Bellaton Graveyard
Odovaldeas Rees (born Shannon-Rees)
654 AC - 714 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Elanorsca and son Theodoar.
...and may he stay buried.
Rosamundora Baldwin-Weedchild
676 AC - 709 AC
She was survived by her committed husband Marrsco and son Bran Weedchild.
Our enduring inspiration.
Albeco Ayres (born Rees-Ayres)
628 AC - 706 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Yavannas.
I will find my sanctuary in Xor.
Haldir Duilas
521 AC - 659 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Eledhwen and son Duilas.
In beloved and abiding memory.
Eledhwen Duilas of Galioin
466 AC - 659 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Haldir and was survived by her son Duilas.
Until We Meet Again.
Belinle (born Town)
409 AC - 504 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Mithod.
Happy they who fearing Xor fear nothing else.
Isengho Griswold
308 AC - 401 AC
He was survived by his wife Idridis.
He followed dreams, stars and ships.
Melvin Emery (born Harman-Emery)
272 AC - 348 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Eledhwenrda.
I have chosen Xor.