Port Aredinglind Graveyard
Orundin Silverr Ely Faramwiim Indisdel
675 AC - 800 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Parbet Wowrog Erdaire Galais and eight children.
Loved by all.
Drachuutir Kinney Eldirri Eagerlamp Herilarim
672 AC - 799 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Ebmorg Beanblower Dustedur Drysith and was survived by her children Edhelhel, Rindeil and Farerogers.
Loved by all.
Orbrysar Parger Derkern Drysith Eunice Shaerth
648 AC - 799 AC
He was survived by his wife Galail Calaudaran.
Gone But Never Forgotten.
Durskanan Morgstarn Ham Forgkor Kricees
704 AC - 798 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Dábur Aleanvil Fizzcor Ferritelamp Kanorinith.
A valiant gnome.
Dáinuith Kelerow Eustacius Galais Herugffo
679 AC - 797 AC
She has rejoined her beloved husband Perneel Hoghouse Elberetri Deneton and was survived by her six children.
In Loving Memory.
Herman Martin Dáalin the 2nd of Tilhaven
741 AC - 796 AC
He was survived by his loving husband Townsend Rhandarla Martin Maglorlin.
Until We Meet Again.
Wyatt Bodáin Denetor Bomborn Ferritelamp
647 AC - 796 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Dionisia Arwenis Drysthrae Celenwdir and was survived by his four children.
May Marlon guide his spirit.
Duke Finduis Cralar Bifdin Finduilasel
638 AC - 794 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Difo Borgsug Diamoia Cleavemark and was survived by his four children.
Always loving, always loved.
Thorarvi Cleavetunnel Bifdin Eagerlamp
630 AC - 792 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Nesmed Caperoys Burrowfield Turnurothth Salvlda and was survived by her son Raldor Olepar Forgechest Harding.
Loved beyond the stars.
Parstarn Mangser Crancarad Greyax
670 AC - 789 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Orilagil Mollie Dworn Dugsiffer and eight children.
Truth to your own spirit.
Irsaaar Barrett Dolinyax Bomborn Galais
654 AC - 789 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Dove Faersashar Dorstup Cleavemark and was survived by his four children.
Love you miss you.
Orli Abraham Deepstrut Coalstrut Faramwiim
644 AC - 788 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Parstarn Mangser Deepcleave Crancarad and was survived by her five children.
Perneel Hoghouse Elberetri Deneton Herugffo
672 AC - 787 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Dáinuith Kelerow Eustacius Galais and six children.
Loved by all.
Nesmed Caperoys Burrowfield Turnurothth Salvlda Eagerlamp
615 AC - 782 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Thorarvi Cleavetunnel Bifdin and son Raldor Olepar Forgechest Harding.
In beloved and abiding memory.
Dove Faersashar Dorstup Cleavemark Galais
656 AC - 777 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Irsaaar Barrett Dolinyax Bomborn and four children.
In everloving memory.
Narnval Steelnoggin Capenum Turnurothth Dijaiar
618 AC - 773 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Náar Sara Brockbuck Alixanhun Nimloal and was survived by her children Pekka and Daerois.
Olga Narnarik Dáinráin Dijaiar Elagti Greenville
669 AC - 773 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Ogglestup Camfarg Eilindisis Brightmehil Merdion and children Penlooth and Edhweel.
Too well loved to be ever forgotten.
Dionisia Arwenis Drysthrae Celenwdir Ferritelamp
658 AC - 771 AC
She was survived by her husband Wyatt Bodáin Denetor Bomborn and four children.
Your love will light my way.
Pekkasenjir Farehair Digpen Camenthia Esmerasca
652 AC - 770 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Prudence Stuart.
Loved by all.
Absalom Morris Nalyassaann of Rickmanscliffe
715 AC - 769 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Story Glenn Greyax.
Until We Meet Again.
Ondaow Kartav Daarderax Deneton Eddricus
642 AC - 768 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Dendon Singleton Clipears Belnoraeys and was survived by her children Duirow, Elebrin and Tinuvna.
Forever in our hearts.
Dickson Deliatar Coalstrut Faero
646 AC - 767 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Creastaor Darinorys Bifdin and was survived by his children Elwinlas and Roperblower.
Rest in Peace.
Ebmorg Beanblower Dustedur Drysith Herilarim
666 AC - 764 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Drachuutir Kinney Eldirri Eagerlamp and children Edhelhel, Rindeil and Farerogers.
Dearly beloved.
