Glóuringlind Graveyard
Jonah Ildeneir Elfsta Palmer of Bebinghead
208 AC - 795 AC
He was survived by his wife Meliloclla Esterde and children Seriien, Lake and Gearthasith.
Life is not forever. Love is.
Summers Chromelamp Blunttunnel Reginine Urwendir
689 AC - 793 AC
He has rejoined his loving wife Erbilluon Iccecel Blurgrall Sicadil and was survived by his children Evaul, Elagod and Trueshow.
Rest in Peace.
Strivar Layton Audrayl Oldenth Sulduskmeryr
663 AC - 793 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Otis Iohanna Autumnfirryl Myrtna and was survived by his children Mangalt, Tillkor and Didkand.
In Loving Memory.
Erbilluon Iccecel Blurgrall Sicadil Urwendir
690 AC - 792 AC
She was survived by her husband Summers Chromelamp Blunttunnel Reginine and children Evaul, Elagod and Trueshow.
Your love will light my way.
Belindima John-Barrett Pitton of Bungton
692 AC - 792 AC
She was survived by her husband Whimward Seriin Bodurin Gaukpen.
The acts of this life are the destiny of the next.
Dáinur Gotnarn Adams Elbereri Rontiusan
644 AC - 785 AC
She has rejoined her loving husband Songbottom Barnett Althak Myrtna and was survived by her five children.
A valiant gnome.
Erlisarn Yavanhel Sulduskmeryr Anthi
716 AC - 782 AC
She was survived by her husband Eula Myemrax Celegormon Truesraeer Anthi and five children.
She walked in beauty.
Ritlol Marroc Bracehand Rontiusan Idriiel
695 AC - 780 AC
She was survived by her loving husband Curuleg Lightthi.
A true gnome is never forgotten.
Otis Iohanna Autumnfirryl Myrtna Sulduskmeryr
663 AC - 775 AC
She was survived by her faithful husband Strivar Layton Audrayl Oldenth and children Mangalt, Tillkor and Didkand.
She lies in the valley she loved.
Bess Myra Yarsug Ebtut Heaphill
637 AC - 772 AC
She has rejoined her doting husband Carrie Tharorn Yrant and was survived by her five children.
Dearly beloved.
Alemine Malvaor Uulkiphiir Elbereri Oldenth
623 AC - 769 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Leadfist Yencixan Worley Minyan and children Ibóin and Polly.
Songbottom Barnett Althak Myrtna Rontiusan
648 AC - 760 AC
He was survived by his wife Dáinur Gotnarn Adams Elbereri and five children.
Loved by all.
Bear Arthur Bifbur Heaphill Truesraeer
683 AC - 758 AC
He has rejoined his wife Ardaeth Boffkin Rontiusan and was survived by his four children.
Well played.
Klinel Ropertook Lincoln Reginine
639 AC - 758 AC
He was survived by his loving wife Zenbiri Nellasal Ebtut Penlodtan and daughter Kandhun Bronzearm.
Forever in our hearts.
Carrie Tharorn Yrant Heaphill of Atelier Nardor
642 AC - 750 AC
He was survived by his beloved wife Bess Myra Yarsug Ebtut and five children.
A wonderful gnome. We love you.
Porrocard Greenfoot Binkley Oldanvil Fatimnca of Bebinghead
171 AC - 741 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Nimlotril Talembeer Ritforg Fatimnca and son Twoworthy Aranthast Lowry Oldanvil.
Rest in Peace.
Ardaeth Boffkin Rontiusan Truesraeer
690 AC - 734 AC
She was survived by her faithful husband Bear Arthur Bifbur Heaphill and four children.
Peama Lessyn Arrither Karrkand of Bebinghead
166 AC - 732 AC
She was survived by her husband Tonnar Ildeneir and children Medamak, Madge and Bowmabin.
We plough the fields and scatter the good seed on the land.
Silas Virginia Smallgirdle Belbiritssa Gaukpen of Atelier Nardor
621 AC - 726 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Silvercleave Lucy Wrakaxash Minyan and was survived by his children Whimward and Balli.
A wonderful gnome. We love you.
Silvercleave Lucy Wrakaxash Minyan Gaukpen
634 AC - 722 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Silas Virginia Smallgirdle Belbiritssa and children Whimward and Balli.
When you are sorrowful, look again.
Watkin Narlbethen Dáiuin of Bebinghead
668 AC - 719 AC
He was survived by his doting wife Luttmorg Thijaiak Bankhouse Rontiusan.
For all we know this might only be a dream, we come and go like ripples in a stream.
Thieth Rasqiar Rhulaediing Bulgeward Ebtut of Atelier Nardor
580 AC - 704 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Kernnarn Brasspick Serinari Iorcrathnn and was survived by his children Zenbiri and Chromebottom.
Rest in Peace.
Kernnarn Brasspick Serinari Iorcrathnn Ebtut
577 AC - 695 AC
She was survived by her beloved husband Thieth Rasqiar Rhulaediing Bulgeward and children Zenbiri and Chromebottom.
A valiant gnome.
Ina Bifáin Thar Hull Minyan
599 AC - 691 AC
He has rejoined his beloved wife Thráin Gimarkûn Thororn Case and was survived by his children Leadfist and Hantrit.
Loved by all.
Leroy Shgroveaer Rallferg Cemtunuc Dulusun of Atelier Nardor
571 AC - 681 AC
He has rejoined his committed wife Amaras Maedrahlor Rockcarter Eledhri and was survived by his daughter Forarkûn Tutreg Adams.
A very special gnome.
Amaras Maedrahlor Rockcarter Eledhri Dulusun
567 AC - 676 AC
She was survived by her committed husband Leroy Shgroveaer Rallferg Cemtunuc and daughter Forarkûn Tutreg Adams.
Until We Meet Again.
Thráin Gimarkûn Thororn Case Minyan
604 AC - 667 AC
She was survived by her husband Ina Bifáin Thar Hull and children Leadfist and Hantrit.
Dearly beloved.
Norgnar East-Heaphouse Oldanvil of Bebinghead
80 AC - 653 AC
She was survived by her doting husband Porrocard Greenfoot Binkley Oldanvil and son Twoworthy Aranthast Lowry Oldanvil.
A elf of repute.
Willelmus Pewterminer Lolhun of Roybrough
254 AC - 620 AC
He was survived by his faithful wife Nimlotril Talembeer Carver Lolhun and four children.
Loved by all.