Melruasc Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Constable Curunor the First - Watchman - Adult (231) ♂ Elf
- Sargent Salgaon the First - Watchman - Adult (308) ♂ Elf
- Constable Haldior the Second - Watchman - Adult (177) ♂ Elf
Group #2
- Trainee Officer Elberetil - Watchwoman - Adult (135) ♀ Elf
- Daer - Paladin - Adult (168) ♂ Elf
- Faithful Elebrindoth the Second - Cleric - Adult (210) ♀ Elf
- Edraros - Veteran Ranger - Adult (299) ♂ Elf
Group #3
- Faithful Induioth the Second - Cleric - Adult (391) ♀ Elf
- Amradan - Master Smith's Apprentice - Adolescent (34) ♂ Elf
- Faithful Glbun Bluntforger of Granitepeak - Cleric - Adult (173) ♂ Dwarf
- Gildhon the First - Gardener - Adult (416) ♂ Elf
- Beleguil the First - Farmer - Adult (431) ♂ Elf
- Magloir - Master Carpenter's Apprentice - Adolescent (44) ♂ Elf
- Rielel the First - Tavern Keeper - Adult (283) ♀ Elf
Group #4
- Morwe the First - Master Bowyer - Adult (201) ♀ Elf
- Nimrodeliel - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (33) ♀ Elf
- Serinuviain - Bar Keeper - Adult (143) ♀ Elf
- Penlorform - Master Smith's Apprentice - Adolescent (23) ♂ Elf
Group #5
- Orodrethdis the Second - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (88) ♂ Elf
- Imbor - Master Carpenter's Apprentice - Adolescent (85) ♂ Elf
- Morweth - Forester - Adult (372) ♀ Elf
Group #6
- Tati - Butcher's Apprentice - Adolescent (39) ♂ Elf
- Nimrodiel - Junior Butcher - Adult (124) ♀ Elf
- Pengolfifin - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (87) ♂ Elf
- Oronon the Second - Master Carpenter - Adult (391) ♂ Elf
- Penloddor - Master Smith - Adult (413) ♂ Elf
- Edrahihil the First - Farmer - Adult (449) ♂ Elf
- Celehor the First - Farmer - Adult (370) ♂ Elf
- Rindadir the Second - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (210) ♀ Elf
- Novice Thieeth the Second - Cleric - Adult (106) ♀ Elf
- Faithful Eldiril the Second - Cleric - Adult (344) ♀ Elf
Group #7
- Amardanel the Second - Junior Butcher - Adult (355) ♀ Elf
- Faithful Nimroddis the Second - Cleric - Adult (249) ♀ Elf
- Felagunuil - Butcher's Apprentice - Adolescent (51) ♂ Elf
- Patron Kimin daughter of Thrili of Granitepeak - Cleric - Elder (215) ♀ Dwarf
- Novice Carath the Second - Cleric - Adult (169) ♂ Elf
- Indeer - Master Bowyer's Apprentice - Adolescent (65) ♂ Elf
- Fingoloel - Master Carpenter's Apprentice - Adolescent (29) ♂ Elf
Group #8
- Faithful Kinluin Platinumhammer of Granitepeak - Cleric - Elder (211) ♂ Dwarf
- Galdoan the First - Bowyer - Adult (233) ♂ Elf
- Galindlin - Bar Keeper - Adult (249) ♂ Elf
- Nerdari - Master Bowyer's Apprentice - Adolescent (25) ♀ Elf
- Gwindeth the Second - Butcher - Adult (322) ♂ Elf
- Turgoim - Tavern Keeper's Apprentice - Adolescent (63) ♂ Elf
Group #9
- Imboth the Second - Master Bowyer's Apprentice - Adolescent (43) ♂ Elf
- Inuviain the First - Carpenter - Adult (168) ♀ Elf
- Lebrimor - Veteran Ranger - Adult (273) ♂ Elf
- Elenwril Teagirdle-Brockburrow of Eldirain - Gardener - Adult (464) ♀ Elf
- Rielien the First - Gardener - Adult (547) ♀ Elf
- Nimrori the First - Farmer - Adult (399) ♀ Elf