Elijah Swain

Male Human Head Tailor

He is an elderly human with brown eyes, very short white hair, a clean shaven face, and black skin.

Personality Traits: Humorless, Unperturbed, Optimistic.

Alignment: lawful neutral.

He is a follower of Gaia. (CN)

Born: 749 AC (Age 51)

Orientation: Hetrosexual

Home: Swain's Tailors

Settlement: Pocklingdown (immigrated from Quingate)

Spouse: Cristiana Swain (Deceased)

Mother: Clara Mowry (Deceased)

Father: Redvers Swain (Deceased)




9 10 10 8 11 12
-1 +1

10 6 9 30 ft.

Alignment: lawful neutral

Size: Medium


  • Unarmed Strike. Melee Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.

Skills: Persuasion +3

Spoken Languages: Common


Quantity Value Item Description Weight
1 5 cp Caltrops As an action, you can spread a bag of caltrops to cover a square area that is 5 feet on a side. Any creature that enters the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or stop moving this turn and take 1 piercing damage. Taking this damage reduces the creature's walking speed by 10 feet until the creature regains at least 1 hit point. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn't need to make the save. 2 lbs.
1 Child's drawing A child's drawing of a frog.
1 Door Key The key to Swain's Tailors.
1 3 gp Electrum chain bracelet A short chain of tiny electrum links.
1 1 gp 3 cp Money Pouch Elijah's money pouch. It has 8 sp and 23 cp in it. ⅝ lb.
1 5 cp Polished wood necklace A string of small polished wooden beads.
1 5 cp Scissors Fine bladed, sharp scissors. Ideal for precision work.

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