Ranger's Guild Hall

40 year old Elf construction, small sized

Location: Nimeshothor

A non-descript building.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Galmotil Veteran Ranger 294 Male Elf He is an adult elf with brown eyes, scruffy black hair, a clean shaven face, and purple skin.
Penlorfan Veteran Ranger 315 Male Elf He is an adult elf with grey eyes, short auburn hair, a clean shaven face, and olive skin.

Items for sale

⟳ Re-roll stock.

Available Item Description
1 Hunting Poster for Crocodiles Hunt and earn gold!
Spotted in the vicinity of Farsden Docks South.
Provide proof of your kill to any Adventurer's or Ranger's Guild.
3 Hunting Poster for Giant Centipedes Hunt and earn gold!
Spotted in the vicinity of Sicars Beacon.
Provide proof of your kill to any Adventurer's or Ranger's Guild.
2 Hunting Poster for Giant Lizards Hunt and earn gold!
Spotted in the vicinity of Olmanville Docks East.
Provide proof of your kill to any Adventurer's or Ranger's Guild.
2 Hunting Poster for Kraken Hunt and earn gold!
Spotted in the vicinity of Farsden Docks North.
Provide proof of your kill to any Adventurer's or Ranger's Guild.
2 Hunting Poster for Merrows Hunt and earn gold!
Spotted in the vicinity of Gillingwich Docks.
Provide proof of your kill to any Adventurer's or Ranger's Guild.
2 Wanted Poster for Gwenllian Wanted Alive: "Knockout" Gwenllian
Last seen near Earl shillow.
She is an elderly kobold highwaywoman with gold eyes and tan scales.
40 gold reward on delivery to Adventurer's or Ranger's Guild, Watchhouse or Barracks.
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