Shepherd's Inn

129 year old Human construction, medium sized

Location: Port Dudheath Town

Owned by: Ernoldus Shepherd

A half-timbered house with a thatched roof. A fat ginger moggy lies lazily near the entrance. It's nametag says "Douglas." A friendly atmosphere permeates the inn.

⟳ Re-roll everything!


  • "Kestiobar is stronger than ever!"
  • "The Adventurers Guild Hall pays well if you think you're strong enough." (Tell me more)
  • "Shepherd's Inn is the best tavern in miles!"
  • "They say rebellion is brewing. Not that I would know, I'm a loyal citizen." (Tell me more)
  • "This tavern dates back 129 years."


At the tavern right now are:

  • Belica Shepherd - Weaver - Adult (32) ♀ Human - She is an adult human with hazel eyes, light-brown hair in a pigtails, and medium brown skin.
  • Amicia Tote - Elder (60) ♀ Human - She is an elderly human with amber eyes, silver hair in braids, and medium brown skin.
  • Esther Finley - Tanner - Adult (33) ♀ Human - She is an adult human with blue eyes, dyed light-brown hair in a plait, and light pink skin.
  • Doris Gillespie - Adult (42) ♀ Human - She is an adult human with hazel eyes, blond hair in a bun, and medium brown skin.
  • Georgiana Woodruff - Adult (19) ♀ Human - She is an adult human with grey eyes, long curly strawberry hair, and light brown skin.
  • Thompson Hunt - Farm Hand - Adult (27) ♂ Human - He is an adult human with green eyes, a brown quiff, a goatee, and light brown skin.
  • Iuliana Woodruff the 2nd - Medic - Adult (30) ♀ Human - She is an adult human with brown eyes, auburn hair in a pigtails, and medium brown skin.
  • Eugene Stanton - Master Smith - Adult (34) ♂ Human - He is an adult human with blue eyes, short brown and grey streaked hair in a side parting, a clean shaven face, and light brown skin.
  • Guy Shepherd - Clerk - Adult (22) ♂ Human - He is an adult human with grey eyes, scruffy dyed brown hair, a pencil moustache, and light brown skin.
  • Godfrey Fritz - Cobbler - Adult (28) ♂ Human - He is an adult human with brown eyes, dyed red hair in a plait, a clean shaven face, and medium brown skin.

Behind the bar

At this location, items are priced between 84% and 111% of their base value.

Available Price Value Item Description Weight
38 6 cp 5 cp Animal Feed (1 day) 10 lbs.
11 gp 10 gp Banquet Your table will be supplied with as much food and drink as you can eat, until you are done and your guests go to bed. Price quoted is per person, for no more than three hours of feasting.
1 6 gp 7 sp 6 gp Bottle of Whisky A bottle of whisky containing 16 glasses. A fairly average Human whisky. 1½ lbs.
5 4 gp 3 sp 4 gp Bottle of Mead A bottle of mead containing 8 cups. A fine mead made from honey. 1½ lbs.
1 2 cp 2 cp Bread, loaf A small loaf of basic bread.
1 9 cp 1 sp Cheese, hunk A piece of cheese.
1 4 sp 2 cp 5 sp Cup of Mead A fine mead made from honey.
13 3 sp 4 cp 4 sp Dram of Whisky A fairly average Human whisky.
5 6 cp 5 cp Glass of Port Dudheath Town Red Wine A basic wine, made with a blend of local grapes.
5 5 cp 5 cp Glass of Port Dudheath Town Rosé Wine A basic wine, made with a blend of local grapes.
1 9 cp 1 sp Glass of Spiced Wine A bottle of spiced red wine, served warm.
1 3 gp 8 sp 4 gp Inn stay (aristocratic) There is an elegant and well furnished room, with a door that locks, a comfortable bed, a chair, and a writing desk. It usually reserved for nobles.
3 6 sp 7 cp 8 sp Inn stay (comfortable) There is a comfortable room, with a door that locks, and a small bed.
3 1 sp 1 sp Inn stay (poor) There are some cots available in a draughty room, if you don't mind sharing.
2 gp 2 sp 2 gp Meal (wealthy) A hearty meal of roast meat with root vegetables, legumes and onions, served in a rich gravy with a generous hunk of Wastel bread.
1 2 sp 6 cp 3 sp Meat, chunk A piece of cooked meat.
173 4 cp 4 cp Mug of Ale Bog standard ale.
175 6 cp 6 cp Mug of Kestiobar Bitter A bitter of the type popular in Kestiobar.
21 2 sp 2 sp Pitcher of Ale A gallon of bog standard ale, served in a pitcher. 10 lbs.
1 1 sp 9 cp 2 sp Pitcher of Port Dudheath Town Red Wine A basic wine, made with a blend of local grapes. A pitcher holds 5 generous cups.
7 2 gp 8 sp 2 gp 7 sp Pitcher of Sauvignon Blanc (Vintage 797) A sharp white wine with a grass-green tint, notes of green fruit. Best drunk young. 1½ lbs.
14 4 sp 8 cp 5 sp Stabling (1 day)


  • Undamaged empty bottles can be returned for a 1 gp refund.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Brigit Shepherd Clerk 39 Female Human She is an adult human with grey eyes, scruffy strawberry hair, and light pink skin.
Clayton Shepherd Housekeeper 26 Male Human He is an adult human with one green eye (his left is covered by an eye-patch), short dyed black hair in a side parting, a clean shaven face, and light brown skin.
Ernoldus Shepherd Inn Keeper 50 Male Human He is an elderly human with green eyes, a dyed white quiff, a full beard, and pale white skin.
Griffith Shepherd Housekeeper 35 Male Human He is an adult human with green eyes, dyed blond hair in braids, a clean shaven face, and pale white skin.
Irene Shepherd 50 Female Human She is an elderly human with amber eyes, white hair in a ponytail, and light brown skin.
May Shepherd Inn Keeper's Apprentice 16 Female Human She is an adolescent human with amber eyes, scruffy black hair, and dark brown skin.
Miles Tote Inn Keeper's Apprentice 14 Male Human He is an adolescent human with hazel eyes, very short brown hair, and medium brown skin.
Phoebe Shepherd Housekeeper 22 Female Human She is an adult human with amber eyes (behind a pair of spectacles), long tied back dark-brown hair, and medium brown skin.
Rochilda Hardy Inn Keeper's Apprentice 17 Female Human She is an adolescent human with brown eyes, dark-brown hair in a bun, and medium brown skin.

Family Tree

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