The Five Families

The City of Meltford has dozens of important dynasties and other political factions, but of those five families stand above the rest as the most rich, powerful, and influential.

The Citadel Family

The Citadels are the most influential on the five. They seek to be a stabilizing force in Ebrana and Ataland as a whole. But hundreds of years of strict traditionalism have made the family inflexible and resistant to change. For the last 100 years a Citadel has sat on the throne. The current sovereign, and matriarch of the family, is Sovereign Valis Citadel.

Clan Nyamtharson

Clan Nyamtharson are an extremely important elven family, tracing their noble linage all the way back to before the colonization of Ataland. Often finding themselves advocating for the elven perspective in political tussles, The Nyamtharsons are increasingly of the opinion that a human has sat on the throne for far too long. The clan is currently lead by Lord Iminorn Nyamtharson.

The Baron Family

The Barons are a more recent power in Meltford. This tiefling family bought its way in to political sphere by way of an extremely successful lawyer's practice and others are eager to remind them that they descend common stock. None the less, the Barons are ruthless, sharp-witted, and won't let their history hold them back. The family is currently lead by Lord Alva Baron.

The Shadowmoore Family

The Shadowmoores are masters of intrigue and manipulation, their influence extending through the dark alleys of Meltford's underworld. While publicly maintaining a facade of respectability, behind closed doors, they orchestrate clandestine schemes to further their own agendas. With a network of spies and assassins at their disposal, the Shadowmoores are not to be underestimated. Leading the family with a calculating mind and a silver tongue is Lady Seraphina Shadowmoore.

House Gilt

House Gilt, has long been associated with maritime trade and naval power. With a controlling interest in a fleet of ships, they hold considerable sway over trade routes and maritime policies. Known for their calculated risk-taking, House Gilt reaps rewards in the form of exotic imports and lucrative business ventures. Leading House Gilt is Commodore Larcen Gilt, a seasoned sailor and shrewd negotiator.

Special Mention: The Gross Family.

Although far less powerful than the other families, the Gross Family has sufficiently avoided conflict in order for one of their own to obtain the lesser title of Mayor. Mayor Salomon Gross is specifically responsible for the running of the city only, but also has the ear of the sovereign.

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