Port Hinkleglind Graveyard
Hoomeep Preeypup Oróni of Fort Dagenden
768 AC - 798 AC
He was survived by his loving husband Bronzefoot Akasiak Deepspear Hogfield.
Rest in Peace.
Bladuto Goldcarter Batlarg Clodgirdle Emelebrel
685 AC - 798 AC
She has rejoined her doting husband Woroggle Banknose Vardin and was survived by her five children.
Rest in Peace.
Odorioc Headbairn-Fairrogers Yarmar of Fonsstead
678 AC - 794 AC
He was survived by his doting husband Belcll Haerlren Armstrong Bankhand.
Until We Meet Again.
Fangórói Yitrog Crancarad Fizzcor Joanna
756 AC - 791 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Bracefoot Wilfrid Creashtuion Flórói Joanna and children Bungoand and Folcoad.
Always in our thoughts, forever in our hearts.
Marlutt Klican Tunherg Weedpen Banklock
643 AC - 791 AC
He has rejoined his faithful wife Atheleys Duskmar Tindid Thbur and was survived by his four children.
He lies in the valley he loved.
Woroggle Banknose Vardin Emelebrel
681 AC - 790 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Bladuto Goldcarter Batlarg Clodgirdle and five children.
Well played.
Barnard Aughter Vardin Elbewen
679 AC - 788 AC
She has rejoined her husband Beleiny Rhodes Angelnda Altlutt Simpson and was survived by her seven children.
Love you miss you.
Atheleys Duskmar Tindid Thbur Banklock
638 AC - 784 AC
She was survived by her husband Marlutt Klican Tunherg Weedpen and four children.
Dearly beloved.
Beleiny Rhodes Angelnda Altlutt Simpson Elbewen
671 AC - 781 AC
He was survived by his wife Barnard Aughter Vardin and seven children.
Our enduring inspiration.
Dwrin Nodand Xywophylann Zrazavoth Clodgirdle
656 AC - 779 AC
He has rejoined his wife Uulkirerkel Boffgirdle Woodward Steelcarter and was survived by his children Sturdybottom and Nesmsh.
Dearly loved.
Myimrithrit Marmang Balbur Banklock Ellant
680 AC - 773 AC
He has rejoined his wife Moond Flini Bannwort Altlutt and was survived by his four children.
Love you always.
Uulkirerkel Boffgirdle Woodward Steelcarter Clodgirdle
652 AC - 773 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Dwrin Nodand Xywophylann Zrazavoth and children Sturdybottom and Nesmsh.
With Marlon.
Moond Flini Bannwort Altlutt Ellant
683 AC - 768 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Myimrithrit Marmang Balbur Banklock and four children.
Tears water our growth.
Vaughn Oldears Steelstrut Tangon Willard
621 AC - 766 AC
He has rejoined his wife Bagburrow Cosim Snow Thavays and was survived by his son Haypen Nathlan Wills Willard.
Dearly beloved.
Arthurus Nimloien Textor Scudud Zrazavoth
630 AC - 766 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Bluntdeep Clarice Sturdyhammer Rasmorxan and was survived by his daughter Belbibra Ravobrnax Wowger Zrazavoth.
Died doing what he loved.
Kiphan Dwalalin Shesteth Ortrit Vardin
607 AC - 762 AC
He has rejoined his doting wife Aungladeth Gwateade Sophia Sultaaril and was survived by his son Yarnorg Greenusk Baruumbxan Proudhouse-Vardin.
May Marlon guide his spirit.
Silverquench Betort Underhand Bracefoot
645 AC - 756 AC
He has rejoined his wife Hurkeb Fizzhak Annail Banklock and was survived by his children Blunthand, Ellenor and Ironsmelter.
Always loving, always loved.
Aungladeth Gwateade Sophia Sultaaril Vardin
616 AC - 755 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Kiphan Dwalalin Shesteth Ortrit and son Yarnorg Greenusk Baruumbxan Proudhouse-Vardin.
