Barley Field

792 year old Elf construction, medium sized

Location: Talestelal

Owned by: Morwedis the First

A log cabin. A map of Astrus is framed on one wall. The field is surrounded by a hedge to protect the barley from wind and wild animals. The barley grown is hulless barley.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Amarlas Housekeeper 178 Female Elf She is an adult elf with brown eyes, long curly dyed black hair, and medium brown skin.
Amrorod the First Farmer 241 Male Elf He is an adult elf with grey eyes, short curly auburn hair, and light pink skin.
Argonleg the Second Farmer 437 Male Elf He is an adult elf with brown eyes, balding brown hair, a clean shaven face, and medium brown skin.
Arwenda the First Housekeeper 392 Female Elf She is an adult elf with grey eyes, long curly dyed strawberry hair, and light pink skin.
Edhwenel the First Farmer 242 Female Elf She is an adult elf with one grey eye (her right is covered by an eye-patch), strawberry hair in a ponytail, and light pink skin.
Findisen the Second Housekeeper 191 Female Elf She is an adult elf with blue eyes, blond hair in a ponytail, and light pink skin.
Iminyil the First Housekeeper 177 Male Elf He is an adult elf with grey eyes, short curly brown hair, a clean shaven face, and light brown skin.
Morwedis the First Farmer 454 Female Elf She is an adult elf with one brown eye (her right is closed and scarred), scruffy black hair, and medium brown skin.
Urweri 12 Female Elf She is an elf child with blue eyes, light-brown hair in a bun, and light pink skin.

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