Tanis Selakth Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Indunel the Second - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (279) ♀ Elf
- Iminyal Wilcox-Longbuck of Bel-Ardair - Forester - Adult (219) ♂ Elf
- Indunel Fenkepejur of Tazlinoth - Farmer - Adult (206) ♀ Elf
Group #2
- Edhelel the First of Bel-Eronder - Potato Farmer - Adult (232) ♀ Elf
- Saerois Galathiod - Farmer - Adult (504) ♂ Elf
- Elberethnde Erostir - Farmer - Adult (356) ♀ Elf
- Finarfion the First - Potato Farmer - Adult (377) ♂ Elf
- Saerbor the First - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (452) ♂ Elf
Group #3
- Morweril - Potato Farmer - Adult (434) ♀ Elf
- Finarfion the Second - Potato Farmer - Adult (168) ♂ Elf
Group #4
- Celebdor the Second - Potato Farmer - Adult (270) ♂ Elf
- Rindisas Fenkepejur - Potato Farmer - Adult (187) ♀ Elf
- Nimlir - Potato Farmer - Adult (129) ♀ Elf
- Thrandon the First - Farmer - Adult (474) ♂ Elf
- Eleg the First - Potato Farmer - Elder (582) ♂ Elf
- Vardaiel of Tanis Finglin - Potato Farmer - Adult (543) ♀ Elf
- Amaredhiel Shkman of Tanis Olas - Farmer - Adult (404) ♀ Elf
- Indalnel the First of Tanis Olas - Potato Farmer - Adult (355) ♀ Elf
- Findelung - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (118) ♂ Elf
- Lionbor Genxendud the Second - Farmer - Adult (151) ♂ Elf
Group #5
- Penlal the Second - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (389) ♂ Elf
- Enethhon the Second - Farmer - Adult (511) ♂ Elf
- Serindalril the First - Farmer - Adult (454) ♀ Elf
- Amrofin - Farmer - Adult (203) ♂ Elf