Kidsdale Town Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Sargent Nicholaus Galloway - Watchman - Adult (45) ♂ Human
- Trainee Officer Osmer Ramsey-Hill the 2nd - Watchman - Adult (24) ♂ Human
- Constable Margaret Bernard - Watchwoman - Adult (32) ♀ Human
Group #2
- Lieutenant Cleveland Barnett-Howe - Guard - Elder (51) ♂ Human
- Constable Jose Bernard - Watchman - Adult (28) ♂ Human
- Constable Cristiana Erwin - Watchwoman - Adult (23) ♀ Human
- Trainee Officer Nettie Robins - Watchwoman - Adult (20) ♀ Human
- Constable Josie Bernard - Watchwoman - Adult (25) ♀ Human
Group #3
- Constable Lela Moulton - Watchwoman - Adult (31) ♀ Human
- Constable Margaret Moulton - Watchwoman - Adult (36) ♀ Human
- Allen Steele - Bar Keeper - Adult (40) ♂ Human
- Phillipus Woodruff - Potato Farmer - Adult (40) ♂ Human
Group #4
- Recruit Joyce Barnett - Guard - Adult (25) ♀ Human
- Sargent Harriet Howard - Guard - Elder (50) ♀ Human
- Lieutenant Hereward Sheldon - Guard - Adult (31) ♂ Human
- Lieutenant Victoria Sheldon - Guard - Adult (34) ♀ Human
- Lieutenant Aylewynus Briant - Guard - Adult (41) ♂ Human
Group #5
- Lieutenant Constancia Ramsey - Guard - Elder (61) ♀ Human
- Lieutenant Matthias Grant - Guard - Adult (34) ♂ Tiefling
Group #6
- Constable Leticia Ramsey - Watchwoman - Adult (46) ♀ Human
- Recruit Abbie Tate - Guard - Adult (29) ♀ Human
Group #7
- Lieutenant Petronilla Briant - Guard - Adult (33) ♀ Human
- Recruit Norman Shane-Nicholas the 2nd - Guard - Adult (20) ♂ Human
- Lieutenant Frances House - Guard - Adult (39) ♀ Human
- Faithful Israel Howard - Cleric - Adult (26) ♂ Human
- Lieutenant Walding Kenney - Guard - Adult (26) ♂ Human
- Recruit Winston Galloway the 2nd - Guard - Adult (22) ♂ Human
- Sargent Edward Dawson - Guard - Elder (55) ♂ Human
- Sargent Cyril Roe - Guard - Elder (50) ♂ Human
- Lieutenant Thompson Sheldon - Guard - Adult (48) ♂ Human
- Lieutenant Hazel Barnett - Guard - Adult (49) ♀ Human
- Lieutenant Charlotte Sheldon - Guard - Adult (31) ♀ Human
- Lieutenant Ioco Dale the 2nd - Guard - Adult (29) ♂ Human
- Recruit Fannie Wayward - Guard - Adult (22) ♀ Human
- Lieutenant Philip Moulton - Guard - Elder (56) ♂ Human
Group #8
- Lieutenant Abbie Barnett - Guard - Adult (27) ♀ Tiefling
- Captain Jesse Roe - Guard - Adult (37) ♂ Human
- Manuel House - Bard - Adult (35) ♂ Human
- Everett Staples - Bard - Adult (20) ♂ Human
- Bartholomew Briant the 2nd - Bard - Adult (47) ♂ Tiefling
- Professor Horace Dale - Wizard - Adult (27) ♂ Human
- Arthurus Kenney - Smith - Adult (20) ♂ Human
- Professor Ora Tate - Wizard - Adult (21) ♀ Human
- Professor Ruth Kenney - Wizard - Elder (58) ♀ Human
- Amelia Bernard - Farmer - Adult (46) ♀ Human
- Freda Staples - Paladin - Adult (20) ♀ Human
- George Erwin - Veteran Adventurer - Elder (65) ♂ Human
- Osmundus Fullo of Guisbrook Town - Veteran Adventurer - Elder (54) ♂ Human
- Dean Ada Bernard - Wizard - Adult (25) ♂ Human
Group #9
- Isabel Gaukpen - Bandit - Elder (58) ♀ Human
