
799 year old Human construction, medium sized

Location: City of Meltford

Owned by: Ringer Springer-Oliver

The wooden beams on this 1st Century home are painted white. A slender white cat eyes visitors nervously. It's nametag says "Eunisia." A orchard is nearby.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Editha Sloan Orchardist 41 Female Tiefling She is an adult tiefling with silver eyes, long tied back black hair, and wine-purple skin. She has curved horns.
Emeline Springer-Oliver Housekeeper 44 Female Human She is an adult human with brown eyes, scruffy dyed strawberry hair, and dark brown skin.
Estella Springer-Oliver 11 Female Tiefling She is a tiefling child with red eyes, dark-brown hair in a pigtails, and wine-purple skin. She has curved horns.
Ringer Springer-Oliver Orchardist 45 Male Tiefling He is an adult tiefling with silver eyes, short black and grey streaked hair in a side parting, a full beard, and wine-purple skin. He has large curled horns.
Spencer Sloan Orchardist 50 Male Human He is an elderly human with grey eyes, silver hair in braids, a big bushy beard, and light pink skin.
Wido Logan 55 Male Human He is an elderly human with amber eyes, white hair in a ponytail, a full beard, and medium brown skin.

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