Glwinworth Graveyard
Eschth Amaldriha Crystlor Horngins Dwóin
696 AC - 800 AC
He has rejoined his doting wife Coppercleave Fanort Glalin Buncebody and was survived by his children Goralixaar, Bitgor and Lilturnush.
What we keep in our memory is ours unchanged forever.
Jerry Williamson Narherg of Harpenleigh
745 AC - 798 AC
He was survived by his wife Krivjhanth Riley Gimlerin Sharpanvil and five children.
Klinxanak Tellybow Ezra Rasmoax Thorini
746 AC - 798 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Aubrey Ortstup Eruga and four children.
Always in our thoughts, forever in our hearts.
Cemtuaan Everadoho Blurgsug Erbilkul Kernpuu
671 AC - 796 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Buccucim May and was survived by her son Forgkor Uggkern Ellen.
Loved by all.
Buccucim May Kernpuu of Folcashire
684 AC - 795 AC
He was survived by his wife Cemtuaan Everadoho Blurgsug Erbilkul.
Rest in Peace.
Ilbaerrae Goodburrow Balbun Dergwow Ilberardus
661 AC - 795 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Dorbat Ildadin Arideth Digglenose and was survived by her four children.
Lost at Sea.
Elebor Bifili Camhock Frasorn Mimonna Orodretod
685 AC - 794 AC
She was survived by her husband Alaenreeow Denethofin Gimlis and four children.
Dearly beloved.
Eranaa Edainna Tutstup Yavanir Emelebrir
619 AC - 794 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Annadal Chromefist Twonose Telda and was survived by her daughter Oggleglerm Borglarg Emelebrir.
A valiant gnome.
Coppercleave Fanort Glalin Buncebody Dwóin of Port Estetaglind
686 AC - 792 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Eschth Amaldriha Crystlor Horngins and children Goralixaar, Bitgor and Lilturnush.
Until We Meet Again.
Zrafarnax Myastardjur Barton Digglenose Kerrun
664 AC - 792 AC
She was survived by her committed husband Glermlutt Haadror Benton Glermstup and four children.
Rest in Peace.
Pruncenmek Fairchild Bofurin Digglenose Largeb
673 AC - 791 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Irlyriszys Gotferg Bolgewort Fenmail and daughter Kelsra Nimrin Didton Largeb.
Until We Meet Again.
Ibliini Bitlurg Underhair Coalsmelter Deepspear
621 AC - 791 AC
She has rejoined her faithful husband Hocknar Rhogaras Sturdyfoot Ayres and was survived by her children Iminderos and Galanel.
A Life Measured in Memories.
Creashtuion Kandnorg Fergturn Sharpseeker Claricia of Port Estetaglind
650 AC - 790 AC
She has rejoined her husband Fluin Marrall Ardusili Digglenose and was survived by her children Frerar and Gardtook.
Rudogo Bulgenose Ironstrut of Folcashire
682 AC - 789 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Goragrajir Mistrivvial Carr Ilberardus.
May Caspio guide his spirit.
Galiongon Quella Cannon Claricia Montague Leadanvil
685 AC - 789 AC
She has rejoined her husband Ellis Ninale Bombóni Glermstup and was survived by her son Kidáin Parker Eagerpush Montague.
When you are sorrowful, look again.
Goldmark Luttgor Forgeeyes Ormyt Sharpanvil
724 AC - 787 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Narundin Balvularn Forgestrut Felagundlin and was survived by his four children.
Too well loved to be ever forgotten.
Frerdin Creadulin Bettin Dergwow Kimban
668 AC - 786 AC
She was survived by her husband Serrog Vardath Chica Gimlis and son Kerr Largab Enos Kimban.
Forever in our hearts.
Killfizz Yityar Coalsmelter Gimlis
635 AC - 786 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Finduiil Kimbukmur Yrarizyseh Botpit Glermstup and four children.
A valiant gnome.
Inuvinel Carey Asphona Durwari Orehand Dalorun
661 AC - 784 AC
She was survived by her husband Eruga Parpar Forgmar Tucker and son Amrodon Guillelmus Elebrindada Dalorun.
Narundin Balvularn Forgestrut Felagundlin Sharpanvil
724 AC - 782 AC
She was survived by her husband Goldmark Luttgor Forgeeyes Ormyt and four children.
The memory of the just is blessed.
Dorbat Ildadin Arideth Digglenose Ilberardus
659 AC - 780 AC
He was survived by his wife Ilbaerrae Goodburrow Balbun Dergwow and four children.
