Adventurer's Guild Hall
718 year old Human construction, small sized
Location: Gardon
An Adventurers Guild Hall: A long table, a warm fire, a notice board, and like-minded people to talk too.
Name | Role | Age | Gender | Race | Description |
Ethel Spear | Veteran Adventurer | 37 | Female | Human | She is an adult human with amber eyes, black hair in braids, and dark brown skin. |
Sandre Weedgins | Veteran Adventurer | 37 | Male | Tiefling | He is an adult tiefling with red eyes, short brown hair in a side parting, a long beard, and wine-purple skin. He has curved horns. |
Stephanus Daniels | Veteran Adventurer | 35 | Male | Tiefling | He is an adult tiefling with golden eyes, a shaved head, bushy sideburns, and red skin. He has curved horns. |
Daer Lee | Paladin | 41 | Male | Human | He is an adult human with amber eyes, balding brown hair, bushy sideburns, and light brown skin. |
Bessie Joiner | Adventurer | 22 | Female | Human | She is an adult human with hazel eyes, long styled brown hair, and medium brown skin. |
Items for sale
Available | Item | Description |
1 | Hunting Poster for Brown Bears |
and earn gold! Spotted in the vicinity of Yitlarg Fizz. Provide proof of your kill to any Adventurer's or Ranger's Guild. |
3 | Hunting Poster for Giant Goats |
and earn gold! Spotted in the vicinity of Edgstable. Provide proof of your kill to any Adventurer's or Ranger's Guild. |
2 | Hunting Poster for Giant Lizards |
and earn gold! Spotted in the vicinity of Pippishire. Provide proof of your kill to any Adventurer's or Ranger's Guild. |
3 | Hunting Poster for Sharks |
and earn gold! Spotted in the vicinity of Balboworth Docks. Provide proof of your kill to any Adventurer's or Ranger's Guild. |
2 | Wanted Poster for Belle |
Wanted Dead or Alive:
"Murderin'" Belle Last seen near Port Clacktree. She is an adult orc thug with one black eye (her right is closed and scarred), auburn hair in a plait, and medium green skin. 40 gold reward on delivery to Adventurer's or Ranger's Guild, Watchhouse or Barracks. 5 gold bonus if delivered alive. |
3 | Wanted Poster for Finar |
Wanted Alive:
Finar Daniels of Gardon Last seen near Port Clacktree. He is an adult human cutpurse with one amber eye (his left is covered by an eye-patch), a horseshoe of brown hair, a clean shaven face, and medium brown skin. 30 gold reward on delivery to Adventurer's or Ranger's Guild, Watchhouse or Barracks. |