Nimrnna's Magical Magic Trinkets Emporium

799 year old Elf construction, large sized

Location: City of Elwindal

Owned by: Nimrnna the First

Built into a living tree, this large tree house is accessed by a rope ladder. The dwelling also serves as a Magic Trinkets Emporium.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Amardaoth 4 Female Elf She is an elf child with grey eyes, strawberry hair in a bun, and golden skin.
Angrodor the First Shopkeep's Assistant 151 Male Elf He is an adult elf with brown eyes, long dark-brown hair with a fringe cut, a clean shaven face, and medium brown skin.
Aredhweil the Second Housekeeper 419 Female Elf She is an adult elf with blue eyes, blond hair in a pigtails, and light pink skin.
Argonras Housekeeper 316 Male Elf He is an adult elf with hazel eyes, very short dyed dark-brown hair, and medium brown skin.
Galmoleg the Second Shopkeep's Apprentice 87 Male Elf He is an adolescent elf with brown eyes, short black hair in a side parting, and black skin.
Iriminlor the First Housekeeper 445 Male Elf He is an adult elf with brown eyes, long curly black hair, a clean shaven face, and medium brown skin.
Nimrnna the First Shopkeep 480 Female Elf She is an adult elf with grey eyes, blond hair in a ponytail, and light pink skin.
Rindaien Shopkeep's Apprentice 90 Female Elf She is an adolescent elf with grey eyes, long curly auburn hair, and light brown skin.
Rindeel the Third Housekeeper 132 Female Elf She is an adult elf with grey eyes, strawberry hair in a plait, and golden skin.
Tation the First Housekeeper 514 Male Elf He is an adult elf with grey eyes (the left of which is glass), short curly light-brown hair, and golden skin.
Turgouil the Third Shopkeep's Apprentice 74 Male Elf He is an adolescent elf with grey eyes, short dark-brown hair in a side parting, and light brown skin.

Family Tree

Items for sale

⟳ Re-roll shop stock.

At this location, items are priced between 82% and 83% of their base value.

Available Price Value Item Rarity Description
1 Negotiable Annoying medal of mana uncommon This medal was awarded for bravery defending None. When polished, if you are a spellcaster, you may cast one of your level 1 spells without spending a spell-slot. This property cannot be used again until after a long rest. The medal loudly shouts "The secret is reading!" when you use it's property.
1 Negotiable Basilisk figurehead of quiet uncommon A ship's figurehead in the shape of a Basilisk. (A ship can only have one magical figurehead.) While at the wheel of a ship with the Basilisk figurehead attached, if you concentrate your mind, it muffles sounds (by 30dB) within a 10ft sphere for 10 minutes. This property cannot be used again until after a long rest.
1 Negotiable Cold crown of the glowing king uncommon A smooth silver band, when placed upon the head it emits a dim orange glow, just barely enough to cover 10 ft. The glow lasts for 1 minute. This property cannot be used again until after a long rest. The crown is cold to the touch.
1 Negotiable Concealable belt of melody uncommon This leather belt is embossed with runes. When removed it plays a sweet melody. The melody can be heard from 100 ft away. The music can be stopped by anyone who can touch the belt. This property cannot be used again until after a long rest. When the belt is in your pack or otherwise stowed away, only you can see it. It can be revealed with detect magic.
1 Negotiable Cursed book of otterese tongue otterese poetry uncommon A book containing poetry written in otterese. If you read one of the poems aloud, you can speak and understand otterese for the next day. This property cannot be used again until after a long rest. After each use the GM should roll a d20. On a 1, a misfortune befalls the user. The nature of the misfortune is at the discretion of the GM.
1 Negotiable Fleek's disappearing book of life saving tickets uncommon A small leather bound booklet contains 7 numbered tickets. When a ticket is torn from the binding, it crumbles to dust and then the next time you are dying at the start of your turn, you stabilize. This effect wears off after a day. This property cannot be used again until after a long rest. After each use the GM should roll a d20. On a 1, the tickets goes missing the next time it is stowed away.
1 Negotiable Light glove of navigation uncommon This magical glove fits any hand, and matches any outfit. If worn, when you click your fingers, the direction of true north is clear in your mind. This property cannot be used again until after a long rest. The glove feels like it has no weight, almost as if it were an illusion, but is solid to the touch.
1 Negotiable Needy shoe of warming uncommon This magical shoe fits any foot, and matches any outfit. If worn, when you click your heels together, the ambient temperature increases by up to 20ºF (10ºC) in a 10ft sphere emanating from the object lasting 10 minutes. The item will have no further effect at temperatures above 95ºF (35ºC.) This property cannot be used again until after a long rest. This magic item requires attunement. (See 'Attunement' in the SRD.)
1 Negotiable Robust quill of truesight uncommon This large magical feather is from an long extinct bird. When dropped with intent, on landing you gain truesight for 1 minute. This property cannot be used again until after a long rest. The feather cannot be destroyed by non-magical means.
1 21 gp 25 gp Scroll of Faerie Fire common A spell scroll bears the words of the 1st-level spell, written in a mystical cipher. If the spell is on your class's spell list, you can use an action to read the scroll and cast its spell without having to provide any of the spell's components. Otherwise, the scroll is unintelligible. If the spell needs a save DC, it is 13. If it needs an attack bonus, it is 5. If the spell is on your class's spell list but of a higher level than you can normally cast, you must make an ability check using your spellcasting ability to determine whether you cast it successfully. The DC is 11. On a failed check, the spell disappears from the scroll with no other effect. Once the spell is cast, the words on the scroll fade, and the scroll itself crumbles to dust.
1 Negotiable Subtle wrist bands of reminiscing uncommon This magical bracer is embossed with the command word, "thanks". When spoken by the wearer, you remember something you had forgotten. The subject of the memory is at the discretion of the GM. This property cannot be used again until after a long rest. The bracer is hidden from detect magic.
1 Negotiable The lucky wizard's hat of haste uncommon This wizard's hat has it's command word "disease" stitched on a label on the inside. When worn by a wizard, if you speak the command word, your movement speed is doubled for 1 minute. This property cannot be used again until after a long rest. After each use the GM should roll a d20. On a 20, a the user is also blessed as with the Bless spell.
1 Negotiable The poisonous duck of awareness uncommon A duck made of cloth and leather. When squeezed, you may add a +2 bonus to the next initiative roll you make. This property cannot be used again until after a long rest. After using the duck's property, you must succeed a constitution save, DC 12, or be poisoned for 1 hour.
1 Negotiable Vastra's lavish symbol of darkvision uncommon A holy symbol of Vastra. In order to use the symbol, you must be a follower of Vastra and have visited a shrine or temple to Vastra in the last 24 hours. If you have done so, you can hold the symbol and say a short prayer and Vastra smiles upon you. Then you gain darkvision for 1 hour. This property cannot be used again until after a long rest. After use, the item appears highly decorated and valuable for 6 hours.


  • The store may also filled with useless bric-a-brac, which the owner will attempt to sell as magical items to unsuspecting punters.
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