Nicolshire Guards
The following NPCs respond if there is trouble at this location.
Group #1
- Elanorasca Haines-Hollis - Hunter - Adult (28) ♀ Longfoot
- Jemica Webber - Vegetable Farmer - Elder (91) ♀ Halfling
- Peonnamina Digwort-Calvert - Farm Hand - Elder (79) ♀ Longfoot
Group #2
- Milot Kirk of Emshead - Potato Farmer - Adult (26) ♂ Human
- Marchsso Benton-Reyne - Potato Farmer - Adult (39) ♂ Human
- Celedho Chetpen - Potato Farmer - Elder (75) ♂ Longfoot
- Bildadur Benton - Farmer - Adult (22) ♂ Halfling
- Amaramlda Chetpen of Lanorworth - Potato Farmer - Adult (73) ♀ Halfling
Group #3
- Matild Bernard-Gregory - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (22) ♀ Human
- Gormman Reyne (born Harmon-Reyne) - Farmer - Adult (21) ♂ Longfoot
- Rosetta Bernard - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (45) ♀ Longfoot
- Diamtha Chetpen of Chicaworth - Potato Farmer - Adult (28) ♀ Human
- Mimosoda Reyne - Farmer - Adult (20) ♀ Human
- Fatimla Webber-Haines - Vegetable Farmer - Adult (68) ♀ Halfling
- Folcaoc Harmon - Farmer - Adult (45) ♂ Longfoot
Group #4
- Rowalla Digwort-Reyne - Potato Farmer - Adult (23) ♀ Longfoot
- Gorhendadman Benton - Farmer - Adult (59) ♂ Longfoot
- Laur Benton - Farm Hand - Adult (74) ♀ Halfling
- Mimoima Greenman-Digwort of Lanorworth - Potato Farmer - Adult (57) ♀ Halfling
- Dinasic Digwort-Morrow of Lanorworth - Farm Hand - Elder (109) ♂ Halfling
Group #5
- Harriet Benton-Reyne - Potato Farmer - Adult (44) ♀ Longfoot
- Amandila Benton-Podwort - Farmer - Adult (22) ♀ Halfling
- Perry Penne of Port Loughfield - Farmer - Adult (39) ♂ Human