Eastwich Graveyard


Lina Lyngedraper

Symbol of Solina

739 AC - 801 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Phillipus and was survived by her seven children.

Step softly, a dream lies buried here.

Emmett Walls

Symbol of Solina

735 AC - 800 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Eunice and children Georgina and Nigellus.

Until We Meet Again.

Wilbur Walls

743 AC - 800 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Nellie and children Rupert and Nannie.

Truth to your own spirit.

Rudolph Lyngedraper

Symbol of Solina

745 AC - 800 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Susie and five children.

In everloving memory.

Gwenllian Blood of Adasville

Symbol of Solina

741 AC - 799 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Simon and four children.

In Loving Memory.

Albin Low

Symbol of Solina

730 AC - 799 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Brigit and children Enos and Emily.

Bring me sunshine.

Gocelinus Ray (born Lyngedraper-Ray)

Symbol of Solina

741 AC - 799 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Anna and five children.

In Loving Memory.

Enoch Lyngedraper

Symbol of Solina

741 AC - 799 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Alveua and was survived by his children Henricus, Walker and Milo.

Always loving, always loved.

Harriott Jessaly

741 AC - 799 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Tutpuu Amritrin Klichar.

We live to love you more each day.

Reere Walls of Bedlingden

Symbol of Solina

749 AC - 799 AC

She was survived by her husband Salomon.

Step softly, a dream lies buried here.

Arabella Walls of Adasville

Symbol of Solina

734 AC - 799 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Fray and was survived by her children Rupert and Galadas.

Well played.

Alveua Lyngedraper

742 AC - 798 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Enoch and children Henricus, Walker and Milo.

Gone But Never Forgotten.

Alvredus Griswold

Symbol of Solina

734 AC - 798 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Cora and daughter Yavanan Norah Flysp.

The sweetest and the greatest of any man God created.

Lagot Griswold of Adasville

Symbol of Solina

741 AC - 798 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Sallie and was survived by his son Gocelinus.

Rest in Peace.

Edmund Griswold

Symbol of Solina

739 AC - 798 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Mona and was survived by his children Matthias and Rena.

In Loving Memory.

Ronilda Walls of Adasville

Symbol of Solina

738 AC - 797 AC

She has rejoined her husband Adric and was survived by her six children.

A radiant life of love and kindness.

Gervase Griswold

Symbol of Solina

735 AC - 797 AC

He was survived by his committed wife Idonea.

Dearly beloved.

Godwin Walls

735 AC - 797 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Christiana and was survived by his five children.

A valiant man.

Bertha Lyngedraper

739 AC - 797 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Norman and was survived by her seven children.

Love will tear us apart.

Mona Griswold of Hebleigh

Symbol of Solina

735 AC - 797 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Edmund and children Matthias and Rena.

She walked in beauty.

Horace Lyngedraper

Symbol of Solina

743 AC - 797 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Gladys and was survived by his daughter Sibyl Ray.

Your love will light my way.

Marshall Griswold of Adasville

736 AC - 796 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Betsey and was survived by his children Iohanna and Georgina.

A valiant man.

Norman Lyngedraper

Symbol of Solina

732 AC - 796 AC

He was survived by his wife Bertha and seven children.

In Loving Memory.

Lelia Griswold

Symbol of Solina

730 AC - 796 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Roberts and was survived by her children Ida, Tabitha and Myer.

A valiant woman.

Gladys Lyngedraper

Symbol of Solina

736 AC - 795 AC

She was survived by her husband Horace and daughter Sibyl Ray.

Forever in our hearts.

Gervase Lyngedraper

728 AC - 795 AC

He has rejoined his wife Osanna and was survived by his children Vera, Margery and Iris.

In Loving Memory.

Ranulfus Lyngedraper

Symbol of Solina

737 AC - 795 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Phebe and was survived by his children Harriett and Edna.

May Solina guide his spirit.

Deborah Blood-Griswold

Symbol of Solina

742 AC - 795 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Wymer and five children.

In beloved and abiding memory.

Paul Johnson

Symbol of Solina

736 AC - 794 AC

He was survived by his faithful husband Steelmine Kate and daughter Inez.

Always in our thoughts, forever in our hearts.

Alveua Griswold

743 AC - 794 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Jabez and was survived by her children Myer and Gerald.

When you are sorrowful, look again.

Constancia Walls

Symbol of Solina

734 AC - 794 AC

She has rejoined her committed husband Osegod and was survived by her son Hobsvus.

We live to love you more each day.

Beatricia Lyngedraper

733 AC - 794 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Herbert and was survived by her daughter Inez.

She followed dreams, stars and ships.

Mercy Lyngedraper

Symbol of Solina

741 AC - 794 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Jonah and son Gilbert.

So loved.

