Wheat Field

56 year old Human construction, medium sized

Location: City of Meltford

Owned by: Mathew Baron

A brick house with a slate tile roof. A slender black cat eyes visitors nervously. It's nametag says "Tiger." The wheat field is known for its yield of premium wheat.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Editha Baron Farmer 24 Female Human She is an adult human with grey eyes, long flowing brown and grey streaked hair, and light brown skin.
Ernoldus Baron Housekeeper 24 Male Human He is an adult human with amber eyes, a dark-brown quiff, a clean shaven face, and medium brown skin.
Linda Baron 4 Female Human She is a human child with brown eyes, short curly dark-brown hair, and medium brown skin.
Margaret Baron Housekeeper 42 Female Human She is an adult human with amber eyes, scruffy dark-brown hair, and medium brown skin.
Margery Baron Farmer 50 Female Human She is an elderly human with amber eyes, silver hair in a plait, and olive skin.
Mathew Baron Farmer 44 Male Human He is an adult human with grey eyes, a horseshoe of strawberry hair, stubble, and olive skin.
Osgood Baron 4 Male Human He is a human child with grey eyes, long strawberry hair with a fringe cut, and olive skin.
Queenie Carpenter 51 Female Human She is an elderly human with amber eyes, silver hair in a bun, and olive skin.
Roberts Carpenter Farmer 54 Male Human He is an elderly human with green eyes, a dyed light-brown quiff, a clean shaven face, and olive skin.

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