Cassius' Relics

"I'll make you a deal!"

-- "Cash" Dale

This emporium, popular with visiting pilgrims, sells mostly inauthentic trinkets posing as holy relics. The proprietor, Cassius "Cash" Dale, has the gift of the gab, and many customers have left with their money pouch lighter and a worthless memento in hand.


Available Price Item Description
2 Negotiable Dubious Holy Tablet Cassius asserts that this diminutive clay tablet preserves period dictations of Solos' words during his brief time among mortals. A successful religion check (DC 14) unveils that, according to Solosian doctrine, this event never took place.
4 Negotiable Dubious Relic A selection of various "relics" of dubious nature.
11 Negotiable Idol of Solos On closer inspection, this item is just a poorly made 20-sided dice.
9 Negotiable Solos Die This standard six-sided dice is allegedly "as fair as Solos' Dice themselves." In actually, it is poorly made and biased. Roll 1d6 to determine which side comes up more often.
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