In everloving memory.
Gerkun Findorm Edrahil Kimbpor
669 AC - 776 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Ironshoulder Narghusar Betglerm Frasorn and was survived by her son Karrpit Chromemark Coalcandle Kimbpor.
She followed dreams, stars and ships.
Dáinar Gloorkim Banklock Erbilkul
663 AC - 775 AC
She was survived by her son Lóuith Roberson Cleavecleave.
In Loving Memory.
Isembol Brewer Lualrucur of Bassoworth
676 AC - 775 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Lateleg Blanch Butler Amruajin.
In everloving memory.
Abpuu Ninaor Anduel Coalsmelter Horngins
654 AC - 775 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Indisdel Deephammer Anton Erbilkul and five children.
Rest in Peace.
Ellis Ninale Bombóni Glermstup Leadanvil
673 AC - 774 AC
He was survived by his wife Galiongon Quella Cannon Claricia Montague.
With Caspio.
Fluin Marrall Ardusili Digglenose Claricia
658 AC - 774 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Creashtuion Kandnorg Fergturn Sharpseeker and children Frerar and Gardtook.
Until We Meet Again.
Brinley Grisieh Zrazirarn Coalsmelter Godwyn
638 AC - 774 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Liltutax Baghole Tonlol Narnajul and was survived by his son Irlyvyora Lurgton Burrowbuck Godwyn.
Whoever brought me here will have to take me home.
Beanhead Crincdon Uissaeial Wymare Erbilkul
621 AC - 774 AC
He has rejoined his doting wife Thorar Hantder Thorrin Swain and was survived by his daughter Indisdel Deephammer Anton Erbilkul.
Gone But Never Forgotten.
Iblni Adric Eunisia Rancacmiad Tavrit
745 AC - 774 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Bitgor Eldaltor Everett Dwóin.
Everybody loves somebody sometime.
Ibis Presraan Amusoak Digglenose Hogbody
653 AC - 772 AC
She has rejoined her doting husband Vyregil Mead Althuduur Bluntspear and was survived by her four children.
May Caspio guide her spirit.
Morningtha Sharpstrut Embiacuul Irneaun Beard
701 AC - 770 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Runild Williamson and was survived by his son Beljhax Cissy Gorasmorax.
In everloving memory.
Norgrog Rockcleave Platinumbrow Batnar
580 AC - 767 AC
She has rejoined her husband Latetunnel Selorrnn Rhothsin Ningdal and was survived by her daughter Bluntdeep Ioco Zofsish Therlipyl-Gordon.
Dearly beloved.
Briffur Vyrabithyl Avery Digglenose Iritynein
661 AC - 766 AC
She was survived by her faithful husband Irianae Heobas Batkim Edrahil and children Gorham, Faerove and Diggerward.
Dearly beloved.
Findeod Tinuvna Paine Berthina Amruajin of Tunmangworth
591 AC - 761 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Headbody Krivjhaan Tlanhyl Wing Marsashi and was survived by his daughter Lateleg Blanch Butler Amruajin.
In Loving Memory.
Runild Williamson Beard of Harpenleigh
709 AC - 760 AC
She was survived by her committed husband Morningtha Sharpstrut Embiacuul Irneaun and son Beljhax Cissy Gorasmorax.
She has soared away to a better land.
Dagissava Nysmysora Worlutt Beneger Frasorn
631 AC - 756 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Iblarkûn Farglorn Wowdig Chromeminer and was survived by her children Copperbeard and Berdraeth.
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
Kerntav Onidellas Thris Tamlyha Durwari
613 AC - 756 AC
He has rejoined his committed wife Forgenoggin Thris West Crancarad and was survived by his children Eagerpick and Hopkins.
A radiant life of love and kindness.
Didborg Betort Clodgirdle Ilberardus Nauórói
690 AC - 755 AC
She was survived by her husband Karrpit Chromemark Coalcandle Kimbpor and children Kilttut and Hergnarn.
Cover lightly, gentle earth.
Headbody Krivjhaan Tlanhyl Wing Marsashi Amruajin
615 AC - 752 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Findeod Tinuvna Paine Berthina and daughter Lateleg Blanch Butler Amruajin.
Until We Meet Again.
Forgenoggin Thris West Crancarad Durwari
626 AC - 749 AC
She was survived by her committed husband Kerntav Onidellas Thris Tamlyha and children Eagerpick and Hopkins.
Iblarkûn Farglorn Wowdig Chromeminer Frasorn
631 AC - 746 AC
He was survived by his wife Dagissava Nysmysora Worlutt Beneger and children Copperbeard and Berdraeth.