Lost at Sea.
Bagburrow Cosim Snow Thavays Willard
615 AC - 753 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Vaughn Oldears Steelstrut Tangon and son Haypen Nathlan Wills Willard.
Good and faithful servants.
Diglock Narnarun Tavgot Sael Altlutt
628 AC - 749 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Jemith Bitrit Thavaith Tangon and was survived by her children Hockkarr, Aleaxe and Deldek.
Dearly beloved.
Hurkeb Fizzhak Annail Banklock Bracefoot
673 AC - 747 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Silverquench Betort Underhand and children Blunthand, Ellenor and Ironsmelter.
Until We Meet Again.
Jemith Bitrit Thavaith Tangon Altlutt
631 AC - 746 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Diglock Narnarun Tavgot Sael and children Hockkarr, Aleaxe and Deldek.
A free spirit.
Forgequench Tintunnel Tangon Bathant
639 AC - 746 AC
She was survived by her faithful husband Primuva Gimalin Tonmar Steelcarter.
Love you miss you.
Bluntdeep Clarice Sturdyhammer Rasmorxan Zrazavoth
622 AC - 741 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Arthurus Nimloien Textor Scudud and daughter Belbibra Ravobrnax Wowger Zrazavoth.
May their memory be eternal.
Kirexijad Orthtaan Robinson Oldnose Tangon
585 AC - 737 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Killmar Zorvraan Nethil and was survived by her son Naugóin Eagercandle Tinmark Tangon.
Life is not forever. Love is.
Drachuutir Morgtut Steeldeep Thavays Pitreg Bankhand
620 AC - 736 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Naugóin Eagercandle Tinmark Tangon and son Belcll Haerlren Armstrong Bankhand.
Good and faithful servants.
Dunkmut Nelly Yarjerar Vardin Cechikdin
657 AC - 734 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Canady Hatfield Whitpen Thavays and children Ireland, Elemin and Neslasarll.
Loved beyond the stars.
Amalda Durbur Ritgeet Mutkor Steelcarter
584 AC - 721 AC
She has rejoined her husband Galana Prempsh Rianain Orodretod and was survived by her son Primuva Gimalin Tonmar Steelcarter.
She found happiness and honor in being helpful to the world.
Roglol Rosamuora Regnar Thavays
590 AC - 721 AC
He has rejoined his wife Ardaeth Chubbfoot Rumblewort Rasmorxan and was survived by his children Canady and Dughouse.
A valiant gnome.
Galana Prempsh Rianain Orodretod Steelcarter
582 AC - 716 AC
He was survived by his wife Amalda Durbur Ritgeet Mutkor and son Primuva Gimalin Tonmar Steelcarter.
Their life a beautiful memory, his absence a silent grief.
Fortinld Westbrook Weedpen Caradad
651 AC - 709 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Kanorinith Rumpen Abnarn Thavays and four children.
In Loving Memory.
Ardaeth Chubbfoot Rumblewort Rasmorxan Thavays
592 AC - 709 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Roglol Rosamuora Regnar and children Canady and Dughouse.
A Lifetime of Laughter and Love.
Killmar Zorvraan Nethil Tangon
588 AC - 701 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Kirexijad Orthtaan Robinson Oldnose and son Naugóin Eagercandle Tinmark Tangon.
Forever in our hearts.
Bannhole Mistronian Tilltav Weedpen Annain
637 AC - 690 AC
He has rejoined his faithful wife Didab Chethanger Theresa Serhun and was survived by his daughter Horatio Ortdid Alearm.
Loved by all.
Didab Chethanger Theresa Serhun Annain
631 AC - 683 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Bannhole Mistronian Tilltav Weedpen and daughter Horatio Ortdid Alearm.
Rest in Peace.
Alviva Thavays Orba Nargrarr Absalom
544 AC - 668 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Bellica Vyshaevale.
A Lifetime of Laughter and Love.