- Gwendoline Tovy - Bandit - Adult (26) ♀ Human
- Griffith Hill the 2nd - Bandit - Adult (27) ♂ Human
- Gillebertus Sheldon - Farmer - Adult (49) ♂ Human
- Adric Stratton - Poacher - Elder (54) ♂ Tiefling
- Jonathan House - Smith - Elder (75) ♂ Human
- Constable Osmundus Patten - Watchman - Adult (43) ♂ Human
- Laura Howe - Potato Farmer - Adult (27) ♀ Human
- Curtis Galloway - Master Smith - Elder (50) ♂ Human
- Cecil Bernard - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (35) ♂ Human
Group #10
- Caleb Howard of Savaworth - Bowyer - Adult (31) ♂ Human
- Christiana Howe - Tavern Keeper - Elder (54) ♀ Human
- Nigellus Tovy - Bar Keeper - Adult (26) ♂ Human
- Guy Bliss - Smith - Elder (54) ♂ Human
- Allan Staples - Farmer - Adult (47) ♂ Human
- Shulutee Tovy of Amptden - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (38) ♀ Otterfolk
- Alice Howell - Farmer - Adult (39) ♀ Human
- Denis Tate - Master Carpenter - Elder (54) ♂ Human
- Isabel Stratton - Master Smith's Apprentice - Adolescent (14) ♀ Human
- Sibilla Galloway-Moulton - Farmer - Adult (47) ♀ Human
- Shadrach Erwin the 2nd - Adventurer - Adult (23) ♂ Human
Group #11
- Sperling Howe the 2nd - Adventurer - Elder (54) ♂ Human
- Aaron Grant - Butcher - Adult (36) ♂ Human
- Dollie House - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (15) ♀ Human
- Faithful Adric Patten - Cleric - Adult (33) ♂ Human
- Fredrick Galloway - Master Smith - Elder (56) ♂ Human
- Katharine Beardsley the 2nd - Master Bowyer's Apprentice - Adolescent (12) ♀ Human
- Constable Arthurus Kenney the 2nd - Watchman - Adult (26) ♂ Human
- Faithful Cristiana Stratton - Cleric - Adult (33) ♀ Human
- Hereward House - Tavern Keeper - Elder (59) ♂ Human
- Willelmus Stratton - Vegetable Farmer - Elder (55) ♂ Human
- Fanny Bliss - Smith - Adult (26) ♀ Human
- Zillah Dale - Tavern Keeper - Elder (56) ♀ Human
- Girardus Moulton - Potato Farmer - Adult (46) ♂ Human
Group #12
- Osmundus Dale - Master Bowyer - Adult (41) ♂ Human
- Lieutenant Lester Dawson - Guard - Adult (44) ♂ Human
- Godfrey Hill - Tavern Keeper - Adult (34) ♂ Human
- Thaddaeus Erwin - Poacher - Adult (22) ♂ Human
- Lois Ramsey - Master Smith's Apprentice - Adolescent (13) ♀ Human
- Miles Dawson - Master Carpenter - Adult (38) ♂ Human
- Sally Erwin - Dairy Farmer - Adult (36) ♀ Human
Group #13
- Hector Erwin - Poacher - Elder (55) ♂ Human
- Eustacius Howe the 2nd - Master Carpenter's Apprentice - Adolescent (13) ♂ Tiefling
- Nell Galloway - Master Bowyer - Adult (31) ♀ Human
- Norman Shane-Nicholas the 2nd - Butcher's Apprentice - Adolescent (17) ♂ Human
- Alec Moulton - Potato Farmer - Adult (33) ♂ Human
- Ronald Moulton - Master Carpenter - Adult (49) ♂ Human
- Oscar Galloway the 3rd - Master Carpenter's Apprentice - Adolescent (13) ♂ Human
- Novice Emmeline Moulton the 2nd - Cleric - Adult (22) ♀ Human
- Enoch Dawson - Butcher's Apprentice - Adolescent (16) ♂ Human
- Hannah Galloway - Master Bowyer's Apprentice - Adolescent (15) ♀ Human