Galioin Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Urwenlas the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (546) ♀ Elf
- Galadil the Second - Junior Butcher - Adult (389) ♀ Elf
- Haldior - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (99) ♂ Elf
Group #2
- Riannde the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (279) ♀ Elf
- Penlo the First - Potato Farmer - Adult (298) ♂ Elf
- Minyor - Potato Farmer - Adult (302) ♂ Elf
- Elebrwen the First of Serindalien - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (326) ♀ Elf
Group #3
- Faithful Galmotas - Cleric - Adult (400) ♂ Elf
- Elebdel the Second - Dairy Farmer - Adult (193) ♀ Elf
- Orodroth the First - Dairy Farmer - Adult (235) ♂ Elf
- Arwenri the Second - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (110) ♀ Elf
- Legormros - Bar Keeper - Adult (225) ♂ Elf
Group #4
- Elronny - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (147) ♂ Elf
- Orodrethuil the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (437) ♂ Elf
- Patron Gwindlin - Cleric - Adult (448) ♂ Elf
- Ecthear the First - Farmer - Adult (378) ♂ Elf
- Eldiel - Junior Butcher - Adult (375) ♀ Elf
- Amaredhiel - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (45) ♀ Elf
Group #5
- Celebel the First of Val Sicafae - Potato Farmer - Adult (146) ♀ Elf
- Eleneth the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (310) ♀ Elf
- Idri the Second - Dairy Farmer - Adult (159) ♀ Elf
- Elebras the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (468) ♀ Elf
- Annalas the First - Potato Farmer - Adult (379) ♀ Elf
- Amrolas the Second - Bar Keeper - Adult (164) ♂ Elf
- Nimrois the Second - Potato Farmer - Adult (449) ♀ Elf
Group #6
- Edainlas the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (239) ♀ Elf
- Jessara Chetears of Donnaton - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (390) ♀ Elf
- Lindior the Second - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (405) ♂ Elf
- Celebde - Gardener - Adult (319) ♀ Elf
Group #7
- Finduien - Potato Farmer - Adult (119) ♀ Elf
- Galdfin the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (453) ♂ Elf
- Yavaoth the First - Potato Farmer - Adult (260) ♀ Elf
- Emeldis the Second - Farmer - Adult (503) ♀ Elf
- Voronod the Second - Potato Farmer - Adult (240) ♂ Elf
- Findorm - Butcher's Apprentice - Adolescent (31) ♂ Elf
- Argoung the First - Potato Farmer - Elder (556) ♂ Elf
- Inaros the First - Potato Farmer - Elder (552) ♂ Elf
- Amariari the First - Farmer - Adult (462) ♀ Elf
Group #8
- Aredhwelas the Second - Dairy Farmer - Adult (547) ♀ Elf
- Galadrel the Second - Farmer - Adult (542) ♀ Elf
- Urwenis the First - Junior Butcher - Adult (252) ♀ Elf
- Yavannda the First - Junior Butcher - Adult (404) ♀ Elf
- Amrotdel - Dairy Farmer - Adult (190) ♂ Elf
- Pengolfior - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (145) ♂ Elf
- Eiliiel - Potato Farmer - Adult (331) ♀ Elf
Group #9
- Ener - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (191) ♂ Elf
- Orfinlas - Potato Farmer - Adult (116) ♂ Elf
- Arwenri the First - Potato Farmer - Adult (510) ♀ Elf
- Rielril - Dairy Farmer - Adult (309) ♀ Elf
- Elagulas the Second - Butcher - Elder (557) ♂ Elf
- Serioth the Second - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (205) ♀ Elf
- Idrith the First - Vegetable Farmer - Elder (572) ♀ Elf
- Celebrina the First - Dairy Farmer - Adult (425) ♀ Elf
- Oronth the First of Amaredrda - Farmer - Adult (220) ♂ Elf
- Mahtdan the Second - Farmer - Adult (501) ♂ Elf
- Legorm - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (129) ♂ Elf
Group #10
- Mithrellhin the Second of Serindalien - Farmer - Elder (558) ♂ Elf
- Celedhien the Second - Farmer - Adult (338) ♀ Elf
- Elebdel the First - Dairy Farmer - Adult (475) ♀ Elf
- Anairin - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (49) ♂ Elf
- Felahir the Second - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (239) ♂ Elf
- Quenlonel the Second - Butcher's Apprentice - Adolescent (39) ♂ Elf
- Maglim - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (246) ♂ Elf
- Faithful Curufinher - Cleric - Adult (289) ♂ Elf
- Deneton the First - Potato Farmer - Adult (143) ♂ Elf
- Nerdal - Forester - Adult (156) ♀ Elf
- Novice Idriwen - Cleric - Adult (190) ♀ Elf
Group #11
- Egalmotin the First - Farmer - Adult (292) ♂ Elf
- Mahtaod the First - Potato Farmer - Adult (462) ♂ Elf
- Nimlotil the Second - Tavern Keeper - Adult (492) ♀ Elf
- Gwindorod the Second - Dairy Farmer - Adult (330) ♂ Elf
- Nimldis the Second - Potato Farmer - Adult (137) ♀ Elf