Erlisiraish Rancacmiad Certhros of Iriezysra
692 AC - 764 AC
She was survived by her beloved wife Duirow Florurin Forarvi Eddricus.
Good and faithful servants.
Oranys Nimroden Eagerseeker Eagerlamp Heaptook
671 AC - 761 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Parhun Llasc Elaryndtyn Celenwdir and six children.
Until We Meet Again.
Dorlorn Zenbith Dilrcuk Deneton Forgkor
653 AC - 760 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Náiorin Edainnde Coalchest Alixanhun and was survived by her five children.
A Life Measured in Memories.
Estrild Florin Galiongon Dugsiffer Lormooth
693 AC - 758 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Eluarhi Harrison Illucal Forgkor.
A Life Measured in Memories.
Penlodin Silvevar Joel Herilarim Nyuuldat
715 AC - 758 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Gauklock Naarros Headville Faramwiim and children Ravan, Fergpuu and Sturdyhand.
Wise, wonderful, devoted.
Craldesuuak Flráin Cleaveeyes Amriith Sufyiys Galadrielis
629 AC - 757 AC
He was survived by his wife Draperius Stalembelyn Donnine Drysith and children Pruncarush and Fargoggle.
Fairwell vain world I've known enough of thee.
Creastaor Darinorys Bifdin Faero
643 AC - 755 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Dickson Deliatar Coalstrut and children Elwinlas and Roperblower.
Rest in Peace.
Digbuck Stoneseeker Chadwick Camenthia Dugsiffer
624 AC - 753 AC
He has rejoined his wife Ogglestup Camfarg Crancaras Coalstrut and was survived by his five children.
Diglorn Kunab Cecil Bifdin Deneton Little
620 AC - 752 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Nellie Bass.
May Marlon guide his spirit.
Ornmiast Stalembeth Finduel Eddricus Klinxjad
687 AC - 750 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Kriallin Fingdel Dugsiffer and four children.
A valiant gnome.
Parstarn Mangser Deepcleave Crancarad Faramwiim
644 AC - 749 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Orli Abraham Deepstrut Coalstrut and five children.
Peace perfect peace.
Náiorin Edainnde Coalchest Alixanhun Forgkor
631 AC - 747 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Dorlorn Zenbith Dilrcuk Deneton and five children.
Till death do us part.
Difo Borgsug Diamoia Cleavemark Finduilasel
648 AC - 747 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Duke Finduis Cralar Bifdin and five children.
In everloving memory.
Bindin Carrol Alixanhun Celenwdir
619 AC - 744 AC
She has rejoined her committed husband Naugun Mahalin Bofalin Tinudel and was survived by her children Parhun and Durrór.
Loved by all.
Mempalith Gilxekmeth Bracekin Rumblegardner Phillip Brightmehil
604 AC - 744 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Claammedaun Grined Berddu Torrjad Campbell and was survived by her son Ogglestup Camfarg Eilindisis Brightmehil Merdion.
In everloving memory.
Dereb Symbaeani Bulgelock Bifdin Crancarad
614 AC - 742 AC
He has rejoined his doting wife Numbuciir Eshriezysbis Brightsen Ameline and was survived by his son Docravorax Donnold Darkmark.
Their life a beautiful memory, his absence a silent grief.
Cookwell Ironpick Blanpho Tinudel Camenthia
596 AC - 740 AC
He has rejoined his committed wife Nolbrigyr Eagerbeard Blurgtun Alixanhun and was survived by his son Briffad Edhweth Camenthia.
Until We Meet Again.
Naugun Mahalin Bofalin Tinudel Celenwdir
599 AC - 736 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Bindin Carrol Alixanhun and children Parhun and Durrór.
A very special gnome.
Náar Sara Brockbuck Alixanhun Nimloal Dijaiar
608 AC - 735 AC
He was survived by his wife Narnval Steelnoggin Capenum Turnurothth and children Pekka and Daerois.
Love is enough.
Walter Ilcomrim Censhhir Bomborn Drysith
622 AC - 735 AC
She has rejoined her husband Orinoraeth Bluntarm Chiiak Camenthia and was survived by her children Draperius and Peterson.
Rest in Peace.
Numbuciir Eshriezysbis Brightsen Ameline Crancarad
608 AC - 734 AC
She was survived by her faithful husband Dereb Symbaeani Bulgelock Bifdin and son Docravorax Donnold Darkmark.
In Loving Memory.
