Potato Field

72 year old Halfling construction, medium sized

Location: Cardton

Owned by: Fastreuc Sackchild

A newly built cob-walled house. A slender ginger cat eyes visitors nervously. It's nametag says "Kitty." The potato field is surrounded by a hedge to protect the plants from wild animals.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Alari Snow Potato Farmer 57 Male Human He is an elderly human with brown eyes (behind a pair of spectacles), white hair in a ponytail, a full beard, and medium brown skin.
Anne Snow Housekeeper 62 Female Longfoot She is an adult longfoot with grey eyes, dyed brown hair in a plait, and light brown skin.
Arantda Clerk-Snow 6 Female Human She is a human child with grey eyes, long curly brown hair, and light brown skin.
Cameia Clerk-Snow 9 Female Human She is a human child with grey eyes, strawberry hair in a plait, and light pink skin.
Divarse Clerk-Snow 1 Male Human He is an infant human with grey eyes, scruffy brown hair, and light brown skin.
Dudongo Clerk-Snow Housekeeper 32 Male Human He is an adult human with brown eyes, very short brown hair, a big bushy moustache, and medium brown skin.
Fastreuc Sackchild Potato Farmer 96 Male Halfling He is an elderly halfling with brown eyes, thin scruffy silver hair, a big bushy beard, and medium brown skin.
Gorbco Clerk-Snow 5 Male Human He is a human child with brown eyes, very short black hair, and dark brown skin.
Mantila Snow Potato Farmer 27 Female Halfling She is an adult halfling with hazel eyes, long brown hair tied back in a knot, and medium brown skin.
Ninala Snow 1 Female Longfoot She is an infant longfoot with brown eyes, a bald head, and medium brown skin.
Rallcor Clerk-Snow Potato Farmer 38 Female Human She is an adult human with grey eyes, blond hair in a ponytail, and light pink skin.
Tanggo Snow Potato Farmer 24 Male Human He is an adult human with brown eyes, brown hair in braids, stubble, and medium brown skin.

Family Tree

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