
30 year old Halfling construction, medium sized

Location: Nicolshire

Owned by: Ferudolrt Lord

A rounded Cob wall construction, half buried with a living turf roof. A orchard is nearby.


Name Role Age Gender Race Description
Arabsa Kirk 5 Female Human She is a human child with amber eyes, scruffy black hair, and medium brown skin.
Cardman Kirk Housekeeper 35 Male Human He is an adult human with brown eyes, long black hair with a fringe cut, a big bushy beard, and medium brown skin.
Ferudolrt Kirk 6 Male Human He is a human child with brown eyes, short black hair in a side parting, and medium brown skin.
Ferudolrt Lord Orchardist 79 Male Halfling He is an adult halfling with grey eyes, balding dark-brown hair, stubble, and light brown skin.
Fortic Kirk 2 Male Human He is an infant human with amber eyes, wisps of black hair, and medium brown skin.
Guidous Harmon 10 Male Longfoot He is a longfoot child with grey eyes, very short brown hair, and light brown skin.
Lizzy Harmon Housekeeper 13 Female Longfoot She is an adolescent longfoot with amber eyes, long tied back dark-brown hair, and light brown skin.
Lizzy Lord 64 Female Human She is an elderly human with amber eyes, grey hair in a ponytail, and medium brown skin.
Mellica Harmon Orchardist 33 Female Human She is an adult human with amber eyes (behind a pair of spectacles), brown hair in a plait, and light brown skin.
Pansnda Kirk 9 Female Human She is a human child with amber eyes, short curly dark-brown hair, and medium brown skin.
Porroor Harmon Housekeeper 34 Male Halfling He is an adult halfling with grey eyes, balding brown hair, stubble, and light brown skin.
Primaila Kirk 8 Female Human She is a human child with amber eyes, short black hair, and medium brown skin.
Salvnna Kirk Orchardist 31 Female Human She is an adult human with amber eyes, light-brown hair in a pigtails, and light pink skin.

Family Tree

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