
123 year old Orc construction, medium sized

Location: Valhunham

Owned by: Serwor Junior

This historic 7th Century flint and lime hut in in need of repair. A group of hunters live here.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Bitgot Housekeeper 10 Female Orc She is an adolescent orc with black eyes, short dark-brown hair, and dark green skin.
Gerbet 2 Female Orc She is an infant orc with black eyes, a bald head, and dark green skin.
Hunrog 5 Female Orc She is an orc child with grey eyes, short curly blond hair, and chalky white skin.
Karkarr Junior Housekeeper 8 Female Orc She is an adolescent orc with black eyes, dark-brown hair in braids, and dark green skin.
Lornbet Medic 14 Male Orc He is an adult orc with grey eyes, a dyed purple quiff, a full beard tied in two braids, and dark green skin.
Luttblurg Housekeeper 32 Female Orc She is an adult orc with grey eyes, long curly dyed black hair, and dark green skin.
Marhun Housekeeper 8 Male Orc He is an adolescent orc with grey eyes, long curly blond hair, and grey skin.
Markand Hunter 26 Female Orc She is an adult orc with black eyes, scruffy blond hair, and grey skin.
Oggleoggle Housekeeper 19 Male Orc He is an adult orc with black eyes, short strawberry hair in a side parting, a clean shaven face, and grey skin.
Serwor Junior Hunter 27 Male Orc He is an adult orc with black eyes, blond hair in a plait, a goatee, and grey skin.

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