleep on now, and take your rest.


Symbol of Gaia

275 AC - 603 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Glororn.

A Lifetime of Laughter and Love.

Edaina the First

Symbol of Gaia

16 AC - 602 AC

She was survived by her husband Mahtros and son Feladhoar.

In Loving Memory.

Urwenal the First

Symbol of Gaia

37 AC - 595 AC

She was survived by her husband Ellain and five children.

In everloving memory.

Glororn the First

19 AC - 592 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Galaain and children Ardanel, Daero and Fingil.

Tears water our growth.

Maglorfdor the First

33 AC - 592 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Induillas and five children.

Love you miss you.

Eldidir the First of Sev Rwenwen

23 AC - 588 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Beleger and was survived by her children Amropheth, Urwenari and Yavannien.

Loved by all.

Celeod the First

15 AC - 583 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Rinduilth and children Gildny, Amraeth and Tinuiel.

In Loving Memory.

Gwio the Second

Symbol of Gaia

123 AC - 583 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Elberdaal and children Induir, Penlodos and Ingonir.

A valiant elf.

Induiwen the First of Bel-Iydri

14 AC - 581 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Imboroth and was survived by her children Edainduel, Vardaain and Lindiin.

Loved by all.

Turgdor the First

22 AC - 576 AC

He has rejoined his faithful wife Anelari and was survived by his five children.

In everloving memory.


1 AC - 570 AC

She was survived by her committed husband Celeod and children Gildny, Amraeth and Tinuiel.

Good and faithful servants.

Imboroth the First

Symbol of Gaia

9 AC - 569 AC

He was survived by his wife Induiwen and children Edainduel, Vardaain and Lindiin.

Everybody loves somebody sometime.

Beleger the First

Symbol of Gaia

4 AC - 569 AC

He was survived by his wife Eldidir and children Amropheth, Urwenari and Yavannien.

The acts of this life are the destiny of the next.

Serielain the First

6 AC - 565 AC

She was survived by her committed husband Glororn and children Ardanel, Daero and Fingil.

Loved beyond the stars.

Serinduilain the Second of Deneuil

468 AC - 553 AC

She was survived by her husband Thilon and son Pengoon.

Love you always.

Anelari the First

35 AC - 534 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Turgdor and five children.

A true elf is never forgotten.

Pengolodhas the Second

111 AC - 478 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Indalna and four children.

Until We Meet Again.

Serielnel of Theyruse

128 BC - 462 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Felagunuil and was survived by her daughter Nerda.

In Loving Memory.

Edainuvinel of Theyruse

109 BC - 456 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Indenedir and was survived by her daughter Rindisir.

Cover lightly, gentle earth.

Felagunuil of Theyruse

124 BC - 433 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Serielnel and daughter Nerda.

Good and faithful servants.

Induilel the First

Symbol of Gaia

265 AC - 430 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Minyon and children Galadhonal, Turgon and Fingolodhleg.

Rest in Peace.

Galair of Theyruse

127 BC - 429 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Mithon and was survived by her son Celebornti.

In Loving Memory.

Enerdor the Second

Symbol of Gaia

171 AC - 423 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Elberethis and children Beleger and Nimlothoth.

Until We Meet Again.

Mithon of Theyruse

166 BC - 422 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Galair and son Celebornti.

He followed dreams, stars and ships.

Rielain of Theyruse

139 BC - 420 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Orophidel and was survived by her daughter Yavarden.

Cover lightly, gentle earth.

Galadhonal of Theyruse

153 BC - 419 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Rindain and was survived by his son Minyon.

Truth to your own spirit.

Fingan of Theyruse

159 BC - 417 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Galadrielis.

Everybody loves somebody sometime.

Galadth the First of Deneuil

33 AC - 402 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Maglorfdor and children Galadod and Emeldina.

A free spirit.

Indenedir of Theyruse

183 BC - 381 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Edainuvinel and daughter Rindisir.

In everloving memory.

Rindain of Theyruse

111 BC - 376 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Galadhonal and son Minyon.

Gone But Never Forgotten.

Imboeg the First

77 AC - 349 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Galadrielis and children Daerir and Findilas.

A free spirit.

Orophidel of Theyruse

238 BC - 329 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Rielain and daughter Yavarden.

Loved by all.

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