The Office of Public Advocacy

The Office of Public Advocacy is a modest building stone building adorned with Solos' symbol. The interior is quiet and solemn, with simple wooden furnishings and shelving holding legal tomes. There are several desks where clerics review cases and provide assistance.

One of the more commendable outcomes of Solosian Law is the entitlement of every citizen to an advocate, allowing them to defend themselves against charges or seek justice against others. The Office of Public Advocacy was established to fulfill this objective, funded by the church's coffers and manned by clerics from the local temple. Citizens who cannot afford legal representation can submit a plea to the office to be assigned an advocate.

Grand Inquisitor Eleanor Wayward has been steadily reducing funding for the office, leaving it unable to help everyone it should and forcing its staff to make difficult decisions.

Successful pleas may result in the appointment of an advocate from the following firms.


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