Christiana Walls

Symbol of Solina

734 AC - 794 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Godwin and five children.

She walked in beauty.

Helias Walls

Symbol of Solina

730 AC - 794 AC

He has rejoined his faithful wife Helena and was survived by his children Carl, Aaron and Ruth.

In Loving Memory.

Matthew Walls

725 AC - 794 AC

He has rejoined his doting wife Eunice and was survived by his children Osegod, Stuart and Evelyn.

Truth to your own spirit.

Pauline Walls of Hebleigh

Symbol of Solina

729 AC - 793 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Ioco.

An unfortunate but good woman.

Godwin Walls of Hebleigh

Symbol of Solina

729 AC - 793 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Margarett and six children.

Too well loved to be ever forgotten.

Ioco Walls

Symbol of Solina

730 AC - 793 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Pauline and five children.

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.

Reyetee Low of Bedlingden

Symbol of Solina

744 AC - 792 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Gervase.

Dearly beloved.

Mealo Walls of Bedlingden

Symbol of Caspio

743 AC - 792 AC

He was survived by his loving husband Alva.

With Caspio.

Aylewynus Lyngedraper

735 AC - 792 AC

He has rejoined his wife Flossie and was survived by his four children.

For all we know this might only be a dream, we come and go like ripples in a stream.

Flossie Lyngedraper

735 AC - 792 AC

She was survived by her husband Aylewynus and four children.

Tears water our growth.

Cornelia Lyngedraper

733 AC - 792 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Hubert and was survived by her children Alicia and Geoffrey.

A valiant woman.

Phillipus Lyngedraper

Symbol of Solina

739 AC - 791 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Lina and seven children.

Wise, wonderful, devoted.

Fray Walls the 2nd

Symbol of Solina

735 AC - 791 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Arabella and children Rupert and Galadas.

With Solina.

Anne Low

Symbol of Solina

720 AC - 791 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Eustacius and was survived by her five children.

Always loving, always loved.

Betsey Lyngedraper of Laurshire

Symbol of Solina

739 AC - 791 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Bartholomew and four children.

A woman of repute.

Jabez Griswold

Symbol of Solina

738 AC - 790 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Alveua and children Myer and Gerald.

Dearly loved.

Polly Walls

Symbol of Solina

739 AC - 790 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Joshua and children Marjorie, Hiram and Sibilla.


Phebe Lyngedraper of Adasville

Symbol of Solina

730 AC - 790 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Ranulfus and children Harriett and Edna.

Love will tear us apart.

Alicia Walls

721 AC - 790 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Norman and was survived by her four children.

Rest in Peace.

Cristiana Low

Symbol of Solina

729 AC - 790 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Ralph and was survived by her daughter Emely Walls.

May Solina guide her spirit.

Barbara Walls

Symbol of Solina

731 AC - 790 AC

She has rejoined her committed husband Osmundus and was survived by her children Osegod and Silas.


Herbert Lyngedraper

Symbol of Solina

734 AC - 789 AC

He was survived by his committed wife Beatricia and daughter Inez.

He lies in the valley he loved.

Roberts Griswold

Symbol of Solina

732 AC - 789 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Lelia and children Ida, Tabitha and Myer.

Until We Meet Again.

Luella Walls

Symbol of Solina

725 AC - 788 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Jonah and was survived by her children Alwinus and Sampson.

In Loving Memory.

Josie Griswold

Symbol of Solina

729 AC - 788 AC

She has rejoined her husband Roberts and was survived by her six children.

Always in our thoughts, forever in our hearts.

Helena Walls of Adasville

Symbol of Solina

729 AC - 788 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Helias and children Carl, Aaron and Ruth.

A woman of repute.

Eunice Walls

Symbol of Solina

722 AC - 788 AC

She was survived by her husband Matthew and children Osegod, Stuart and Evelyn.

In Loving Memory.

Mercy Lyngedraper

727 AC - 788 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Benjamin and was survived by her daughter Ida Low.

With a greater thing to do.

Osegod Walls the 2nd

Symbol of Solina

733 AC - 788 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Constancia and son Hobsvus.


Adric Walls

736 AC - 787 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Ronilda and six children.

Cover lightly, gentle earth.

Oscar Walls

721 AC - 787 AC

He has rejoined his wife Bessie and was survived by his children Salomon, Hobsvus and Gocelinus.

He followed dreams, stars and ships.

Jerry Tonkar

Symbol of Solina

727 AC - 787 AC

He has rejoined his wife Dinah and was survived by his children Lydia and Brigida.

Dearly loved.

Sallie Griswold

Symbol of Solina

747 AC - 787 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Lagot and son Gocelinus.

Greater love hath no woman than this, that she lay down her life for her friend.

Jonah Walls of Adasville

Symbol of Solina

728 AC - 786 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Luella and children Alwinus and Sampson.

In Loving Memory.

