Guildden Graveyard



Symbol of Gaia

721 AC - 773 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Meeli and was survived by his pup Clooreep.

A life, like any other, completely unlike any other.


722 AC - 773 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Dremeek and pup Llemeek.

Until We Meet Again.


Symbol of Gaia

723 AC - 773 AC

She was survived by her pup Froore.

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.

Feetu Rulunapup

Symbol of Gaia

734 AC - 772 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Cheekol and pup Ruluna.

We live to love you more each day.


Symbol of Gaia

722 AC - 770 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Deetee and was survived by his pups Sululi and Khierit.

Until we meet again.


Symbol of Gaia

723 AC - 770 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Frelee and pups Sululi and Khierit.

Lived life to the full.


733 AC - 768 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Preameep and pups Flululi, Meyekin and Llulur.

A free spirit.

Meeli of Thatden

719 AC - 767 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Throorit and pup Clooreep.

In Loving Memory.


Symbol of Gaia

729 AC - 763 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Hiell and pups Shreyetu, Shreyemeek and Flep.

Lived life to the full.


Symbol of Gaia

743 AC - 762 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Wiekin and pup Lleyena.

Step softly, a dream lies buried here.


Symbol of Gaia

736 AC - 755 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Keall and pups Whietu and Relee.

A broken melody.

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