Tinbeard Andrews Bofftook Talesre Celemo
599 AC - 733 AC
She has rejoined her loving wife Corneine Yrqwengil Bitrit Volkill and was survived by her daughter Ogglerurt Fergyar Ebhun Celemo.
Rest in Peace.
Orinoraeth Bluntarm Chiiak Camenthia Drysith
625 AC - 730 AC
He was survived by his wife Walter Ilcomrim Censhhir Bomborn and children Draperius and Peterson.
Tears water our growth.
Pewterpick Bofrin Fairville Eagerlamp Kanorinith
682 AC - 730 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Dábur Aleanvil Fizzcor Ferritelamp Kanorinith and children Rurtrall and Fororin.
Dendon Singleton Clipears Belnoraeys Eddricus
630 AC - 729 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Ondaow Kartav Daarderax Deneton and children Duirow, Elebrin and Tinuvna.
Generous of heart, constant of faith.
Ogglestup Camfarg Crancaras Coalstrut Dugsiffer
639 AC - 726 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Digbuck Stoneseeker Chadwick Camenthia and five children.
A gnome of repute.
Goodwac Thienhel Brasschest Talesre Coalstrut
604 AC - 723 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Gilxekinax Beljhax Rumblegardner and son Penlodon Camkar Didfarg Coalstrut.
No one spread more love in one lifetime.
Nolbrigyr Eagerbeard Blurgtun Alixanhun Camenthia
599 AC - 722 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Cookwell Ironpick Blanpho Tinudel and son Briffad Edhweth Camenthia.
She found happiness and honor in being helpful to the world.
Claammedaun Grined Berddu Torrjad Campbell Brightmehil
591 AC - 717 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Mempalith Gilxekmeth Bracekin Rumblegardner Phillip and son Ogglestup Camfarg Eilindisis Brightmehil Merdion.
Corneine Yrqwengil Bitrit Volkill Celemo
596 AC - 713 AC
She was survived by her faithful wife Tinbeard Andrews Bofftook Talesre and daughter Ogglerurt Fergyar Ebhun Celemo.
Rest in Peace.
Dwin Orba Fizzreg Killturn
684 AC - 711 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Jemimnna Sandtook Farglorn Finduilasel Killturn and son Pitts Steelmark Hudeler Killturn.
She did it the hard way.
Duskmen Lamb Eagerbrow Crancarad Guidoago
671 AC - 703 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Derton Stupger Errhozinok Cleavemark and daughter Petronilla Bodis Glóarkûn.
A wonderful gnome. We love you.
Rootchild Aladigar Rarnli Brandyhanger
573 AC - 700 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Annadel Rachiiar.
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
Marlutt Gilddor Tanagaen Nemmonisith Rumblegardner
526 AC - 697 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Morghant Bodis Thavays Malxaus and was survived by his son Gilxekinax Beljhax Rumblegardner.
Their life a beautiful memory, his absence a silent grief.
Cosimo Nimlda Alastrir Oldrarnoan Alixanhun
573 AC - 696 AC
She has rejoined her doting husband Narnbit Valdeed Althuuthos Pitgeet and was survived by her son Deeptunnel Yittut Conover.
A gnome of repute.
Narnbit Valdeed Althuuthos Pitgeet Alixanhun
576 AC - 694 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Cosimo Nimlda Alastrir Oldrarnoan and son Deeptunnel Yittut Conover.
He walked in beauty.
Norgborg Giesdak Digglepen Zorhaddur Fizzreg
651 AC - 686 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Penlodon Camkar Didfarg Coalstrut.
Batser Turnreg Trouwunaul Narwin Gaarthmec
536 AC - 658 AC
He was survived by his faithful husband Finarar Leafboweraer.
Peace perfect peace.
Morghant Bodis Thavays Malxaus Rumblegardner
530 AC - 634 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Marlutt Gilddor Tanagaen Nemmonisith and son Gilxekinax Beljhax Rumblegardner.
Loved by all.
Bordin Eunisia Savage Kidráin Náinorin Rudol
496 AC - 611 AC
She was survived by her wife Elwinel Aeliri.
Gone But Never Forgotten.
Letitia Mardid Ilden Yrlianrys Shivvinir Tutesrek Lilturnush
386 AC - 579 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Nimrnna Keleroak.
Until We Meet Again.
Linxakamac Parpuu Lumisrn Avicia Blake Vance
424 AC - 550 AC
He was survived by his wife Rwenas Laretver.
In Loving Memory.