Rest in Peace.
Thorar Hantder Thorrin Swain Erbilkul
612 AC - 744 AC
She was survived by her faithful husband Beanhead Crincdon Uissaeial Wymare and daughter Indisdel Deephammer Anton Erbilkul.
Eledhwendis Fargoggle Pimpda Runemasthyr Bluntspear
565 AC - 742 AC
He has rejoined his faithful wife Leadfoot Iblidin Rootiffer Lilosy and was survived by his son Deephammer Esmerily Abmar Bluntspear.
In everloving memory.
Enxendelad Annis Salvincia Swain Botpit
588 AC - 738 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Eredlbo Krephukel Rumbleward Tamlyha and was survived by her daughter Finduiil Kimbukmur Yrarizyseh Botpit Glermstup.
Vyregil Mead Althuduur Bluntspear Hogbody
648 AC - 737 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Ibis Presraan Amusoak Digglenose and four children.
Free at last, free at last, thank Caspio I'm free at last.
Ferdijo Bluntsmelter Vorotivrax Batnar Fenmail
625 AC - 735 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Ibni Tuthant Weedgardner Crancarad and was survived by her daughter Irlyriszys Gotferg Bolgewort Fenmail.
Until We Meet Again.
Ibni Tuthant Weedgardner Crancarad Fenmail
626 AC - 732 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Ferdijo Bluntsmelter Vorotivrax Batnar and daughter Irlyriszys Gotferg Bolgewort Fenmail.
Loved by all.
Jollfo Bombrin Horngins Montague
687 AC - 731 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Galiongon Quella Cannon Claricia Montague and son Kidáin Parker Eagerpush Montague.
A free spirit.
Liltutax Baghole Tonlol Narnajul Godwyn
615 AC - 729 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Brinley Grisieh Zrazirarn Coalsmelter and son Irlyvyora Lurgton Burrowbuck Godwyn.
Sleep on now, and take your rest.
Kandval Caramrl Cechiktec Iritynein Mimonna
686 AC - 728 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Elebor Bifili Camhock Frasorn Mimonna and children Hathaway, Folcoad and Pernra.
Love will tear us apart.
Hocknar Rhogaras Sturdyfoot Ayres Deepspear
602 AC - 727 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Ibliini Bitlurg Underhair Coalsmelter and children Iminderos and Galanel.
Your love will light my way.
Criswoyra Margeria Tolphmac Wymare Edrahil
615 AC - 722 AC
He has rejoined his wife Hockab Ward Wunakulan Bluntspear and was survived by his son Irianae Heobas Batkim Edrahil.
Theobald Goldsmith Carrol of Glorworth
684 AC - 717 AC
He was survived by his wife Frerar Cain Claricia.
Rest in Peace.
Latetunnel Selorrnn Rhothsin Ningdal Batnar
576 AC - 716 AC
He was survived by his wife Norgrog Rockcleave Platinumbrow and daughter Bluntdeep Ioco Zofsish Therlipyl-Gordon.
Dearly beloved.
Ironshoulder Narghusar Betglerm Frasorn Kimbpor
668 AC - 698 AC
He was survived by his wife Gerkun Findorm Edrahil and son Karrpit Chromemark Coalcandle Kimbpor.
Rest in Peace.
Annadal Chromefist Twonose Telda Emelebrir
620 AC - 695 AC
He was survived by his committed wife Eranaa Edainna Tutstup Yavanir and daughter Oggleglerm Borglarg Emelebrir.
Always loving, always loved.
Eredlbo Krephukel Rumbleward Tamlyha Botpit
584 AC - 686 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Enxendelad Annis Salvincia Swain and daughter Finduiil Kimbukmur Yrarizyseh Botpit Glermstup.
A Champion Always.
Leadfoot Iblidin Rootiffer Lilosy Bluntspear
581 AC - 681 AC
She was survived by her husband Eledhwendis Fargoggle Pimpda Runemasthyr and son Deephammer Esmerily Abmar Bluntspear.
Too well loved to be ever forgotten.
Farheaver Tale Zachariah Bluntspear Glermstup
635 AC - 680 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Finduiil Kimbukmur Yrarizyseh Botpit Glermstup and son Glermlutt Haadror Benton Glermstup.
He followed dreams, stars and ships.
Hockab Ward Wunakulan Bluntspear Edrahil
632 AC - 674 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Criswoyra Margeria Tolphmac Wymare and son Irianae Heobas Batkim Edrahil.