Lord of The City of Meltford Baron's Manor

138 year old Human construction, small sized

Location: City of Meltford

Owned by: Lord Alva Baron

A historic 7th Century half-timbered mansion.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Alva Baron the 2nd 8 Male Tiefling He is a tiefling child with silver eyes, scruffy black hair, and wine-purple skin. He has curled horns.
Editha Baron Noble 33 Female Human She is an adult human with grey eyes, long tied back auburn hair, and olive skin.
Jay Baron Housekeeper 28 Male Tiefling He is an adult tiefling with silver eyes, scruffy dark-grey hair, a long beard, and brick-red skin. He has curled horns.
Lady Adelaide Baron Noble 60 Female Human She is an elderly human with grey eyes, long tied back white hair, and light brown skin.
Lord Alva Baron Lord 61 Male Tiefling He is an elderly tiefling with silver eyes, very short silver hair, a goatee, and wine-purple skin. He has small curled horns.
Phoebe Baron 57 Female Tiefling She is an elderly tiefling with silver eyes, long white hair with a fringe cut, and wine-purple skin. She has small curled horns.
Randulfus Baron 1 Male Tiefling He is an infant tiefling with silver eyes, scruffy black hair, and wine-purple skin. He has curled horns.

Family Tree

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