Palmerworth Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Faithful Nellasor of Felagon - Cleric - Adult (399) ♂ Elf
- Recruit Dwaladur Bluntstrut of Silverpass - Guard - Adult (78) ♂ Dwarf
- Sheldon Uggeb Kathryn Marpit Rosamiond - Hunter - Adult (84) ♂ Gnome
Group #2
- Platinumsmelter Aladin Laughcen Lightbuck Sturdyeyes - Hunter - Adult (73) ♂ Gnome
- Dwaliuin Bosse Hashow Forgeeyes Nerden - Hunter - Adult (101) ♂ Gnome
Group #3
- Domphimir Amarwenna Fergsug Coalsmelter - Hunter - Adult (129) ♂ Gnome
- Shrielo Coaltongs of Uppingden - Hunter - Adult (41) ♂ Otterfolk
- Tutoggle Narpuu Olden Volpuu - Hunter - Adult (24) ♂ Gnome
- Obisla Burr Hakfizz Diamonila Nerden - Hunter - Adult (104) ♀ Gnome
- Ecthkil Gardgardner Celenwdir Lornkun - Hunter - Adult (119) ♀ Gnome
Group #4
- Elebrnel Tinkarr Lariadra Landama Smokehead - Hunter - Adult (75) ♂ Gnome
- Ropernose Ruffocca Littleseeker Landama Twoville - Hunter - Adult (70) ♂ Gnome
- Forarvi Gaartin Nararin Rosamiond Coaltongs - Hunter - Adult (44) ♀ Gnome
- Dáiurin Bertnta Goraxa Gates Morgmar - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (109) ♂ Gnome
- Rasxirun Sturdystrut Ibliar Gates Oldrakulos - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (93) ♂ Gnome
- Anthiros of Lardroro - Farm Hand - Adult (236) ♂ Elf
Group #5
- Novice Mithrnar the Third of Cair Edhwean - Cleric - Adult (151) ♂ Elf
- Faithful Olodir of Felagon - Cleric - Adult (191) ♂ Elf
- Quennaras Mutder Hockglerm Forgeeyes Oldrakulos - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (98) ♀ Gnome
- Lieutenant Magloir of Cair Edhwean - Guard - Adult (324) ♂ Elf
Group #6
- Lindda Deal-Bernard of Hildworth - Farm Hand - Elder (113) ♀ Halfling
- Iblili Oldminer of Silverpass - Poacher - Adult (83) ♂ Dwarf
- Korrog Eglindmo Ibis Maccator Silverquench - Vegetable Gardener - Adult (106) ♀ Elf
- Patron Anailas of Lardroro - Cleric - Adult (296) ♂ Elf