Binráinglind Graveyard


Ortab Kidin Diggerrogers Kilziul Rudol

Symbol of Solina

649 AC - 798 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Voltav Sharp Eagerchest Platinumfist and children Kliphirrek and Weedkin.

A very special gnome.

Hartley Creasteaiar Lolnint Noyes

Symbol of Solina

627 AC - 795 AC

He has rejoined his committed wife Tinhun Godwin Crandall Kilziul and was survived by his children Valglerm, Ruby and Antleyl.


Stuart Moss Ulphy the 2nd of Eastinghall

Symbol of Solina

728 AC - 794 AC

He was survived by his committed husband Ironshoulder Bodin Estellnor Platinumfist.

A true tiefling is never forgotten.

Finduda Balurin Durhal Leadaxe Ironcarter

Symbol of Solina

667 AC - 793 AC

He has rejoined his loving wife Nimlna Ardade and was survived by his son Weedkin Bombis Fargmut Rudol.

No one spread more love in one lifetime.

Ferritehammer Perlnn Denise Lharitaril Oggleoggle

Symbol of Solina

644 AC - 793 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Fizzyit Toryar Daarria Isengba and was survived by his children Vardanelnna and Gaukiffer.

A Life Measured in Memories.

Todd Latechest Diamsca Kevanalda Platinumfist

Symbol of Solina

647 AC - 785 AC

She has rejoined her husband Wulwuyax Sugkarr Lolnint and was survived by her five children.

A valiant gnome.

Keoverhaer Fangóin Driacith Marshall Clath Rutherford

Symbol of Solina

663 AC - 784 AC

He was survived by his wife Kiorn Emelril Ebkilt Peonra Gambairn and children Korian and Whitgardner.

Forever in our hearts.

Kiltoggle Prundad Daisy Naugal Goodman Xyrielnn

634 AC - 782 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Edhwennde .

Until We Meet Again.

Tonnint Naugáin Duirow Marshall Serpuu

666 AC - 781 AC

He was survived by his wife Gervasius Kricosan Elbanda Peonra and seven children.

Loved by all.

Pekkancuk Gorahainn Digvol Lharitaril Pipegardner

Symbol of Solina

650 AC - 780 AC

He has rejoined his beloved wife Aredhwenas Dougherty Leadaxe and was survived by his children Waggoner and Gilly.

In everloving memory.

Chromefoot Angelnda Lolnint Peonra

648 AC - 771 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Troudorhan Fulloner Didhant Leadaxe and four children.

Loved by all.

Aredhwenas Dougherty Leadaxe Pipegardner

Symbol of Solina

658 AC - 769 AC

She was survived by her committed husband Pekkancuk Gorahainn Digvol Lharitaril and children Waggoner and Gilly.

With Solina.

Nimlna Ardade Ironcarter of Worthleigh

677 AC - 764 AC

She was survived by her faithful husband Finduda Balurin Durhal Leadaxe.

She walked in beauty.

Fizzyit Toryar Daarria Isengba Oggleoggle

Symbol of Solina

634 AC - 752 AC

She was survived by her loving husband Ferritehammer Perlnn Denise Lharitaril and children Vardanelnna and Gaukiffer.

A valiant gnome.

Wulwuyax Sugkarr Lolnint Platinumfist

652 AC - 751 AC

He was survived by his doting wife Todd Latechest Diamsca Kevanalda and five children.

A Champion Always.

Tinhun Godwin Crandall Kilziul Noyes

Symbol of Solina

627 AC - 746 AC

She was survived by her beloved husband Hartley Creasteaiar Lolnint and children Valglerm, Ruby and Antleyl.

A Champion Always.

Quennaras Sugder Drachuutir Naugal Regalt

659 AC - 744 AC

He was survived by his faithful wife Valglerm Flinn Dugshair Noyes and children Weedgins and Dorrall.

A valiant gnome.

Everett Capun Celenna Ingolil Turnurax

Symbol of Solina

602 AC - 726 AC

He was survived by his committed husband Amraas .

Generous of heart, constant of faith.

Nickelfist Lumisrim Clodman Galadin Naugal

Symbol of Solina

612 AC - 725 AC

She was survived by her husband Bulgebairn Valglerm Clipgins Isengba and daughter Amaldriha Bolgehill Durskanan Warner.

When you are sorrowful, look again.

Kanoraezys Conklin Buttonfield Isengba Leadaxe

Symbol of Solina

597 AC - 697 AC

She has rejoined her doting husband Burns Borarin Gimundin and was survived by her son Troudorhan Fulloner Didhant Leadaxe.

Loved by all.

Burns Borarin Gimundin Leadaxe

Symbol of Solina

588 AC - 693 AC

He was survived by his committed wife Kanoraezys Conklin Buttonfield Isengba and son Troudorhan Fulloner Didhant Leadaxe.

And so he passed over and all the trumpets sounded for them on the other side.

Elwinwen Jasper Balili Goodrich Isengba

Symbol of Solina

570 AC - 684 AC

She has rejoined her loving husband Crancin Yavardin Batnar Geryar and was survived by her son Bulgebairn Valglerm Clipgins Isengba.

Loved by all.

Crancin Yavardin Batnar Geryar Isengba

Symbol of Solina

575 AC - 680 AC

He was survived by his loving wife Elwinwen Jasper Balili Goodrich and son Bulgebairn Valglerm Clipgins Isengba.

In Loving Memory.

Erlisirahyl Scissor Segarras Worborg Silveyl Felinarr

456 AC - 637 AC

He was survived by his doting husband Olod .

Good and faithful servants.

Suliajit Hawksonger Parton Shaanten Uadjis

Symbol of Solina

414 AC - 561 AC

He was survived by his beloved wife Galana .

Your love will light my way.

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