Potato Field

110 year old Human construction, medium sized

Location: City of Meltford

Owned by: Ena Proctor

A brick house, painted yellow. A potato field is nearby.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Arthurus Lard Potato Farmer 28 Male Human He is an adult human with grey eyes (behind a pair of spectacles), light-brown and grey streaked hair in a ponytail, a clean shaven face, and olive skin.
Bernice Proctor Housekeeper 24 Female Human She is an adult human with brown eyes, long dark-brown and grey streaked hair with a fringe cut, and medium brown skin.
Ebenezer Knox Potato Farmer 44 Male Human He is an adult human with grey eyes, a strawberry quiff, a full beard, and pale white skin.
Emeline Lard 0 Female Human She is an infant human with amber eyes, scruffy brown hair, and medium brown skin.
Ena Lard 2 Female Human She is an infant human with grey eyes, a bald head, and olive skin.
Ena Proctor Potato Farmer 48 Female Human She is an adult human with hazel eyes, black hair in a plait, and dark brown skin.
Jennie Lard Housekeeper 29 Female Human She is an adult human with brown eyes, scruffy black hair, and dark brown skin.
Luther Proctor Potato Farmer 52 Male Human He is an elderly human with brown eyes (behind a pair of spectacles), short silver hair in a side parting, a soulpatch, and medium brown skin.
Marguerite Knox Potato Farmer 38 Female Human She is an adult human with grey eyes, long strawberry hair tied back in a knot, and light pink skin.
Ollie Knox the 2nd 0 Male Human He is an infant human with grey eyes, wisps of strawberry hair, and pale white skin.

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