Roberts Griswold the 2nd

Symbol of Solina

729 AC - 786 AC

He was survived by his wife Josie and six children.

With a greater thing to do.

Eustacius Low

Symbol of Solos

723 AC - 785 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Anne and five children.

A Life Measured in Memories.

Osanna Lyngedraper

Symbol of Solina

729 AC - 785 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Gervase and children Vera, Margery and Iris.

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.

Petronilla Walls

Symbol of Solina

730 AC - 785 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Ioco and five children.

In Loving Memory.

Symon Griswold

722 AC - 784 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Gwendoline and son Charlie.

In beloved and abiding memory.

Lelia Moss of Adasville

728 AC - 784 AC

She has rejoined her beloved husband Solomon and was survived by her son Simon.

A free spirit.

Clifford Griswold of Adasville

712 AC - 784 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Isabel and was survived by his five children.

Cover lightly, gentle earth.

Iohanna Blood of Adasville

710 AC - 784 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Henricus and was survived by her daughter Nelly Lyngedraper.

Loved by all.

Zillah Lyngedraper of Hebleigh

Symbol of Solina

721 AC - 784 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Benjamin and was survived by her children Hawis, Godfrey and Lester.

Until We Meet Again.

Gwendoline Griswold

Symbol of Solina

724 AC - 784 AC

She has rejoined her committed husband Symon and was survived by her son Charlie.

The memory of the just is blessed.

Bessie Walls

723 AC - 783 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Oscar and children Salomon, Hobsvus and Gocelinus.

Good and faithful servants.

Hubert Lyngedraper

Symbol of Solina

715 AC - 781 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Cornelia and daughter Maria Griswold.

May their memory be eternal.

Isabel Griswold

716 AC - 781 AC

She was survived by her husband Clifford and five children.

Well played.

Solomon Moss

Symbol of Solina

726 AC - 781 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Lelia and son Simon.

Always loving, always loved.

Dinah Tonkar

728 AC - 781 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Jerry and children Lydia and Brigida.

In beloved and abiding memory.

Hubert Moss

Symbol of Solina

715 AC - 780 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Pearl and was survived by his daughter Brigit Low.


Tonkar Tonkar

Symbol of Solina

753 AC - 779 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Sallie and daughter Christiana Tonkar-Lyngedraper.

Loved by all.

Ivy Lyngedraper-Ray

Symbol of Solina

722 AC - 779 AC

She has rejoined her husband Alvredus and was survived by her children Clayton and Trevor.

Bring me sunshine.

John Blood

716 AC - 778 AC

He has rejoined his wife Adelaide and was survived by his children Anna and Simon.

In Loving Memory.

Fulke Walls

Symbol of Marlon

720 AC - 778 AC

He has rejoined his doting wife Lilly and was survived by his daughter Olive Griswold.


Norman Walls

719 AC - 777 AC

He was survived by his wife Alicia and four children.

Truth to your own spirit.

Andrew Lyngedraper

Symbol of Solina

710 AC - 777 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Cristina and was survived by his children Margarett, Godfrey and Lavinia.

In Loving Memory.

Susanna Low

Symbol of Solina

709 AC - 776 AC

She has rejoined her faithful husband Phillip and was survived by her children Clara, Iris and Godvynus.

Until We Meet Again.

Brinley Johnson

Symbol of Solina

707 AC - 776 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Alberta and was survived by his son Rupert.

What we keep in our memory is ours unchanged forever.

Warin Lyngedraper

Symbol of Solina

710 AC - 776 AC

He has rejoined his wife Osanna and was survived by his children Nell and Petrus.

Dearly beloved.

Betsey Griswold

Symbol of Solina

736 AC - 776 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Marshall and children Iohanna and Georgina.


Cristiana Blood of Hebleigh

Symbol of Solina

722 AC - 775 AC

She has rejoined her committed husband Alec.

Always in our thoughts, forever in our hearts.

Wesley Lyngedraper

710 AC - 775 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Lois and was survived by his daughter Millie Johnson.

A man of repute.

Pearl Moss

Symbol of Solina

716 AC - 775 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Hubert and daughter Brigit Low.

Your love will light my way.

Stacius Moss

Symbol of Solina

719 AC - 775 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Rosannah and was survived by his daughter Anna Ray.

Until We Meet Again.

Barbara Walls

Symbol of Solina

731 AC - 775 AC

She was survived by her doting husband Godwin and children Cristina and Della.

Dearly beloved.

Walterus Shultz

Symbol of Solina

711 AC - 774 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Otman Roisia Ferritechest.

Dearly loved.

Adrien Moss

Symbol of Solina

713 AC - 774 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Bessy and was survived by his son Gocelinus.

Your love will light my way.

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